No Wall Money

The Chinese built a wall, we Germans built a wall, so why the Americans can´t? Who hates his country to such an extent that he denies it protection when needed?
No wall, keep it closed. The dems are full of shit and they know it. They all called or voted on a wall in the past so now they want to keep the government closed to cause max pain for all us deplorables. Just like obamas shut down, he only closed the parts of the government thst would hurt the most. Democrats are the scum of the earth, or maybe swamp. They will oppose everything Trump wants to do no matter what damage it does to the nation. I think they reprisent Mexico more than America.
Trump has so many angles he can play on this, from the 300,000+ who donated their own money to him just saying, "there is a National Security on the southern border, I sign NOTHING until we build a security wall there".

I feel for those in government, but this is the sovereignty, safety and security of the United States. It's his duty to defend her.

See how many Big Donors of both parties start applying pressure to get a deal done, wall and all.
I do see the Border Patrol as the key folks in this fight. They're for the wall, but over next week's and future paychecks?

From a year ago: Why More Border Patrol Agents Quit

Well that's not a fair position to put them in. They want the wall, if they say "look we have bills to pay too", that's nothing more than squeezing people. That's about as immoral as it comes, even as they are patriotic.

That's like Canadian soldiers who are willing to fight for their country and they are given decades old weapons.
I dont Get it!? The border patrol agents want it and they are closest to the situation. So what is the issue with building it?

Why don't you ask those who oppose it. I think it's a massive travesty, I don't understand how ANYONE can support not protecting your sovereignty.

If the military said, "our weapons are outdated and the Russian military can destroy us", both sides would (presumably) come to the table, wouldn't they? This is not much different, it's poisoning your nation.

Maybe some feel safe and cozy far away from where the harm is done...
I dont Get it!? The border patrol agents want it and they are closest to the situation. So what is the issue with building it?

Border Agents are understaffed and Trump has made that under staffing worse. Trump only spent 6% of the extra funding he got last year.

While Border Security is needed and improved, a wall isn't going to necessarily going to help in all cases... There are a few places where better barriers could be used and short walls could help but this is part of a double wall situation. Border agents say they need two barriers, so so one gets over the first barrier they can be stopped on the second barrier. (By the way this would not stop asylum seekers as they would be on US soil when they come over the first barrier and thus could just surrender themselves.)

Putting these types of barriers in remote places is a waste of time and can be detrimental to cross barrier communities. While certain people think there is the US and Mexico, people live on the border don't have such hard distinction and socialise across the border to the point they don't see such a hard border.

Then there is the land grab... The government would have to a big land grab of private citizens land to put in a barrier to divide there land & community... Texans living in these areas have seen the existing fencing and say a barrier is stupid.

Finally it is cost... Real cost estimates are $70bn to build the wall and $7bn per year to maintain... The Boarder patrol budget at the moment is $3.5bn... Think about that logically... A electronic surveillance system would cost just $1bn and has shown to be more effective in medium and low density and just effective in high density.

So there is ways to have a more secure border for cheaper but a grandiose wall isn't it...

Finally, all solutions for border security are really futile while such a demand is needed for high standard of living on one side of the border and the need for cheap labour on the other side. This is the Big Government getting in the way of the open market. If a proper cheap simple visa program was in place where people feel they could enter, work and leave and come back simply again then the border would be under a lot less pressure.
This is the real solution and the open market system was proposed by Reagan, he wanted to get Government as much out of the way as possible. He came from California and knew that US farms need workers and Mexicans are more than willing to work the harvesting season and then return home when season finishes. This is a model used all over the world...

E-Verify is a good idea if it goes with allowing the proper amount of workers in, about 12 million on last count....

Last month Breitbart wrote an article to stop unused Graduate Australian visas to be transferred to Irish Graduates... This about seriously, Irish have one of the highest rated undergraduates in the world, Ivy league school found their students struggled to pass Irish University Exam (There is a few reasons which I could into why).. Breitbart stated that the Irish would rob US graduates jobs. Problem is the is a massive shortage in graduates in the US job market at the moment (America's Job Problem: The U.S. Will Face a Shortage of 200,000+ Workers By 2018)...

Immigration and Refugee issues can't be solved in soundbites and real discussions about the cause and solution with open minded people who are willing to deal in real complex facts not trotted out antidotes...
I dont Get it!? The border patrol agents want it and they are closest to the situation. So what is the issue with building it?

Why don't you ask those who oppose it. I think it's a massive travesty, I don't understand how ANYONE can support not protecting your sovereignty.

If the military said, "our weapons are outdated and the Russian military can destroy us", both sides would (presumably) come to the table, wouldn't they? This is not much different, it's poisoning your nation.

Maybe some feel safe and cozy far away from where the harm is done...

A wall has never had popular support. Never.

Only 1/3 of Americans support funding a wall.

Only1/4 support a shutdown to fund it.

It's a loser no matter how you hype it
It always has been.
I dont Get it!? The border patrol agents want it and they are closest to the situation. So what is the issue with building it?

Why don't you ask those who oppose it. I think it's a massive travesty, I don't understand how ANYONE can support not protecting your sovereignty.

If the military said, "our weapons are outdated and the Russian military can destroy us", both sides would (presumably) come to the table, wouldn't they? This is not much different, it's poisoning your nation.

Maybe some feel safe and cozy far away from where the harm is done...

A wall has never had popular support. Never.

Only 1/3 of Americans support funding a wall.

Only1/4 support a shutdown to fund it.

It's a loser no matter how you hype it
It always has been.

51% of Americans want that wall.

We should have had it decades ago. Those illegals cost we the tax payers billions every year. That money could be used for America. Not illegals who have no business here.
The Chinese built a wall, we Germans built a wall, so why the Americans can´t? Who hates his country to such an extent that he denies it protection when needed?
I dont Get it!? The border patrol agents want it and they are closest to the situation. So what is the issue with building it?

Why don't you ask those who oppose it. I think it's a massive travesty, I don't understand how ANYONE can support not protecting your sovereignty.

If the military said, "our weapons are outdated and the Russian military can destroy us", both sides would (presumably) come to the table, wouldn't they? This is not much different, it's poisoning your nation.

Maybe some feel safe and cozy far away from where the harm is done...

A wall has never had popular support. Never.

Only 1/3 of Americans support funding a wall.

Only1/4 support a shutdown to fund it.

It's a loser no matter how you hype it
It always has been.

51% of Americans want that wall.

We should have had it decades ago. Those illegals cost we the tax payers billions every year. That money could be used for America. Not illegals who have no business here.

Ask that 51% how it should be funded and you get my numbers.

It's a loser. If it weren't, the Repub majority would have done it already.

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