No Wonder Children Are A Mess

Seems like the right wingers don't care about children getting shot or even murdered as long as there's more and more guns being sold..
Hell, it could save the state money. This from a fuckup pol in Alaska.

Alaska state Rep. David Eastman (R) has inspired outrage after a video of him went viral where he argues there's a "net benefit" to society when a child dies of abuse because then the state doesn't have to pay for their care and other services. Eastman campaigned on the "sanctity of human life."

Rep. David Eastman speaking in front of yellow wall with wooden cube pattern
Rep. David Eastman speaking in front of yellow wall with wooden cube pattern© Provided by Daily Dot
Eastman, who is also a Capitol rioter and an Oath Keeper, made his comments during a committee hearing in the Alaska legislature on Monday night. The committee was discussing a presentation about how measures to prevent child abuse save the state money in the long run, per Alaska Children's Trust, a nonprofit advocacy group whose chief executive officer was at the hearing.

"In the case where child abuse is fatal—obviously it's not good for the child—but it's actually a benefit to society because there aren't needs for government services and whatnot through the child's life," Eastman said.
I miss when criminals were treated like criminals.

If America is a white supremacist cesspool then the easiest answer is get rid of the blacks. If blacks make up such a small portion of the country instead of trying to change the country you remove the antagonizing factor, the blacks. Send them all back to Africa and racism is solved. Let the Asians and latins stay, they get along with whites decently enough.

It's win win. Blacks are instantly removed from racism and America is instantly not racist because what it's supposedly racist of is gone.

And anyone who doesn't like it is welcome to leave also.

Crime would go way way down.

Drug issues would go way down.

More jobs to fill.

Poverty and welfare would go down.

America would greatly improve very quickly.
I miss when criminals were treated like criminals.

If America is a white supremacist cesspool then the easiest answer is get rid of the blacks. If blacks make up such a small portion of the country instead of trying to change the country you remove the antagonizing factor, the blacks. Send them all back to Africa and racism is solved. Let the Asians and latins stay, they get along with whites decently enough.

It's win win. Blacks are instantly removed from racism and America is instantly not racist because what it's supposedly racist of is gone.

And anyone who doesn't like it is welcome to leave also.

Crime would go way way down.

Drug issues would go way down.

More jobs to fill.

Poverty and welfare would go down.

America would greatly improve very quickly.
I say we ship all the crackers back to northern Europe.

Problem solved and the florida meth problem is solved.
Children are more likely to have mental issues if they have "progressive" parents.
I wonder what part our schools and social media have to play in the rising mental illness with our children.

U.S. Teen Girls Experiencing Increased Sadness and Violence

According to new CDC data released today, nearly 3 in 5 (57%) U.S. teen girls felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021—double that of boys, representing a nearly 60% increase and the highest level reported over the past decade.

While all teens reported increasing mental health challenges, experiences of violence, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors, girls fared worse than boys across nearly all measures. The new report also confirms ongoing and extreme distress among teens who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning (LGBQ+).

A graph showing the increase of girls feeling sad and hopeless from 2011 to 2021

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I miss when criminals were treated like criminals.

If America is a white supremacist cesspool then the easiest answer is get rid of the blacks. If blacks make up such a small portion of the country instead of trying to change the country you remove the antagonizing factor, the blacks. Send them all back to Africa and racism is solved. Let the Asians and latins stay, they get along with whites decently enough.

It's win win. Blacks are instantly removed from racism and America is instantly not racist because what it's supposedly racist of is gone.

And anyone who doesn't like it is welcome to leave also.

Crime would go way way down.

Drug issues would go way down.

More jobs to fill.

Poverty and welfare would go down.

America would greatly improve very quickly.
I get the satire. But even if you were serious, it wouldn't work, because the bigots will always find some group they need to feel better than. Even if everyone was the same skin color, the bigots would find some physical attribute, or political belief to justify why so-and-so was an inferior sub-human. We see it happening today, when certain people are not allowed to even speak on college campus.
Leftists: "stop trying to stop access to children"!!

I don't know if it's political with you all or something far more devious but stop and there's more than a few on here that's worrisome
When you discuss saving money is children die from abuse, you are not worthy to serve in any gov't function.

Think how much money could be save if we worked to prevent child abuse? I mean, it is a crazy thought, but it could work.
We should focus on shutting down the church if we cared about ending child abuse. ;) It would do a hell of a lot towards ridding this world of violence and war.

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