Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Yet Christians claim Christianity is the only one true way. How can that be if noone agrees on what that might be?
That is not something I have ever said. What I have said many times that Catholic Saints often disagreed vehemently with one another.
That is not something I have ever said. What I have said many times that Catholic Saints often disagreed vehemently with one another.
So you don't think Christianity is the one true way? What other religions do you endorse?
That's the silliest thing I ever heard. Name any single group that agrees on "major tenets", let alone three different groups. And that includes families and couples.

So your all powerful god was incapable of sending the same messages to everyone then?

Or maybe he was just fucking with you all and deliberately sending mixed messages for his own amusement.
Yet Christians claim Christianity is the only one true way. How can that be if noone agrees on what that might be?
Muslims say theirs is that last and greatest religion
Jews disavow both Islam and Christianity

They both think they're right too
No, sorry. I am not delusional and childish and don't speak that way. That's all you.
Muslims say theirs is that last and greatest religion
Jews disavow both Islam and Christianity

They both think they're right too
Of course each religion thinks theirs is the one true religion. My point was a little more focused. Within Christianity, Meryweather said there is disagrement on basic tenets. I fail to see how Christians can claim to be the one true religion if christians can't even agree on what it entails.
I absolutely do. Faith is belief without proof.

Like the way a child believes there is a monster under the bed
It's that assessment right there that tells me you have absolutely no understanding of what faith is, how it is used or the power it holds. None, zero, nada, zilch. If I believed as you do, I wouldn't believe in faith either. The problem is I have experienced the power of faith and know faith is real. So I can't believe as you do because I know better. Faith when practiced properly switches on all the learning centers of the mind.
You don;t know as much as you think you do about anything, Sigmund Fraud
I know that you dismiss every aspect of your spiritual nature and that you look down on others that don't. I know that you are intentionally being disrespectful when you use the phrase "gods" in your posts. I know more about you than you think I do.
The universe isn't self aware and most humans aren't either.
Of course the universe is self aware. You are literally part of the universe. The matter in your body was created when space and time popped into existence. Ergo the universe became self aware of itself. It's just science.
Of course each religion thinks theirs is the one true religion. My point was a little more focused. Within Christianity, Meryweather said there is disagrement on basic tenets. I fail to see how Christians can claim to be the one true religion if christians can't even agree on what it entails.
You should stop letting religion interfere with you discovering God. It may be a convenient excuse but it's not a good reason.

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