Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Your miracle will be in Faith and your spirit finding a fantastic home after you die. A reward for following his guidance and instruction. Being born, in America at that; was your greatest miracle. You should be more concerned with the other "miracle" if you defy G-d,.mock him, deny basic decency of your fellow man, betray his laws. Maybe you will just pass and decompose, spiritless. However, if you are wrong...
I don't that being born in American at this time was a miracle but it certainly was a stroke of great fortune. I can't defy or mock God since I don't believe he exists. I do believe in the basic decency of my fellow man so, if there is a God, I think we'll get along just fine should we ever meet and why I'm not worried if I'm wrong.

It is you who should be worried since you are the believer. What if there is a judgement day you come before Allah and he asked if you've honored the 5 pillars? Or Shiva sends you back as a toad?
I've been wanting to get back to this when I had more time. One of the reasons I am interested in happiness is because when I was in elementary school I read what Abraham Lincoln said about happiness. It stuck with me. He said:

I've found people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

This reminds me of this from Marcus Aurelius

The world is dyed by the color of your thoughts

“The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes the color of your thoughts.” He also said, “Our life is what our thoughts make it.” If you see the world as a negative, horrible place, you’re right. If you look for shittiness, you will see shittiness. If you believe that you were screwed, you’re right. But if you look for beauty in the mundane, you’ll see it. If you look for evidence of goodness in people, you’ll find it. If you decide to see the agency and power you do have over your life (which as we’ve said is largely in how we think), well, you’ll find you have quite a bit.

I was happy without kids. I was happy with kids. I've been happy driving, not driving, in my garden, not in my garden. So...what is the deeper reason for being happy? Crepitus said he was naturally happy, which is a step inward to why are we happy. And that is where we stopped or paused. Why are we happy? Is it because we make up our minds to be? Or is it something deeper?

Having given this so much thought over the decades, I wonder if being naturally happy is related to being thankful. It is not so much that my daughters make me happy (though they do), I am so thankful for them. I am thankful for my car, my garden, a chance to do a good job each day. That leads to the question of who do we thank?

The problem with this thinking is that would mean those that are not naturally happy are not thankful for what they have, which I cannot agree with. I am a "the glass is not big enough" kind of guy while my wife is a "there is a crack in the glass and it will break any second" kind of person. We tend to balance each other nicely. But this does not make her not thankful for all we have, in some ways it makes her more thankful than me as she sees the good things as unexpected blessings while I see them as an expected outcome.
Got an example of a theocracy of the Bible ever since the Bible was compiled at the Council of Nicaea in 325?
You're kidding, right? Europe was, until recently, a symbiosis or struggle of politics and religion. The struggles of kings vs Popes for example. In Martin Luthor's Germany, the religion of a kingdom was determined by the king.
I don't that being born in American at this time was a miracle but it certainly was a stroke of great fortune. I can't defy or mock God since I don't believe he exists. I do believe in the basic decency of my fellow man so, if there is a God, I think we'll get along just fine should we ever meet and why I'm not worried if I'm wrong.

It is you who should be worried since you are the believer. What if there is a judgement day you come before Allah and he asked if you've honored the 5 pillars? Or Shiva sends you back as a toad?
I will accept my fate then, what choice.would I have?
Opiate of the masses. There is a separation of church and state written into the US Constitution because there is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion.
That was to prevent the Government to impose their brand on me or you. But it was not to control religion at all. Not even close.
And Jews and Muslims do not worship the god that walked the earth as a human

The god of the NT is NOT the god of the OT according to both Jews and Muslims.

Jews completely disavow Jesus as the human embodiment of God and call him a false prophet

Muslims deny Jesus was God incarnate and only say he was a prophet but not as important a prophet as Mohammed.

Different gods
Different gods

for them, they are monotheistic - they do disservice to their brothers and sisters to not resolve their differences than work in opposite directions - as they do worship the same god as proclaimed by moses - the creator.

or admit polytheism, once and for all - as that is how they live their lives.

or best, renounce the liar moses and simply be happy for the heavens and their existence.
I was just having this conversation with my fiancee. A long time ago I couldn't make up my mind on what I actually believed since there are so many beliefs out there, but that's the problem. I was thinking with my mind instead of my heart and the mind can deceive you and has caused me to doubt in the past, but my heart has never faltered.
That's idiotic, one's heart has often lead to misguided ideas ; that's what emotions and emotional issues do to us. Thinking , really thinking about things and reasoning things out seldom fails , those people we call wise.
That's idiotic, one's heart has often lead to misguided ideas ; that's what emotions and emotional issues do to us. Thinking , really thinking about things and reasoning things out seldom fails , those people we call wise.

who's kidding who, "seldom fails" ...

is that a collective, do you believe garden earth is headed to a greater paradise or just maybe in 150 years a complete collapse in total chaos.

- how many are wise ... or took a while to work that out that did not seldom fail.

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