Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Hey, fella. I have ancestors who were on that boat and I believe their story.
Which is going to have more truth associated with it? The story of Noah written by Moses in the book of Genesis, which has survived for thousands of years?

Or some Youtube video that only been around for four years?

Do you really think that Youtube video or the person who made it, will even be remembered thousands of years from now? You can bet that the story of the Great Flood and Noah's Ark will still be remembered.
Argument: The story of Noah, events common to all ancient cultures, is false because other cultures have similar stories.
Yes, the writers of our Torah stole the flood tale from previous accounts.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
You do know that story, as you just described it, is an impossibility on multiple levels, right?
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
You do know that story, as you just described it, is an impossibility on multiple levels, right?
Its far more likely than random atoms bouncing together to create awareness
Argument: The story of Noah, events common to all ancient cultures, is false because other cultures have similar stories.
Yes, the writers of our Torah stole the flood tale from previous accounts.
Yep, the dirty bastards stole it from the Palistinians.
Was that just before, or just after, they sent the hit squads into Palestine to kill all the babies in the hospitals? You know, the incident where they flew jets into all the buildings over 6 stories in Palestine because they heard that stories that old Palestinian ladies looked down on them?
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.

It’s the retelling of an ancient myth devoid of fact, reason, or logic.

It’s further proof that religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, and that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
You do know that story, as you just described it, is an impossibility on multiple levels, right?
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

People today don't know about these things. What they have got has been passed down to them in an unending game of "telephone." I used to subscribe to Biblical Archaeology Review (unfortunately having to part with my back issues when I moved). Gilgamesh, Hammurabi, all the rest, including the Gnostic Gospels. Fascinating stuff! Thank you.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
You do know that story, as you just described it, is an impossibility on multiple levels, right?
Its far more likely than random atoms bouncing together to create awareness

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