Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

Everything happens for a reason. :smile:
But we don't always know the reason, and "God did it" is never a suitable substitute for the scientific method.
Of course we know the reasons. It's not like moral and physical laws are a secret or anything.
No, we don't always know the reason for a thing happening. You pretend you do, and you try to convince everyone that "God did it" is the satisfactory answer to the question, "Why did ___ happen?" (fill in the blank) But, it's not. It is never the satisfactory answer. The satisfactory answer is, I don't know, let's find out," and then proceed with the scientific method to arrive at an answer.
Liberals cannot grasp the concept of "some things can't be proven or disproven". But we have proven that science rocks is plagiarized. Here's how we know:

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Everything happens for a reason. :smile:
But we don't always know the reason, and "God did it" is never a suitable substitute for the scientific method.
Of course we know the reasons. It's not like moral and physical laws are a secret or anything.
No, we don't always know the reason for a thing happening. You pretend you do, and you try to convince everyone that "God did it" is the satisfactory answer to the question, "Why did ___ happen?" (fill in the blank) But, it's not. It is never the satisfactory answer. The satisfactory answer is, I don't know, let's find out," and then proceed with the scientific method to arrive at an answer.
If you can't figure out why something happened to you maybe it's because you haven't been honest with yourself.
So, you're talking about why "things happen to me". That's not what I was talking about. I'm talking about phenomena in the universe. As far as one's personal life, "God did it" isn't necessary, either. "Why did John punch me if the face?" Well, "God told him to" is probably not the right answer. "Because I called his daughter a whore, and his wife a bitch" probably is. In one's personal life, why things happen can usually be sussed out by one's own actions, and the realisation that actions have consequences. "Why did my son get Cancer?" Not only is "God did it" not a sufficient answer, it's an offensive answer. Really? God hated me, personally, so much that he struck my kid with a fatal disease?!?! Well, then, fuck God! The more reasonable answer is "Shit happens. It sucks, but the universe is random, and sometimes shit just happens,"
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Nope. Belief in God without sufficient evidence is absurd. There is no objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God. Thus belief in such is absurd. I thought I was being clear.
And you believe that people should be taught that religion is absurd.
Well, yeah. Since the basis of religion is a belief in God, and we have already determined that belief in God is absurd, I absolutely believe we should teach that religion is absurd.
No. You determined that religion is absurd.

I determined that it serves a very valuable purpose.
It serves no purpose that cannot be equally served by secular sources, other than to encourage worshipping the God whose existence there is no objective, verifiable evidence. So, no. It doesn't serve any "valuable" purpose.
Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.
And that is slowly changing, thank reason.
Everything happens for a reason. :smile:
But we don't always know the reason, and "God did it" is never a suitable substitute for the scientific method.
Of course we know the reasons. It's not like moral and physical laws are a secret or anything.
No, we don't always know the reason for a thing happening. You pretend you do, and you try to convince everyone that "God did it" is the satisfactory answer to the question, "Why did ___ happen?" (fill in the blank) But, it's not. It is never the satisfactory answer. The satisfactory answer is, I don't know, let's find out," and then proceed with the scientific method to arrive at an answer.
Liberals cannot grasp the concept of "some things can't be proven or disproven".
Fuck off. This has nothing to do with "Liberals" There are Liberal theists, as well as Conservative theists. Guess what? Their both equally irrational. And if you want to go with "some things can't be proven or disproven", that's fine. But, then, theists need to quit insisting they can/have "proven" the existence of God; particularly insisting that science can/has proven the existence of God. Because that claim is simply not true. And those of us who are rationalists refuse to devote our lives to a thing that has not/cannot be proven to exist.

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