Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

Hey. I'm responding to the absurdity of Littlenipper's literal interpretation of the Noah story, which is simply not possible.
No, you're not. You're trolling.
Actually, I was honestly responding to him. The one trolling would be the dickwad who just wants to attack the person engaging in discussion. that would be you. Do feel free to fuck off with your bullshit.
And I was honestly responding to your response. See how that works?

Do I need to pull up your old posts where you admit that you seek out believers to ridicule for your own pleasure?
My motives for posting is irrelevant. If my facts are incorrect, you should have no problem refuting them. However, since you clearly have no way of doing that, you have chosen, instead, to attempt to cast doubt on those facts, by attacking my character.

Do better...
Your motive of subordinating religion is 100% relevant.

I don't find it surprising that a person practicing subversive behavior under the cover of deceit (i.e. motives aren't important) would take offense at the person pulling the curtain back.

It was entirely predictable.
I'm not offended. I am amused at your need to resort to personal attack, because your reason, again, fails you.
God I hate it when idiots do this.

I find it ironic, considering, if my memory serves me, you were insisting in a discussion not long ago that no Christians take the Noah story literally. Well? Here's one that obviously does.
I was referring to you in my post.
Hey. I'm responding to the absurdity of Littlenipper's literal interpretation of the Noah story, which is simply not possible.
Well, you believe God is absurd, and we all know how wrong you are there.:disagree:
I have never said that God is "absurd". Belief in God without sufficient evidence is absurd. But that's entirely different. Rejecting science, simply because it contradicts your faith is absurd. But that is entirely different.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
You do know that story, as you just described it, is an impossibility on multiple levels, right?
I do not see it any more impossible than building a ship out of reinforced concrete. And that certainly has been done. I note that there were cat kinds, dog kinds, cattle, horses and more than likely a very limited number of breeds. I see no reason that given the flatness of the original planet, that much of the water erupted from inside the planet and hit the planet in the form of comets, asteroids, and possibly a collapsing ice canopy/shield around the planet. The entire event seems more than scientifically possible --- it sounds highly probable.
First, as there were only "two of every kind", specifically for "repopulating" the planet, how do you suppose the animals were fed? Particularly the carnivores? Second, there is no evidence whatsoever that the earth, 6,000 years ago was "flat", and there is zero geological evidence of a global flood. Finally, there is the question of the Ark itself.

The Ark was, according to the Bible, 14 feet high, 450 feet long, and 75 feet wide, and in order for the Biblical account to be accurate, contained over 50,000 animals, 2 million insects, 7 people, a 600-year-oldman, and enough provisions for a year. Now, it may be difficult to comprehend what is wrong with this picture without a point of reference, so let's use the titanic, one of the largest ships ever built. It was 175 feet tall, 882 feet long, and 92 feet wide, and its full capacity was 3,547 people, and enough provisions for only a couple of weeks.

See the problem here?
The Sumerian Gods (aliens) showed the folks how to get DNA. No food was needed.
I. LOVE. SCIENCE. It does not have to be one or the other, silly.
welllll....except it does. The theists demonstrates, repeatedly, that if a thing claimed by faith is contrary to science, he will choose faith. Peter LaRufa rather summed it up nicely:

If somewhere in the Bible, I were to find a passage said 2 + 2 = 5 then I wouldn't question what I'm reading. I would believe it, accept it as true, and then do my best to work it out and understand it.

When a theist can say that with a straight face, then faith cannot be reconciled with reason.
You cling to a belief that there is no GOD. You seem to struggle with Creationist finds. You simply believe that they lie. I believe that most evolutionists do not lie, they just ignore GOD. That would be a very strategic piece of data to ignore. And any missing data is going to change the answer one gets ---- Just take any math, algebraic, geometry test and leave out even the smallest piece of data on each problem and see what your grade will be.
Ironically, there is a sumerian story that closely resembles the story of the tower of babel as well.
Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!
But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.
The flood was long before Abraham.
So was the story just passed down?
No, they found thumb drives documenting what occurred.
Probably just as likely as the flood happening to begin with
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?
Sorry, but you cannot p
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?
Australia has not been occupied any longer than Egypt. Australia has not cornered the market on either ancient human culture or animal existence. And there is no way to prove that Australia was not once connected to Asia.
Australia was absolutely connected Asia like 200M years ago LOL
So you're off by 200 million years. I'll forgive you the mistake.
Ummm ok
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
The continent now called Australia didn't exist at the time of the flood? So when was the flood for there not to be this continent?
The Flood triggered a series of events that formed the continents. The land was there but the Flood brought about both rising and lowering to various regions of earth's topography.

Such is eluded to Post Flood in Genesis 10:25 To ‘Ever were born two sons. One was given the name Peleg [division], because during his lifetime the earth was divided. His brother’s name was Yoktan.
The geologic records don't support your theory. How do you explain that?

You may wish to consider the following: University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue in dinosaur bones | God Reports

Top Ten Scientific Facts : Evolution is False and Impossible., page 1
Hey dude....nobody is going to read articles you never read and then spoonfeed them back to you.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
The continent now called Australia didn't exist at the time of the flood? So when was the flood for there not to be this continent?
The Flood triggered a series of events that formed the continents. The land was there but the Flood brought about both rising and lowering to various regions of earth's topography.

Such is eluded to Post Flood in Genesis 10:25 To ‘Ever were born two sons. One was given the name Peleg [division], because during his lifetime the earth was divided. His brother’s name was Yoktan.
The geologic records don't support your theory. How do you explain that?

You may wish to consider the following: University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue in dinosaur bones | God Reports

Top Ten Scientific Facts : Evolution is False and Impossible., page 1
Interestingly, the palaeontologist who discovered the bone - Mary Schweitzer - thinks you, and your fellow "Young Earthers" are full of shit, and is mad that you keep misrepresenting her findings:

Young-earth creationists also see Schweitzer’s work as revolutionary, but in an entirely different way. They first seized upon Schweitzer’s work after she wrote an article for the popular science magazine Earth in 1997 about possible red blood cells in her dinosaur specimens. Creation magazine claimed that Schweitzer’s research was “powerful testimony against the whole idea of dinosaurs living millions of years ago. It speaks volumes for the Bible’s account of a recent creation.”

This drives Schweitzer crazy. Geologists have established that the Hell Creek Formation, where B. rex was found, is 68 million years old, and so are the bones buried in it. She’s horrified that some Christians accuse her of hiding the true meaning of her data. “They treat you really bad,” she says. “They twist your words and they manipulate your data.”

So, maybe you guys should stop misrepresenting her findings, and her position. Just a thought...
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Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
The continent now called Australia didn't exist at the time of the flood? So when was the flood for there not to be this continent?
The Flood triggered a series of events that formed the continents. The land was there but the Flood brought about both rising and lowering to various regions of earth's topography.

Such is eluded to Post Flood in Genesis 10:25 To ‘Ever were born two sons. One was given the name Peleg [division], because during his lifetime the earth was divided. His brother’s name was Yoktan.
The geologic records don't support your theory. How do you explain that?

You may wish to consider the following: University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue in dinosaur bones | God Reports

Top Ten Scientific Facts : Evolution is False and Impossible., page 1
Interestingly, the palaeontologist who discovered the bone - Mary Schweitzer - think you, and your fellow "Young Earthers" are full of shit, and is mad that you keep misrepresenting her findings:

Young-earth creationists also see Schweitzer’s work as revolutionary, but in an entirely different way. They first seized upon Schweitzer’s work after she wrote an article for the popular science magazine Earth in 1997 about possible red blood cells in her dinosaur specimens. Creation magazine claimed that Schweitzer’s research was “powerful testimony against the whole idea of dinosaurs living millions of years ago. It speaks volumes for the Bible’s account of a recent creation.”

This drives Schweitzer crazy. Geologists have established that the Hell Creek Formation, where B. rex was found, is 68 million years old, and so are the bones buried in it. She’s horrified that some Christians accuse her of hiding the true meaning of her data. “They treat you really bad,” she says. “They twist your words and they manipulate your data.”

So, maybe you guys should stop misrepresenting her findings, and her position. Just a thought...
Hah....good luck with that one. These people will look at a cave drawing and claim it is proof of a young earth, while rejecting mountains of mutually supportive, empirical evidence. They will call all scientists liars and incompetent and misrepresent their work, then degenerate into quivering little crybabies the moment you DARE return the "complement" or interpret their bronze age religious text in a manner any different than do they. You are not playing on a level playing field, here. You aren't going to reason with or "out tantrum" a toddler.

This is how silly it is to believe in the ark! One can NOT be logical or a thinking human being and still believe this.

Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.

Reason is the enemy of atheism --- not Christianity. I don't see anything atheists have done that has made the world a safer, better, healthier place to live. In fact, take away electricity and I imagine that many would not even be able to communicate.

What the fuck are you babbling about??? Your diatribe has nothing to do with what I posted. Reason isn't about "making the world safer, healthier, or better," It is about approaching questions with evidence, rational thought, and examination.
Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!
But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.
The flood was long before Abraham.
So was the story just passed down?
No, they found thumb drives documenting what occurred.
Probably just as likely as the flood happening to begin with
Too much evidence to ignore.
How many millions of years did it take for the layers shown to form do you think?

About a week.

These rocks were not deposited in slow layers over millions of years. An abrupt event occurred.

How many millions of years for this canyon to form?


About a year.
God I hate it when idiots do this.

I find it ironic, considering, if my memory serves me, you were insisting in a discussion not long ago that no Christians take the Noah story literally. Well? Here's one that obviously does.
I was referring to you in my post.
Hey. I'm responding to the absurdity of Littlenipper's literal interpretation of the Noah story, which is simply not possible.
Well, you believe God is absurd, and we all know how wrong you are there.:disagree:
I have never said that God is "absurd". Belief in God without sufficient evidence is absurd. But that's entirely different. Rejecting science, simply because it contradicts your faith is absurd. But that is entirely different.
And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.

You can't even keep up with your own lies.
But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.
The flood was long before Abraham.
So was the story just passed down?
No, they found thumb drives documenting what occurred.
Probably just as likely as the flood happening to begin with
Too much evidence to ignore.
How many millions of years did it take for the layers shown to form do you think?
View attachment 169203
About a week.

These rocks were not deposited in slow layers over millions of years. An abrupt event occurred.

How many millions of years for this canyon to form?
View attachment 169204
View attachment 169205

About a year.
Haha, look at weatherman just making shit up again. You are wrong, you know less than nothing about any of this, and everything you say contradicts all of the evidence.
The flood was long before Abraham.
So was the story just passed down?
No, they found thumb drives documenting what occurred.
Probably just as likely as the flood happening to begin with
Too much evidence to ignore.
How many millions of years did it take for the layers shown to form do you think?
View attachment 169203
About a week.

These rocks were not deposited in slow layers over millions of years. An abrupt event occurred.

How many millions of years for this canyon to form?
View attachment 169204
View attachment 169205

About a year.
Haha, look at weatherman just making shit up again. You are wrong, you know less than nothing about any of this, and everything you say contradicts all of the evidence.
Poor baby is threatened with the truth. It is at Mount St. Helens, shitforbrains.
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Shitforbrains has no clue to what happened at the Tower of Babel.

Ironically, there is a sumerian story that closely resembles the story of the tower of babel as well.

Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!

But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.
What don't you understand? The Bible stories begin at the beginning of Creation and were oral. The various civilizations began to write down these oral accounts. And it was Moses through the enlightenment by the Holy Spirit who sorted out the mistakes, distortions and additions leaving only TRUTH.
So was the story just passed down?
No, they found thumb drives documenting what occurred.
Probably just as likely as the flood happening to begin with
Too much evidence to ignore.
How many millions of years did it take for the layers shown to form do you think?
View attachment 169203
About a week.

These rocks were not deposited in slow layers over millions of years. An abrupt event occurred.

How many millions of years for this canyon to form?
View attachment 169204
View attachment 169205

About a year.
Haha, look at weatherman just making shit up again. You are wrong, you know less than nothing about any of this, and everything you say contradicts all of the evidence.
Poor baby is threatened with the truth. It is at Mount St. Helens, shitforbrains.
No dummy, you are 100% wrong. You couldn't even make the hilariously wrong young earth arguments in your own words if your life depended on it, so I'm not going to emgage you on your embarrassing bullshit.
No, they found thumb drives documenting what occurred.
Probably just as likely as the flood happening to begin with
Too much evidence to ignore.
How many millions of years did it take for the layers shown to form do you think?
View attachment 169203
About a week.

These rocks were not deposited in slow layers over millions of years. An abrupt event occurred.

How many millions of years for this canyon to form?
View attachment 169204
View attachment 169205

About a year.
Haha, look at weatherman just making shit up again. You are wrong, you know less than nothing about any of this, and everything you say contradicts all of the evidence.
Poor baby is threatened with the truth. It is at Mount St. Helens, shitforbrains.
No dummy, you are 100% wrong. You couldn't even make the hilariously wrong young earth arguments in your own words if your life depended on it, so I'm not going to emgage you on your embarrassing bullshit.
You are a joke. You obviously don't have a clue what you are babbling about. Screaming at pictures simply shows how desperate you are.
Probably just as likely as the flood happening to begin with
Too much evidence to ignore.
How many millions of years did it take for the layers shown to form do you think?
View attachment 169203
About a week.

These rocks were not deposited in slow layers over millions of years. An abrupt event occurred.

How many millions of years for this canyon to form?
View attachment 169204
View attachment 169205

About a year.
Haha, look at weatherman just making shit up again. You are wrong, you know less than nothing about any of this, and everything you say contradicts all of the evidence.
Poor baby is threatened with the truth. It is at Mount St. Helens, shitforbrains.
No dummy, you are 100% wrong. You couldn't even make the hilariously wrong young earth arguments in your own words if your life depended on it, so I'm not going to emgage you on your embarrassing bullshit.
You are a joke. You obviously don't have a clue what you are babbling about. Screaming at pictures simply shows how desperate you are.
You have not a shred of evidence. You have no published science to support your magical bullshit. You understand less than nothing about any of thism. Also, all of the evidence contradicts your claims, and all of the evidence is mutually supportive. Sorry dummy...this is your lot in life: Screaming hilarious, demonstrably false claims into an echo chamber on an obscure sire on the internet. Trust me, it's where you belong.

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