Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

I. LOVE. SCIENCE. It does not have to be one or the other, silly.
welllll....except it does. The theists demonstrates, repeatedly, that if a thing claimed by faith is contrary to science, he will choose faith. Peter LaRufa rather summed it up nicely:

If somewhere in the Bible, I were to find a passage said 2 + 2 = 5 then I wouldn't question what I'm reading. I would believe it, accept it as true, and then do my best to work it out and understand it.

When a theist can say that with a straight face, then faith cannot be reconciled with reason.
You cling to a belief that there is no GOD. You seem to struggle with Creationist finds. You simply believe that they lie. I believe that most evolutionists do not lie, they just ignore GOD. That would be a very strategic piece of data to ignore. And any missing data is going to change the answer one gets ---- Just take any math, algebraic, geometry test and leave out even the smallest piece of data on each problem and see what your grade will be.

This is how silly it is to believe in the ark! One can NOT be logical or a thinking human being and still believe this.

Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.

Reason is the enemy of atheism --- not Christianity. I don't see anything atheists have done that has made the world a safer, better, healthier place to live. In fact, take away electricity and I imagine that many would not even be able to communicate.

What the fuck are you babbling about??? Your diatribe has nothing to do with what I posted. Reason isn't about "making the world safer, healthier, or better," It is about approaching questions with evidence, rational thought, and examination.

I can tell you are upset. Atheists always sink to using foul language when they try to intimidate. It's called getting the big guns! You may not realize it but you are not helping your side of the debate. You come across as a hillbilly at best and an uneducated lout. I'm not impressed
I. LOVE. SCIENCE. It does not have to be one or the other, silly.
welllll....except it does. The theists demonstrates, repeatedly, that if a thing claimed by faith is contrary to science, he will choose faith. Peter LaRufa rather summed it up nicely:

If somewhere in the Bible, I were to find a passage said 2 + 2 = 5 then I wouldn't question what I'm reading. I would believe it, accept it as true, and then do my best to work it out and understand it.

When a theist can say that with a straight face, then faith cannot be reconciled with reason.
You cling to a belief that there is no GOD. You seem to struggle with Creationist finds. You simply believe that they lie. I believe that most evolutionists do not lie, they just ignore GOD. That would be a very strategic piece of data to ignore. And any missing data is going to change the answer one gets ---- Just take any math, algebraic, geometry test and leave out even the smallest piece of data on each problem and see what your grade will be.

See what I mean? It doesnt matter that the "irreducible complexity" argument has been debunked a million times over by every biologist on the planet. These people did not arrive at their positions by reason, so you are certainly not going to be able to use reason to dislodge them from these positions.
You may not realize it but you are not helping your side of the debate
Haha...okay. Look dude...if Czernobog were to kill a puppy on live TV , you would still be on the side of the argument hat lost 150 years ago. These things are decided on evidence, not on what Czernobog had for breakfast this morning.

This is how silly it is to believe in the ark! One can NOT be logical or a thinking human being and still believe this.

Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.

Reason is the enemy of atheism --- not Christianity. I don't see anything atheists have done that has made the world a safer, better, healthier place to live. In fact, take away electricity and I imagine that many would not even be able to communicate.

What the fuck are you babbling about??? Your diatribe has nothing to do with what I posted. Reason isn't about "making the world safer, healthier, or better," It is about approaching questions with evidence, rational thought, and examination.

I can tell you are upset. Atheists always sink to using foul language when they try to intimidate. It's called getting the big guns! You may not realize it but you are not helping your side of the debate. You come across as a hillbilly at best and an uneducated lout. I'm not impressed

LOL. Adult language offends me! Wahhh!! And you claim I'm upset. LOL. That wasn't anger. That was utter confusion. You were babbling about how icky Atheists are, while claiming to be a defender of reason. I notice that, instead of addre3ssing your clear lack of understanding what reason is, you instead just dismiss me. It's okay. We understand that you have nothing rational left.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
The continent now called Australia didn't exist at the time of the flood? So when was the flood for there not to be this continent?
The Flood triggered a series of events that formed the continents. The land was there but the Flood brought about both rising and lowering to various regions of earth's topography.

Such is eluded to Post Flood in Genesis 10:25 To ‘Ever were born two sons. One was given the name Peleg [division], because during his lifetime the earth was divided. His brother’s name was Yoktan.
The geologic records don't support your theory. How do you explain that?

You may wish to consider the following: University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue in dinosaur bones | God Reports

Top Ten Scientific Facts : Evolution is False and Impossible., page 1
You’re saying that all science is false? :lmao:

How do you folks even remember to breathe? :biggrin:
You may not realize it but you are not helping your side of the debate
Haha...okay. Look dude...if Czernobog were to kill a puppy on live TV , you would still be on the side of the argument hat lost 150 years ago. These things are decided on evidence, not on what Czernobog had for breakfast this morning.
Truth always produces open upright behavior. Evidence is not what what produced evolution, secular opinion had no other choice. The argument was never lost --- consider the Scopes Monkey Trial. The science departments and education were hacked and stolen by self-righteous know-it-all's --- who after demanding a voice ----- took it away from anyone else who disagreed.
You may not realize it but you are not helping your side of the debate
Haha...okay. Look dude...if Czernobog were to kill a puppy on live TV , you would still be on the side of the argument hat lost 150 years ago. These things are decided on evidence, not on what Czernobog had for breakfast this morning.
Truth always produces open upright behavior. Evidence is not what what produced evolution, secular opinion had no other choice. The argument was never lost --- consider the Scopes Monkey Trial. The science departments and education were hacked and stolen by self-righteous know-it-all's --- who after demanding a voice ----- took it away from anyone else who disagreed.
The argument was lost 150 years ago. Yes, evidence led us to evolution, and saying otherwise is a shameless liem. You have not a shred of evidence for your claims, and all of the evidence contradicts them. You regurgitate childish fallacies that have been debunked many times over. You are emplying neither reason nor evidence in your goofy denial, nor does any exist for you to employ.
Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.
Reason is the enemy of atheism --- not Christianity. I don't see anything atheists have done that has made the world a safer, better, healthier place to live. In fact, take away electricity and I imagine that many would not even be able to communicate.
What the fuck are you babbling about??? Your diatribe has nothing to do with what I posted. Reason isn't about "making the world safer, healthier, or better," It is about approaching questions with evidence, rational thought, and examination.
I can tell you are upset. Atheists always sink to using foul language when they try to intimidate. It's called getting the big guns! You may not realize it but you are not helping your side of the debate. You come across as a hillbilly at best and an uneducated lout. I'm not impressed
LOL. Adult language offends me! Wahhh!! And you claim I'm upset. LOL. That wasn't anger. That was utter confusion. You were babbling about how icky Atheists are, while claiming to be a defender of reason. I notice that, instead of addre3ssing your clear lack of understanding what reason is, you instead just dismiss me. It's okay. We understand that you have nothing rational left.
ADULT LANGUAGE? You sound like a prepubescent who needs his mouth washed out with Life Buoy. You likely play doctor too --- I suppose, and think that's an adult game...... You lack educated responses.
I. LOVE. SCIENCE. It does not have to be one or the other, silly.
welllll....except it does. The theists demonstrates, repeatedly, that if a thing claimed by faith is contrary to science, he will choose faith. Peter LaRufa rather summed it up nicely:

If somewhere in the Bible, I were to find a passage said 2 + 2 = 5 then I wouldn't question what I'm reading. I would believe it, accept it as true, and then do my best to work it out and understand it.

When a theist can say that with a straight face, then faith cannot be reconciled with reason.
You cling to a belief that there is no GOD. You seem to struggle with Creationist finds. You simply believe that they lie. I believe that most evolutionists do not lie, they just ignore GOD. That would be a very strategic piece of data to ignore. And any missing data is going to change the answer one gets ---- Just take any math, algebraic, geometry test and leave out even the smallest piece of data on each problem and see what your grade will be.

See what I mean? It doesnt matter that the "irreducible complexity" argument has been debunked a million times over by every biologist on the planet. These people did not arrive at their positions by reason, so you are certainly not going to be able to use reason to dislodge them from these positions.
Every biologist is not an evolutionist. Anyone who is not saved is living in darkness.
And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.
Reason is the enemy of atheism --- not Christianity. I don't see anything atheists have done that has made the world a safer, better, healthier place to live. In fact, take away electricity and I imagine that many would not even be able to communicate.
What the fuck are you babbling about??? Your diatribe has nothing to do with what I posted. Reason isn't about "making the world safer, healthier, or better," It is about approaching questions with evidence, rational thought, and examination.
I can tell you are upset. Atheists always sink to using foul language when they try to intimidate. It's called getting the big guns! You may not realize it but you are not helping your side of the debate. You come across as a hillbilly at best and an uneducated lout. I'm not impressed
LOL. Adult language offends me! Wahhh!! And you claim I'm upset. LOL. That wasn't anger. That was utter confusion. You were babbling about how icky Atheists are, while claiming to be a defender of reason. I notice that, instead of addre3ssing your clear lack of understanding what reason is, you instead just dismiss me. It's okay. We understand that you have nothing rational left.
ADULT LANGUAGE? You sound like a prepubescent who needs his mouth washed out with Life Buoy. You likely play doctor too --- I suppose, and think that's an adult game...... You lack educated responses.
Which is, of course, why you are attacking me, and my choice of language, rather than actually responding to my "uneducated" responses. LOL
Unless you can prove that all the world was covered in 25,000 feet of water
One boat would have to hold two of each species on earth...Many millions of species!
Feed all those animals with their specific diets over months
Get those animals to the boat and back to where they were discovered

If you can't then it is bullshit.
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Sorry jews and zionist christians, only a retarded idiot would think the jewish Bible was factual. Jews HAVE to kind of support it, in order to rationalize their racism, their control of Hollywood, the Swamp, etc., and the mid east country they stole from the natives. The fact is the jewish Bible actually says the 12 tribes of Israel were from what is now southern Saudi Arabia.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
You do know that story, as you just described it, is an impossibility on multiple levels, right?
I do not see it any more impossible than building a ship out of reinforced concrete. And that certainly has been done. I note that there were cat kinds, dog kinds, cattle, horses and more than likely a very limited number of breeds. I see no reason that given the flatness of the original planet, that much of the water erupted from inside the planet and hit the planet in the form of comets, asteroids, and possibly a collapsing ice canopy/shield around the planet that a Flood occurred. The entire event seems more than scientifically possible --- it sounds highly probable.

I'm not sure where you got your info.

The planet was not flat before the flood.

And the water erupted from inside the planet? There was a massive volume of water INSIDE the planet?

Ice canopy/shield around the planet?
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

That's not how it works.

These primitives passed down the incident orally. Things were lost, and facts were changed.

Your Creator spoke to Moses face to face.

That's why it's called revelation.

Actually, there are oral traditions that are surprisingly accurate. In our modern world there are examples of tribes that passed down their history orally, since they had no written language. While it seems like a long game of "telephone", it was not. The story tellers would start when they were children, memorizing the story. The version told by the father would be word for word what the son told. The could not start in the middle or answer much in the way of questions about what they memorized, but they could tell and retell the story with amazing accuracy.

Not that this means the stories about gods were true.
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

I believe Gilgamesh also has a story of a baby that is put in a basket that later became the story of young Moses.
No, you're not. You're trolling.
Actually, I was honestly responding to him. The one trolling would be the dickwad who just wants to attack the person engaging in discussion. that would be you. Do feel free to fuck off with your bullshit.
And I was honestly responding to your response. See how that works?

Do I need to pull up your old posts where you admit that you seek out believers to ridicule for your own pleasure?
My motives for posting is irrelevant. If my facts are incorrect, you should have no problem refuting them. However, since you clearly have no way of doing that, you have chosen, instead, to attempt to cast doubt on those facts, by attacking my character.

Do better...
Your motive of subordinating religion is 100% relevant.

I don't find it surprising that a person practicing subversive behavior under the cover of deceit (i.e. motives aren't important) would take offense at the person pulling the curtain back.

It was entirely predictable.
I'm not offended. I am amused at your need to resort to personal attack, because your reason, again, fails you.
If you weren't offended then you wouldn't have seen this as a personal attack. Which is what YOU called it.

BTW, it wasn't a personal attack. I don't know how to say you seek to subordinate religion any nicer than that.

This is how silly it is to believe in the ark! One can NOT be logical or a thinking human being and still believe this.

Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.

Ummmm.... no. Reason is the friend of faith. One can clearly see objective truth by dying to self.

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