Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

If you took away stories in the abrahamic religions that werent already told by earlier cultures, you wouldnt have much. And you would have never heard of Jesus.
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.

Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?

Sorry, but you cannot p
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.

Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?

Australia has not been occupied any longer than Egypt. Australia has not cornered the market on either ancient human culture or animal existence. And there is no way to prove that Australia was not once connected to Asia.
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Shitforbrains has no clue to what happened at the Tower of Babel.

Ironically, there is a sumerian story that closely resembles the story of the tower of babel as well.

Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.

Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?

Sorry, but you cannot p
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.

Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?

Australia has not been occupied any longer than Egypt. Australia has not cornered the market on either ancient human culture or animal existence. And there is no way to prove that Australia was not once connected to Asia.

Australia was absolutely connected Asia like 200M years ago LOL
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Shitforbrains has no clue to what happened at the Tower of Babel.

Ironically, there is a sumerian story that closely resembles the story of the tower of babel as well.

Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!

But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

The great flood in the Tanakh and Bible is based on a Sumerian story.

So yes it was from another story passed on.

I would say that I am surprised that SR is such an idiot he never heard of this, but I am not surprised in the least. He is an idiot of the highest caliber.
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Shitforbrains has no clue to what happened at the Tower of Babel.

Ironically, there is a sumerian story that closely resembles the story of the tower of babel as well.

Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!

But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.

The flood was long before Abraham.
The story as found in the Bible is straight forward and rather logical. Stores tend to go from straight forward and direct and morph into corrupted nonsense except for a few minor details here and there: Example of the straight forward: 8 people, whole world covered with water, God's judgement, and building of a boat and the saving of animals.
You do know that story, as you just described it, is an impossibility on multiple levels, right?
I do not see it any more impossible than building a ship out of reinforced concrete. And that certainly has been done. I note that there were cat kinds, dog kinds, cattle, horses and more than likely a very limited number of breeds. I see no reason that given the flatness of the original planet, that much of the water erupted from inside the planet and hit the planet in the form of comets, asteroids, and possibly a collapsing ice canopy/shield around the planet. The entire event seems more than scientifically possible --- it sounds highly probable.
First, as there were only "two of every kind", specifically for "repopulating" the planet, how do you suppose the animals were fed? Particularly the carnivores? Second, there is no evidence whatsoever that the earth, 6,000 years ago was "flat", and there is zero geological evidence of a global flood. Finally, there is the question of the Ark itself.

The Ark was, according to the Bible, 14 feet high, 450 feet long, and 75 feet wide, and in order for the Biblical account to be accurate, contained over 50,000 animals, 2 million insects, 7 people, a 600-year-oldman, and enough provisions for a year. Now, it may be difficult to comprehend what is wrong with this picture without a point of reference, so let's use the titanic, one of the largest ships ever built. It was 175 feet tall, 882 feet long, and 92 feet wide, and its full capacity was 3,547 people, and enough provisions for only a couple of weeks.

See the problem here?

The Titanic is NOT one of the largest ships ever built. My amphib assault carrier was larger than the Titanic and it is relatively small compared to aircraft carriers, cargo ships, and oil tankers.
Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ...

The entire freaking thing was pieced together by abunch of other fairy tails thousands of years before.

Shitforbrains has no clue to what happened at the Tower of Babel.

Ironically, there is a sumerian story that closely resembles the story of the tower of babel as well.

Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!

But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.

The flood was long before Abraham.

So was the story just passed down?
I thought that was an awesome discovery. I assume you think this means man walked with dinos or something?
We've been down this road before.
There are no rational explanations other than acknowledging the obvious.
Shitforbrains has no clue to what happened at the Tower of Babel.
Ironically, there is a sumerian story that closely resembles the story of the tower of babel as well.
Why it is almost as if a large group of people with the same knowledge of historical events scattered across the region!
But the stories PREDATE Abrahamic religions.
The flood was long before Abraham.
So was the story just passed down?
No, they found thumb drives documenting what occurred.

This is how silly it is to believe in the ark! One can NOT be logical or a thinking human being and still believe this.

Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.
Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?
Sorry, but you cannot p
Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Seriously, what fucking difference does it make in your life? you believe that your awareness is a random chance of atoms and molecules, just stay with that and we'll both be happy.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Australia didn't exist prior to the Flood and God sent the Animals according to the Genesis account.
Australia has been occupied for over 50K years. How in the holy hell did you come up with that?
Australia has not been occupied any longer than Egypt. Australia has not cornered the market on either ancient human culture or animal existence. And there is no way to prove that Australia was not once connected to Asia.
Australia was absolutely connected Asia like 200M years ago LOL
So you're off by 200 million years. I'll forgive you the mistake.

This is how silly it is to believe in the ark! One can NOT be logical or a thinking human being and still believe this.

Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.

Tell us again how an explosion naturally evolves into order. I missed that day in Physics when they covered that.

This is how silly it is to believe in the ark! One can NOT be logical or a thinking human being and still believe this.

Right. You have to have Faith, a heart and soul first.......of which you have none. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And herein is the foundation of theism: Reason is the enemy of faith. One can only clearly see by faith, by wilfully closing the eye of reason.

Reason is the enemy of atheism --- not Christianity. I don't see anything atheists have done that has made the world a safer, better, healthier place to live. In fact, take away electricity and I imagine that many would not even be able to communicate.
I. LOVE. SCIENCE. It does not have to be one or the other, silly.
welllll....except it does. The theists demonstrates, repeatedly, that if a thing claimed by faith is contrary to science, he will choose faith. Peter LaRufa rather summed it up nicely:

If somewhere in the Bible, I were to find a passage said 2 + 2 = 5 then I wouldn't question what I'm reading. I would believe it, accept it as true, and then do my best to work it out and understand it.

When a theist can say that with a straight face, then faith cannot be reconciled with reason.

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