Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Then you must hold the opinion the flood could not have occurred before then?
You can't fix the story by shifting the timeline. There were floods in Mesopotamia... that's what formed the Delta, but there was no global flood. It's a morality tale based on an earlier myth. There was no Jonah either but it's still a powerful story. These were teaching narratives.
You can't fix the story by shifting the timeline. There were floods in Mesopotamia... that's what formed the Delta, but there was no global flood. It's a morality tale based on an earlier myth. There was no Jonah either but it's still a powerful story. These were teaching narratives.
I disagree. There was a flooding event. It was extraordinary enough that all ancient cultures passed down an allegorical account through stories for thousands of years. Was the entire earth covered in water? No. That's embellishment for the purpose of making the account memorable and easier to pass down and be remembered.
These were teaching narratives.
Which is my point. I have been saying all along that the Hebrew story has nothing to do with polar bears, kangaroos, how many continents, etc. I am asking people to think of the purpose of the Hebrew account and why it is in the Bible.
I disagree. There was a flooding event. It was extraordinary enough that all ancient cultures passed down an allegorical account through stories for thousands of years. Was the entire earth covered in water? No. That's embellishment for the purpose of making the account memorable and easier to pass down and be remembered.
All floods are events no matter where or when.
That's the story.
It's meaningless----a greek romaphil who never met
Jesus and did not speak his language wrote a
parable denigrating a "pharisee"---pharisees were the arch enemies of Rome. Tax collectors were roman
shills----just what TAXES do you imagine the "tax collectors were COLLECTING----both before and
after the crucifixion of the pharisee Jesus?
The NT is not part of the OT. It is not a continuation. It is an unsanctioned addition that the Jews don't believe.

Lol Some Jews don't believe. The Christians were nearly all Jews at the beginning, with Some Gentiles that were Jewish converts that attended the synagogues and Temple. Jesus was a reformer, and advocated a return to the original Mosaic Torah, as opposed to the Babylonian 'master race' nonsense of Ezra's 'reforms' and the obscurantist Pharisees and Temple nonsense. The rise of Christianity was as a Jewish sect, preached in the synagogues around the ME and the Empire until finally banned and violently persecuted by the Babylonian cultists.

While not explicitly stated in the NT, given the detailed knowledge in all of the Gospels it is probable that Mathew and John were also likely to have been Pharisees themselves, as Paul was. As Luke was a companion of Paul's, Rosie's weird sniveling over him not being a Jew is just silly racist rubbish she ws fed by some insane Chasidics somewhere in NYC. There is no racial requirement to being a Jews, despite the racist silliness of today's Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox and their Ezra fantasies. Monotheism itself implies universalism, not some 'master race' crap started by Ezra to set Babylonians up in power with the help of their buddy Cyrus. The 'Second Temple' was just a scam, and financed by Cyrus.

One of the main reasons for including the Torah in the Christian Bible is to establish the Mosaic Torah back to its rightful place in the theology as a universal theology, not as a discarded antiquity as it was under the Babylonians' return, replaced by a lot of bizarre racist 'legal interpretations' that make up the Talmud and the Mishnas, all produced much later. Christianity is in fact older than Rabbinical Judaism by several decades.
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Did I confuse you with someone else? I thought you posted something that questioned God. If you didn’t I’m VERY sorry. I have excuses for getting messed up on my phone but I won’t bore you with them 🤣

Lol Some Jews don't believe. The Christians were nearly all Jews at the beginning, with Some Gentiles that were Jewish converts that attended the synagogues and Temple. Jesus was a reformer, and advocated a return to the original Mosaic Torah, as opposed to the Babylonian 'master race' nonsense of Ezra's 'reforms' and the obscurantist Pharisees and Temple nonsense. The rise of Christianity was as a Jewish sect, preached in the synagogues around the ME and the Empire until finally banned and violently persecuted by the Babylonian cultists.

One of the main reasons for including the Torah in the Christian Bible is to establish the Mosaic Torah back to its rightful place in the theology as a universal theology, not as a discarded antiquity as it was under the Babylonians' return, replaced by a lot of bizarre racist 'legal interpretations' that make up the Talmud and the Mishnas, all produced much later. Christianity is in fact older than Rabbinical Judaism by several decades.
Right Christians were Jews who converted to another religion where their god took human form and walked among them.

Christian are no longer Jews they are their own religion.

Muslims are neither Christians or Jews

All 3 religions worship a different god
Right Christians were Jews who converted to another religion where their god took human form and walked among them.

Christian are no longer Jews they are their own religion.

Muslims are neither Christians or Jews

All 3 religions worship a different god

lol you're as crazy as Rosie is.
Yes, cuz Jews converted Jews to a Jewish sect, they must have suddenly dreamed up another God. Sure thing lol.
Christians and Jews do not worship the same god.

The difference is glaringly obvious.

Christians believe that their god walked the earth as a human. The Jewish god did not.

The NT makes it very clear.

Deny the Son and you deny the Father.

The Jews as far as Christians are concerned deny the god they worship.

Therefore the Jews worship a different god

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