Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

not exactly---Jesus never came to the Gentiles--
some of his followers wanted to EXPAND


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek Romans 1:16

New International Version
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
All floods are events no matter where or when.
Not all flood events are equal. For example, an asteroid striking the ocean or the polar region would disrupt earth's climate for years by vaporizing gigatons of water or ice.
So an ocean was emptied? Where was the Arc during this time?

Don't put words into my mouth and then disparage that. I never said the ocean was emptied. Damn. That's very dishonest and desperate of you. Where's your ark? It's looking a lot like rain.

Can't you see the ominous storm clouds gathering? No? Thats a shame.

What I said originally was that a meteor or asteroid large enough to make the Burckle crater, 25 times the size of meteor crater in AZ, on the bottom of the indian ocean under 12,000 feet of ocean and dated to the approximate time of the flood stories would have instantly vaporized billions of metric tons of water into the atmosphere causing a worldwide mind boggling deluge of relentless downpours, super storms, etc. on every continent that would have lasted for weeks.
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I don't want a description I can read for myself. I want to know how God gathered those waters. I want to know how God moved continents. There must have been a mechanism for each but you have no idea, no clue, no understanding. You only know that God did it because you read it in a book.

The water was underground, how did it get into the air?
Lol. You prolly didn't watch the vid nor understand my explanation. Anyway, let's just forget it.
Be patient. I'm sure he will top that in the next few minutes.

It never ceases to amaze me how low a believer will stoop in their dedication to perpetuate lies.
You are perfectly describing someone who attacks the faith of others.
Was it? I’ve made some pretty dumb posts. I don’t believe that was one of them. Bragging you don’t have a large ego is literally a textbook example of someone who has a large ego.
Quote me making statements about a topic I know little or nothing about.
You post a lot of stuff about Christian theologians and I don’t comment.
Quote me making statements about a topic I know little or nothing about.
You post a lot of stuff about Christian theologians and I don’t comment.
I only needed to quote you bragging about not having a large ego to prove my point.

you might be confusing me with someone else if you believe I post a lot of stuff about Christian theologians.
I only needed to quote you bragging about not having a large ego to prove my point.

you might be confusing me with someone else if you believe I post a lot of stuff about Christian theologians.
You do it quite often.
It could be when you discuss certain scientific theories I know nothing about.
I’ll let you know next time.
God also told Noah, “Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth” (Genesis 7:2–3, ESV).

There were no sea creatures.

And the animals would obviously be very young ones, such as lion cubs.

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