Zone1 Noah's Ark

He did say that. Pay attention.

Apparently you didn't watch the clip you just posted. Trump explicitly excluded White nationalists from his very fine people category (which I disagree with him on). Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans want us to believe that White nationalists were who he was talking about when he said very fine people. That's where the lie is.
The meteor you cited is unlikely to have been so powerful or it would have left more evidence of its happening.
This event produced Burckle crater and its ejecta layer. It may also have produced numerous subsidiary craters that are too small to see with our present data. We infer that the Burckle impact was part of a Shoemaker-Levy type impact of a comet, which vaporized enough seawater to produce a global deluge.

Burckle Crater's position was determined in 2006 by the Holocene Impact Working Group using prehistoric chevron dune formations in Australia and Madagascar. Based on a hypothesis that these dunes were formed by a megatsunami resulting from an impact, the researchers were able to triangulate the location of Burckle Crater.
Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans want us to believe that White nationalists were who he was talking about when he said very fine people. That's where the lie is.
Trump speaks out of both sides of his mouth all the time. Pay attention! DO NOT BE MISLED.

He clearly said that there were "very fine people on both sides" one side being white nationalists

Take a few minutes out of your busy day and tend to the deteriorating condition of your mind.

Or don't and be just another stooge (a person possessed by a demon) for Trump who doesn't give a shit about you, the country, liberty, justice, or truth, or anyone else, openly calling for the end to the constitution and separation of powers while providing comfort to every US enemy.

He is INSANE. A sadistic antisemitic liar and con artist inspiring the worst in his "followers".

A wannabe dictator, who doesn't give a shit if he takes the country down to accomplish that..
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He clearly said that there were "very fine people on both sides" one side being white nationalists

Take a few minutes out of your busy day and tend to the deteriorating condition of your own mind
One side was not White nationalists. That's where your lie comes in. One side was a conglomeration of different right wing groups, hence the name of the rally: Unite the Right.
One side was not White nationalists. That's where your lie comes in. One side was a conglomeration of different right wing groups, hence the name of the rally: Unite the Right.
Right wing groups, pft, which includes god fearing patriotic white Christian nationalists with their thinly veiled Nazi propaganda supporting trump who is openly and brazenly quoting Hitler slogans who also identified as a white Christian nationalist just to "beguile" his entire country.

How are they not "fine people" in trumps mind as he said? They feast on the garbage he spews.

Whats with you?

You see only what you want to see? Can't you hear? Can't you think? Are you dead? Damn.

Do yourself a favor. Fix your mind. You are under a strong delusion after being injected with the poison of a serpent. Thats the truth, the very truth. It really doesn't affect me at all if you don't.
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What verse in revelation?
chap. 21 16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
chap. 21 16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

A furlong Is an eighth of a mile, 220 yards.

A cubit is about 18 inches.
Trump speaks out of both sides of his mouth all the time. Pay attention! DO NOT BE MISLED.
Case in point;

Former President Trump told Fox News on Wednesday that critics claiming he'd seek retribution against political opponents are "wrong," but he would have "every right" to go after his adversaries if he is re-elected in November.

Instead of a flood to 'get rid of them' they start wars. Great way to thin the herd, right?

To preserve the status quo.
Emasculating the Masses

The purpose of the Vietnam War was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest sons of the White working class. Mission Accomplished.
Trump speaks out of both sides of his mouth all the time. Pay attention! DO NOT BE MISLED.

He clearly said that there were "very fine people on both sides" one side being white nationalists

Take a few minutes out of your busy day and tend to the deteriorating condition of your mind.

Or don't and be just another stooge (a person possessed by a demon) for Trump who doesn't give a shit about you, the country, liberty, justice, or truth, or anyone else, openly calling for the end to the constitution and separation of powers while providing comfort to every US enemy.

He is INSANE. A sadistic antisemitic liar and con artist inspiring the worst in his "followers".

A wannabe dictator, who doesn't give a shit if he takes the country down to accomplish that..
"Home, Home on the Derangement"
Case in point;

Former President Trump told Fox News on Wednesday that critics claiming he'd seek retribution against political opponents are "wrong," but he would have "every right" to go after his adversaries if he is re-elected in November.

Maybe Trump doesn't know what retribution means.
Noah was a drunkard who pranced about naked in front of his daughters like if he's Joe Biden. Doesn't seem righteous to me.
The text does not say he was righteous. Just that he was more righteous than everybody else. it's a sliding scale...
To be honest your Judgements are secondary to God's. Besides that it shows your lack of understanding of the text. You (like surada) refuse any understanding that doesn't from yourself.

You may find this interesting. I have always wondered what gofer wood was. Evidently it was lost in translation. It makes perfect sense considering Moses was found in a basket on the Nile.. like a coracle.

But as the Jewish Encyclopedia notes, gofer may have been derived from the Assyrian word giparu for “reeds.” Significantly, perhaps, the word translated as “rooms” in the King James version in Hebrew is quinnim, “nests,” as in birds’ nests.

Most contemporary scholars believe that the basic motifs of the Noah story—the command to build an ark to save his family and animals, the sending out of birds to search for dry land, the ark’s coming to rest on a mountain, and a sacrifice followed by a divine promise—come directly from earlier Mesopotamian myths told about Flood heroes: the Sumerian king Ziusudra (“Life of Long Days”), the Akkadian king Atra-hasis (“Exceeding in Wisdom”), and the Babylonian king Utnaphishtim (“He Found Eternal Life”), who describes the Flood to Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is interesting, therefore, that reeds play a role in the directions given by the god Enki to Atra-hasis, the Babylonian Noah:

Wall, wall! Reed wall, reed wall!
Atra-hasīs, pay heed to my advice,
That you may live for ever!
Destroy your house, build a boat…


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