Zone1 Noah's Ark

Interesting take. I never thought of that. I like it. I also had a similar idea that the rising waters could represent a rising tide against corrupt leadership, which would have gone over the heads of the mountains, Whoosh! Mountains being a metaphor for the big shots, the rich, or the religious elite of the time who loomed over the human landscape like immovable mountains and felt untouchable leading smooth easy lives, complacent and unprepared for what was coming.

Kind of like today.... "Just as it was in the days of Noah"

Luke 17:26, Matthew 24:37, Hebrews 11:7, 1 Peter 3:20, 2 Peter 2:5

Lol 🤣 I don't think the myth was about corrupt leadership. That's a huge stretch. In the original myth humans were gardeners for the gods. They became too numerous and too noisy so the flood was to get rid of them. The story was popular among the Canaanites, in Dilmun and Sumer.
Domination Through Damnation

Realistic analogy, but the Christofascists want to twist it so that practically the whole human race is mortally guilty.

I didn't believe that crap when I was 8 years old. No worries. Soon no one will believe it.

Its just the result of superstitious illiterate pagans usurping authority over Jewish figurative language used in scripture, including the Gospels, which flew right over their addled heads.
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In the original myth humans were gardeners for the gods. They became too numerous and too noisy so the flood was to get rid of them.

And the gods represented the wealthy religious and secular elite who treated people like pawns for personal gain or amusement. Right? Whats the difference between then and the way things are now? Instead of a flood to 'get rid of them' they start wars. Great way to thin the herd, right?

To preserve the status quo.
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And the gods represented the wealthy religious and secular elite. Right? Whats the difference with the way things are now? Instead of a flood they start wars. Great way to thin the herd, right?

I see what you're saying. So the elite didn't drown?
I see what you're saying. So the elite didn't drown?

They were swept away by the waters that went over their heads. :aug08_031: Take it any way you like

"This, he told me, is the curse which goes out over all the land. For by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept away, and by the writing on the other side every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, the Lord of Hosts has said, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers, and stones, and all."
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Zechariah....concerning the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple, the gathering of scattered Israel, and the triumph of Israel over its enemies.

I didn't believe that crap when I was 8 years old. No worries. Soon no one will believe it.

Its just the result of superstitious illiterate pagans usurping authority over Jewish figurative language used in scripture, including the Gospels, which flew right over their addled heads.

Are you saying all the stories are political?
I get that, but it still doesn't make sense. Why would this nation be punished for the act of Ham? Punishing people for something they didn't do is evil.

However the reason why the were cursed never happened if the story was a parable. So God punished them for no apparent reason.

Yeah, but they were being punished for what they did, right? What's that got to do with the Canaanites being punished for something they didn't do?

In this case the Israelites were ordered to slaughter every man, woman, and child in the land of Canaan. At not because of anything they did. God simply wanted the Jews to have Canaanite land. So there was no offer of redemption here.

What I see is a people desperately trying to justify genocide. Some things never change.
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

If the Canaanites were anything like the rabid Arab rabble, and they probably were, then they deserved to be exterminated. You're using a strawman if you pretend that the illogical Biblical reason for the extermination of Neanderthalic savages proves their innocence. The command of a supernatural being was invented by the patriarchs to hype up the reluctant Hebrews and get them to fight.
Are you saying all the stories are political?
What I said is what I'm saying. If I said it again would it matter? If I typed louder would you hear?

"For just like the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. For in those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark. And they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them all away. It will be the same at the coming of the Son of Man."


"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
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Still that does not account for the hundreds of flood myths on every continent recorded by people who knew the difference between seasonal floods and a catastrophe never seen before.
The only possible global flooding event would have been the rising sea levels after the ice age. Even a meteor strike in the ocean would have only affected that ocean.

Maybe so. That being said, even if the story of Noah was pure fiction, like Pinocchio for instance, what lessons do you think the unknown author was trying to teach bronze age Hebrew children?
God was large and in charge and demanded respect (in the form of sacrifice) and fear.
The only possible global flooding event would have been the rising sea levels after the ice age. Even a meteor strike in the ocean would have only affected that ocean.
Not so. A meteor strike of that magnitude, 25 times the size of meteor crater in Arizona, would have had worldwide consequences spawning superstorms on the other side of the planet, not to mention the mega tsunamis, and a weeks long deluge of billions of metric tons of water instantly vaporized into the atmosphere which would have rained down on and affected every continent.

God was large and in charge and demanded respect (in the form of sacrifice) and fear.
To them, there must have been an angry God up there somewhere with the power to destroy the earth. Is it coincidental that suddenly temples were built around the world to offer sacrifices to appease this God lest they incur his wrath, which was a practical reaction back then considering the catastrophe they survived. I think a meteor strike also inspired "the hammer of Thor" stories.

And who can say that a pissed off superior intelligence didn't nudge a meteor in our direction?
We have the means and technology to do that to ourselves now, as primitive as humans are.

I heard the next time the earth is destroyed it will be destroyed by fire, "even the atmosphere itself will burn", but thats just what I heard. Maybe gifts of fruit and wine will avert that wrath?

Maybe holding hands in solemn prayer to some false god will help? Chanting? I Don't think so...

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Not so. A meteor strike of that magnitude, 25 time the size of meteor crater in Arizona, would have had worldwide consequences spawning superstorms on the other side of the planet, not to mention the mega tsunamis, and a weeks long deluge of billions of metric tons of water instantly vaporized into the atmosphere which would have rained down on and affected every continent.
The meteor you cited is unlikely to have been so powerful or it would have left more evidence of its happening.

To them, there must have been an angry God up there somewhere with the power to destroy the earth. Is it coincidental that suddenly temples were built around the world to offer sacrifices to appease this God lest they incur his wrath, which was a practical reaction back then considering the catastrophe they survived. I think a meteor strike also inspired "the hammer of Thor" stories.

And who can say that a pissed off superior intelligence didn't nudge a meteor in our direction?

We have the means and technology to do that to ourselves now, as primitive as humans are.
They'd have been just as freaked out by a local event, lightening, thunder, etc., no need for a global one.
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

If the Canaanites were anything like the rabid Arab rabble, and they probably were, then they deserved to be exterminated. You're using a strawman if you pretend that the illogical Biblical reason for the extermination of Neanderthalic savages proves their innocence. The command of a supernatural being was invented by the patriarchs to hype up the reluctant Hebrews and get them to fight.

The Jews were just another landless Canaanite tribe.

Less successful and prosperous than the other tribes. Abraham was a warlord. He had his own army.
Let's see if this helps:

- In the spiritual/moral sense - God did not condemn Ham or Canaan. Noah did not condemn Ham or Canaan. Ham condemned himself by not doing what was right, allowing both he and his father to be condemned - when he could have easily prevented it had he done the right thing.
This contradicts the text. You can make the Bible say anything you want just by ignoring what the Bible says.
Well, to be fair, when those stories were written many of the neighboring tribes were violent knuckle dragging barbarians who had the form and shape of a human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a monkey. Calling them "the wild beasts of the field" was being kind.

And what about all those Christians now who compare their political opponents to evil incarnate inciting all of the wild beasts in the jungle to lose their shit, stampede, and devour one another?

In the name of Trump for Christs sake, WTF! (out of all the creepy unclean creatures out there) a direct descendant of that venomous ever elusive talking serpent of old, the lowest of all lowlifes.
Are those Christians really wrong though? Not that Trump is a good person. But his opponents have repeatedly lied about him to score political points. There are plenty of things he can legitimately be criticized for, but his opponents almost always just fabricate lies about him (e.g. the very fine people lie).
Are those Christians really wrong though? Not that Trump is a good person. But his opponents have repeatedly lied about him to score political points.
Yes. they could not be more wrong. Trump is the epitome of a talking serpent, a bullshit artist, the type of crafty beguiling creature that they should condemn, on earth as it is in heaven, not support or pay homage to. They swear oaths before God to renounce the work of the devil, a liar.

Trump has been caught lying in every single rally he has held. They couldn't be more hypocritical

There are plenty of things he can legitimately be criticized for, but his opponents almost always just fabricate lies about him (e.g. the very fine people lie).

He did say that. Pay attention.

Its time to run a program to clean out your mind from malware. Your brain is malfunctioning, its stuck in an insane loop that is going nowhere. If you don't, I assure you, one day it will crash.
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