Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

So it's not reasonable to want your child to go to Heaven? What other risks are you willing to subject your children to?
It’s not reasonable to kill children. Of all the “risks” death is the worst one and God tells us that he has special punishment for those who harm children. Death is the greatest harm..
So if there is no word for it in the Torah, the concept doesn't exist? I guess they don't have the internet in Israel or anti-biotics or microwaves or...
What does the word Sacrifice have to do with Internet or anti-biotics?
So it's not reasonable to want your child to go to Heaven? What other risks are you willing to subject your children to?
Your concept of life and death are rather skewed.
The soul is attached to the body to fulfill a purpose, not to be murdered.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek Romans 1:16

New International Version
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Jesus did not say that
The word sacrifice doesn’t exist in Hebrew.
The word Kohr-bahn means “To draw close to God”.
Committing murder is anything but drawing near to God.
Remember: The English word Sacrifice does not originate from the Torah.
??? Kohr-Bahn means "to draw close to
God???? how do you come to that?
The fetus that is aborted acquires the eternal life of the murderer.

no spirit can be violated by even the heavens - much less a jew and their phony book ...


for them and the other desert dwellers, what they are committing against Garden Earth further demonstrates the depravity they dwell in for their history since the 1st century debauchery that will only be further eroded to oblivion than by bringing to justice their crucifiers will they ever be redeemed.
??? Kohr-Bahn means "to draw close to
God???? how do you come to that?
Kuf Raish Vase is the root word for Bringing Close.
Kuf Raish Vase Nuhn Sofit means Being Close.

Rohr-Choke is the root word for Being Distant.

Ignore the Kings James bullshit.
And yet they believe that their god made Mohamed the last and most important prophet

No other religion worships that god
It's the same "God" that Jews, Muslims and Christians believe in. They share the same OT.

The thing is, that the OT created "God" as a mish-mash of previous gods and stories from previous civilizations. It's all plagiarized and changed from the previous forms. So the trilogy of religions that came from the OT are highly suspect, and the fact that those religions were used to kill each other over thousands of years, makes me wonder why anyone would believe it in the first place...
If they all worshiped the same god then there would be no differences between the 3 religions and the gods they worship would not have done different things.
That's a naïve answer. They went separate ways because of power and wealth and each made their own niche to fool followers to join them and give their money, and sacrifice their lives in battle to live in each religion's afterlife.

The only people that benefit from the various religions are the rulers, who get increasingly rich and powerful by pitting us against each other.
  • The flood occurred long before the written word. It was not written down at the time it occurred.
  • The story of the flood was spoken long before it was written.
  • Down through the ages, the flood became the setting for many stories.
  • Ages later, we come across the Hebrew people who are still relating a story where the great flood was the setting.
  • Read any story about the Civil War. Just by reading it, we can usually figure out when it was written simply by the words used and cultural insights and customs in play at the time it was written.
  • We can identify the points that mean most to the author. The author has his point to bring across to the audience.
No question there are a lot of stories--some older--whose setting is the great flood. The stories themselves are no more alike than Civil War stories such as Gone with the Wind and Rifles for Watie even though both of these have the same setting, too.

What is the point of the Hebrew story? Hint: it is not about polar bears and kangaroos. It is not about the number of continents, the amount of land covered, or whether there was an aquarium for fish on board.

Just as today we can enjoy different stories with the same setting, I am betting so did ancients. Yet this particular acount made it into the Bible. Why?
For one, The Epic of Gilgamesh.
More precisely, Christians see the portrayal of God in the Old Testament as being mean. Jesus presents a vastly different picture of God. The reason I began delving into the Old Testament was to discover why Jews thought God was so mean. Surprise! I learned Jews did not view God as mean--and nor do the Old Testament stories portray God as such when they are viewed properly from the perspective of the Hebrew language.
The reason "God" in the OT is "mean" is because it is not one person. The OT created a monotheistic "God" out of previous stories from prior civilizations, who had multiple gods. Specifically, the biblical "God" is mostly a combination of EN.LIL and EN.KI. But there are others. EN.LIL was the spiteful god who didn't like humans and wanted to wipe us out. EN.KI was the one who created us, loved us, protected us, and warned us of the plans that EN.LIL had. References to the "Lord" in the OT usually refer to Lord EN.KI.

That's why "God" in the bible is schizophrenic. It's multiple people, but specifically EN.LIL and EN.KI, being mashed together into one monotheistic entity for us to worship. It's pure BS...
Why? Because many of society's customs, beliefs about right and wrong, who is righteous and who is criminal, and all subsequent laws are mostly based on what is written in those fantastical stories. What's worse is that those customs and civil laws have been created and legislated by people who base their false claim to moral authority on the most superficial ignorant superstitious irrational and perverse interpretations of those fictional stories possible creating chaos in society.

Then these actors and lying frauds have the audacity to blame the victims of their specious falsehoods for the carnage that they themselves have created and deliberately perpetuate.

Do you think that openly confuting those hypocrites who claim moral authority without without understanding the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic is a waste of time?
Not at all, I agree with you. But arguing about scriptures talking about bread or matzo, isn't going to solve a thing. And I don't think there is a solution, until we have an intervention. But in the meantime, i'm just saying that arguing about what people may or may not have eaten in scriptures is meaningless, when we have the entire history of humanity to prove things. :)
I knew you wouldn't because you couldn't. Religion is based on faith not reason or logic.
No, one needs faith to discover the truth of God. No faith in God means you end up atheist or agnostic. However, the Christians aren't STUPID AS FUCK (SAF) and PIECES OF SHIT (POS) like the atheists. Just because your kind does not use reason nor logic and BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION doesn't mean creationists are the same.

This is why the simplest and correct observation I can make of atheists and ags are that they are SAF and POS as UNWORTHY humans. In a nutshell, son perdedores lol.
How many people here, outside of agnostics and atheists, were born to a certain religion, and after studying it, realized the religion was wrong and converted to another religion?

Or are most of you just sticking with what you were born and brainwashed into?

I bet there's very few, outside of agnostics and atheists, because those are the ones who studied and realized the truth.
The only reason you brainwashed born-in people exist, is because your ancestors killed, raped, pillaged, and forced every remaining woman and child in that village to believe in the religion you believe in now. That's the truth. And after time passed, now it's your religion and you don't care, you just blindly believe and say that it's not true.
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Thanks for the clarification. So lots and lots of rain and flooding. Was the Arc built in the water or was it on land? You see the problem I think.

Also, were people living all over the globe? Including in mountains where you might easily find high ground to weather any storm. Why did those folk all die?
The creationists say there were no mountains until Noah's flood.

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