Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Two of every animal is a misquote. There were twof of every unclean animal, and seven of every clean animal.
It's the same "God" that Jews, Muslims and Christians believe in. They share the same OT.

The thing is, that the OT created "God" as a mish-mash of previous gods and stories from previous civilizations. It's all plagiarized and changed from the previous forms. So the trilogy of religions that came from the OT are highly suspect, and the fact that those religions were used to kill each other over thousands of years, makes me wonder why anyone would believe it in the first place...
But their beliefs diverge so they are no longer worshiping the same god
That's a naïve answer. They went separate ways because of power and wealth and each made their own niche to fool followers to join them and give their money, and sacrifice their lives in battle to live in each religion's afterlife.

The only people that benefit from the various religions are the rulers, who get increasingly rich and powerful by pitting us against each other.

Like i said they all worship different things.

You want to blame it on money and power

I say that all we are seeing is the same thing we have always seen in the evolution of religion which is a new religion adopting parts of an older religion so the new religion doesn;t seem as radical then a slow change into another belief system eventually takes over.

both Jews and Muslims do not worship a god that walked the earth as a human and is triune in nature

Jews do not give Mohamed any recognition as a prophet and his words mean nothing to them

These are not subtle differences of interpretation. They are glaring differences of doctrine and belief.
Like i said they all worship different things.

You want to blame it on money and power

I say that all we are seeing is the same thing we have always seen in the evolution of religion which is a new religion adopting parts of an older religion so the new religion doesn;t seem as radical then a slow change into another belief system eventually takes over.

both Jews and Muslims do not worship a god that walked the earth as a human and is triune in nature

Jews do not give Mohamed any recognition as a prophet and his words mean nothing to them

These are not subtle differences of interpretation. They are glaring differences of doctrine and belief.
So what. They think they worship the same God regardless of what you think.
😂 Do you think any difference in doctrine means they are worshipping different gods? That means Catholics and Protestants worship different gods.
No just the glaring differences between the gods they worship is all that is needed.
In the Bible, Genesis 6:9 - 9:17 it says:

"And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

So, they put two of every species on the ark.

Like sharks, fish, jellyfish....

How on EARTH did fish, and jellyfish and sharks survive on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights?
/-----/ They swam alongside -- GEEEEZE. Back then, they assumed people had common sense.
the imaginary 10 commandments claimed by moses removes the basis for all three desert religions. as well the presumption of heavenly monotheism a true absurdity.

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