Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

The question is moot since Jews don't believe in heaven
Define Heaven.
Our concept is not baby angels floating around.
Our concept is seeing the truth and being with God.

Anyway, I have 48 hours of Passover so I’ll be back Sunday evening at the earliest.
Chapter 6 says bring 2 of every kind of animal.

Chapter 7 say bring 2 of every kind of unclean animal and 14 of every clean animal.

'Chapters' don't exist in the original, neither do verse numbers; those are all added later for ease of reference for modern people. The important distinctions are whose 'voice' each 'verse' is being spoken by. Being an ignorant pagan deviant, you wouldn't know that, of course.

Still waiting on that verse that claims '4124 years n stuff'. Just admit it doesn't exist.
'Chapters' don't exist in the original, neither do verse numbers; those are all added later for ease of reference for modern people. The important distinctions are whose 'voice' each 'verse' is being spoken by. Being an ignorant pagan deviant, you wouldn't know that, of course.

So? Leviticus said two of every animal is a misquote. There were twof of every unclean animal, and seven of every clean animal. That led Surada to ask if he was speaking about different chapters. Leviticus answered, no same chapter. But it actually is in 2 different chapters.

Still waiting on that verse that claims '4124 years n stuff'. Just admit it doesn't exist.

To be fair, the only reason you're still waiting on that is because you're an idiot since I already said where I got that number from.
Nutcase, then if a woman has subsequent abortions, whose eternal life do those aborted fetuses acquire?
Good question…
She probably has to deal with 11 months of gehinom multiplied by the number of abortions.
So? Leviticus said two of every animal is a misquote. There were twof of every unclean animal, and seven of every clean animal. That led Surada to ask if he was speaking about different chapters. Leviticus answered, no same chapter. But it actually is in 2 different chapters.

To be fair, the only reason you're still waiting on that is because you're an idiot since I already said where I got that number from.
Why don’t you ask your Reformed Christian Rabbi or look it up.
No matter what anyone posts you call “bullshit”.
Heck, even The Midrash Says, written for ignorant people such as yourself, has the answer.
Why don’t you ask your Reformed Christian Rabbi or look it up.
No matter what anyone posts you call “bullshit”.
Heck, even The Midrash Says, written for ignorant people such as yourself, has the answer.

So if someone posts bullshit, I shouldn't call bullshit?
So if someone posts bullshit, I shouldn't call bullshit?
The fact that you know zero and won’t read anything on the subject in context makes you present as emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.

No one is going to publish a book for you and I know you would rather wear a cross than visit a Jewish book store.
That’s why I think you aren’t really a Jew.

Heck, even the self-hating, assimilated Jews on Wall Street have some token Jewish books in the offices.
The fact that you know zero and won’t read anything on the subject in context makes you present as emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.

No one is going to publish a book for you and I know you would rather wear a cross than visit a Jewish book store.
That’s why I think you aren’t really a Jew.

Heck, even the self-hating, assimilated Jews on Wall Street have some token Jewish books in the offices.


And yet, I accurately described where those verses are found in the Bible.

And yet, I accurately described where those verses are found in the Bible.
Which is how the RCC pulled the wool over everybody’s eyes.
You see, you are reading verses when you should be studying the entire text in context.

I’m sure when you watch a movie or TV you hop all over the place and think you know what’s going on.
Thanks for the clarification. So lots and lots of rain and flooding. Was the Arc built in the water or was it on land? You see the problem I think.

The problem is that you see the problem as a reason do dismiss the story whereas the problem was deliberately put in place to both make intelligent people think deeply and divert wise fools.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Moses also built an ark in which laws that define all clean and unclean animals are held. Jesus alluded to the story of Noah and advised people to build their homes on solid rock, the truth, so that another storm and flood that was coming, the winds of change, would not bring it down.

Also, were people living all over the globe? Including in mountains where you might easily find high ground to weather any storm. Why did those folk all die?

Most people of ancient times built their cities settlements and villages near running water for obvious reasons. Given that fact alone, not to mention the suddenness of the deluge, would mean that most people who did not seek higher ground died or immediately became destitute and died.
Not at all, I agree with you. But arguing about scriptures talking about bread or matzo, isn't going to solve a thing. And I don't think there is a solution, until we have an intervention. But in the meantime, i'm just saying that arguing about what people may or may not have eaten in scriptures is meaningless, when we have the entire history of humanity to prove things. :)

Apparently you fail to see how deeply ingrained religion is in how people perceive good and evil, calling good evil and evil good. And I really don't give a crap about what people may or may not have eaten in scripture because people are still being force fed garbage from birth to this day.

Including you.

Whether you realize it or not, sorting this shit out is essential to the survival of the species.

Many people were told to believe that idolatry, worshipping a Jewish man, is the way to eternal life. I am telling them that it is a brazen lie perpetuated by ghouls and eaten up by "the faithful", lol, a "belief" whose consequense for adopting is a defiled and contaminated mind incapable of perceiving the obvious what is called "the curse" or "death" consequent to defying Divine law.

This is "the power of death" ancient Rome used to deceive and conquer the nations of the world.

Anyone can point out to the religious what is wrong with religion with absolutely no effect. Only when what is right, the truth, comes to light that those in hells keeping can rise from the dead.

Many will, some never will. Even so the resurrection of the dead is far from meaningless.
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Thanks for the clarification. So lots and lots of rain and flooding. Was the Arc built in the water or was it on land? You see the problem I think.

Also, were people living all over the globe? Including in mountains where you might easily find high ground to weather any storm. Why did those folk all die?
The verses are quite explicit that the ark was built on dry land.
You’re still avoiding reading the verses.

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