Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

The verses are quite explicit that the ark was built on dry land.
You’re still avoiding reading the verses.

the flood occurred before the verses, just to let you know ...

there are and have never been clean and unclean living beings, those "verses" are just made up by peculiar people in obsession with themselves.

the flood occurred during the time of the early "kinds" including noah, the initial misdirection after leaving the garden and those on the correct path to complete their mission. those beings that survived are those alive today.
there are and have never been clean and unclean living beings,


You must have never lived in a big city....

Would you consider maggots, bottom feeders, vultures, swine that do not ruminate, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, lily white curs, and talking serpents, clean or unclean creatures?

On the other hand are cattle and sheep clean or unclean however unaware of the slaughterhouse?

Take your time......

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the flood occurred before the verses, just to let you know ...

there are and have never been clean and unclean living beings, those "verses" are just made up by peculiar people in obsession with themselves.

the flood occurred during the time of the early "kinds" including noah, the initial misdirection after leaving the garden and those on the correct path to complete their mission. those beings that survived are those alive today.
Try reading the verses!
The problem is that you see the problem as a reason do dismiss the story whereas the problem was deliberately put in place to both make intelligent people think deeply and divert wise fools.
The problem is only a problem if one takes the story literally.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Moses also built an ark in which laws that define all clean and unclean animals are held. Jesus alluded to the story of Noah and advised people to build their homes on solid rock, the truth, so that another storm and flood that was coming, the winds of change, would not bring it down.
Interesting. I wonder if the words for the two arks are the same.

Most people of ancient times built their cities settlements and villages near running water for obvious reasons. Given that fact alone, not to mention the suddenness of the deluge, would mean that most people who did not seek higher ground died or immediately became destitute and died.
However bad the deluge, it is hard to imagine every single person on every single continent being killed. That is if you take the story literally of course.
The problem is only a problem if one takes the story literally.

Interesting. I wonder if the words for the two arks are the same.

However bad the deluge, it is hard to imagine every single person on every single continent being killed. That is if you take the story literally of course.
The Torah contains the key phrases; your job is to flesh it out.
I've them all. Once. If there is a specific one that is relevant, feel free to point me to it.
You have seen the verses but the story from start to finish takes 120 years.
We have endless commentaries on this episode with countless more on the way and the commentaries have to pass scientific muster or the publishing companies won’t publish them.

If you think Jews are dumb, we’re not.
There are more than enough skeptical Orthodox Jews who won’t tolerate fairy tales.
The problem is only a problem if one takes the story literally.

Interesting. I wonder if the words for the two arks are the same.

However bad the deluge, it is hard to imagine every single person on every single continent being killed. That is if you take the story literally of course.

Most scholars agree that Moses was the author of the creation and flood stories even if based on older traditions written before light was spoken into existence when their world was flat meaning they were all just former slaves, no rich no poor, no cops no criminals, no sinners and no saints.

This should tell you something about the arks.......
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You have seen the verses but the story from start to finish takes 120 years.
We have endless commentaries on this episode with countless more on the way and the commentaries have to pass scientific muster or the publishing companies won’t publish them.

If you think Jews are dumb, we’re not.
There are more than enough skeptical Orthodox Jews who won’t tolerate fairy tales.

You do know that 120 divided by 12 equals 10 years, a reasonable time for such a construction, and 969, the age of Methuselah when he died, divided by 12 equals almost 81 years old. Not impossible but at least twice as old as the average life span back then.

They must have used a lunar calendar. Do you really believe that Methuselah lived 969 years?
You have seen the verses but the story from start to finish takes 120 years.
We have endless commentaries on this episode with countless more on the way and the commentaries have to pass scientific muster or the publishing companies won’t publish them.

If you think Jews are dumb, we’re not.
There are more than enough skeptical Orthodox Jews who won’t tolerate fairy tales.
There are dumb Jews, there are smart Jews. There is no correlation. What is is an uneducated (male) Jew.

If you have a good example of a commentary that passed scientific muster, I'd love to see it.
You do know that 120 divided by 12 equals 10 years, a reasonable time for such a construction, and 969, the age of Methuselah when he died, divided by 12 equals almost 81 years old. Not impossible but at least twice as old as the average life span back then.

They must have used a lunar calendar. Do you really believe that Methuselah lived 969 years?
The construction took 120 years so that people should ask what he was doing.
God tested 4 generations and they simply became more and more evil and sealed their own fate.
There are dumb Jews, there are smart Jews. There is no correlation. What is is an uneducated (male) Jew.

If you have a good example of a commentary that passed scientific muster, I'd love to see it.
Try Rambam and Ramban as a start.
The construction took 120 years so that people should ask what he was doing.
God tested 4 generations and they simply became more and more evil and sealed their own fate.
That's not what happened according to much earlier myths of the flood.
As though I am obsessed with myths and Islam.
Has nothing to do with Islam. The earlier story is recorded on clay tablets in Sumer, Bahrain and Ras Shamra... A thousand years before the Jews and 2 thousand years before Islam.
What does sexual intercourse have to do with building an ark?

If you think that anyone ever lived for 969 years or that anyone ever spent 120 years building anything you probably need to learn about human sexuality too.

Why go through life crippled by an unrestrained imagination?

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