Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

I understand it very well. I don't care if you have no education or if you follow Scofield, Hal Lindsey.. even the Jewish sages didn't take it literally.

LOL, Is that really all you have? Whenever you get slapped down you go with Scofield and Lindsey. It's reflexive for you. I am more educated in the Scriptures than you ever will be and you resent that.
If you can’t find two of the most famous Jews in history, you’re not looking.
I had no trouble finding them, what I could not find was any scientific treatise. I did find something on why the Bible said both the animals came and they had to be collected. An interesting theory but it is essentially someone writing his own bible.
I had no trouble finding them, what I could not find was any scientific treatise. I did find something on why the Bible said both the animals came and they had to be collected. An interesting theory but it is essentially someone writing his own bible.
Rambam and Malbim were, and are, regarded very highly in the scientific world.
Their method of documentation is narrative.

Hirsch was a world reknown grammarian and foremost documentor of gematria.

Aristotle, the father of science, did not write scientific formulas and was a genius even compared to today’s purveyors of natural phenomena.
Her "bible" is allegorical and there fore worthless.

so then, provide the tablets from heaven you claim are etched with 10 commandments ... or remove them from your book. the false monotheistic origin - made up by moses.

likewise, the great flood correctly dated prior to recorded history ~ 1k years past from the journey's beginning, Eden.
You posted a video claiming there's no animal on this planet with wings by the tail, like a plane has; or with a vertical tail, like a plane has.

As thd picture I showed you proves -- that claim is not true.
If you're talking about the flying fish, the body is totally different.




You have to be on serious drugs to think those are the same.
Still the creation and the flood myths do not and were written by Moses to teach their recently freed children about the dangers of losing your mind for life to cultic practices like the magical arts, sorcery, (mind control), practiced in egypt where the Pharaoh wore a serpent on his head.
Not buying it. The myths of the Jews were first written down by Babylonian Jews. Saying Moses wrote any of the Bible is like saying Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John wrote the new testament. There is no evidence to support it, just old traditions and a desire to have the works penned by an authority.
it'll be fascinating to see hob's reaction if he were to make it to heaven when he encounters the may creatures he ridiculed on earth and the just punishment he will receive - for his insolence.

LOL... Don't you worry your silly self about me. I have already risen and ascended into heaven. Those who have risen and entered the sanctuary of God are no longer subject to judgement.

They have already passed from death to eternal life.
I'm locked in tight and out of range, dude.

“Blessed are those who wash their robes clean, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, fornicators ( which has nothing to do with sex), murderers, ( which has nothing to do with homicide) idolaters and all those who love and practice deceit."

People seeing themselves ridiculed and their teaching and beliefs the subject of condemnation in the Divine menu was the basis for the rebellion against Moses. What type of creature are you?

Do you really think that Moses was punished for alerting some people to the fact that in the eyes of God, the supreme being, they were like vermin, wild beasts, low lifes, unclean creatures whose teachings and beliefs, flesh, is vile and loathsome and defile and contaminate the mind ? Damn...

If you ever hope to enter the everlasting and triumph over evil you must be humble enough to say;

Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai
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Not buying it. The myths of the Jews were first written down by Babylonian Jews. Saying Moses wrote any of the Bible is like saying Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John wrote the new testament. There is no evidence to support it, just old traditions and a desire to have the works penned by an authority.

LOL...I'm not selling anything..

And no, not every Jewish person was exiled to Babylon. After the first ingathering tribes dispersed all over the known world returned with their own written traditions about Moses that predated the Babylonian exile which were then somewhat awkwardly woven together into its present form.

I will go with what is written because even if an unknown grumpy old man wrote them there is teaching essential to life, hidden treasure in them, fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

I have reached out my hand, taken, and eaten the fruit of the tree of life and it is good, very good.

That's enough evidence for me...
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It was the Jewish elite that was exiled so it is not surprising they ended up writing down the oral traditions

Like I said when they returned from exile along with every other tribe that scattered to parts unknown they all returned with somewhat slightly differing written traditions about Moses, the creation of man, giving Law etc, which were awkwardly woven together into its present form.

So basically you were wrong to say that the stories were first written by babylonian Jews....

The stories were written long before there were any babylonian Jews.

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