Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Like I said when they returned from exile along with every other tribe that scattered to parts unknown they all returned with somewhat slightly differing written traditions about Moses, the creation of man, giving Law etc, which were awkwardly woven together into its present form.

So basically you were wrong to say that the stories were first written by babylonian Jews....

The stories were written long before there were any babylonian Jews.
They all had Torah scrolls but whatever oral traditions that decided upon were differing.
They all had Torah scrolls but whatever oral traditions that decided upon were differing.

There are two accounts of the creation of man in genesis. This means the scrolls also differed.

But the difference between some oral traditions is the difference between a blessing or a curse.
Most scholars agree that Moses was the author of the creation and flood stories even if based on older traditions written before light was spoken into existence when their world was flat meaning they were all just former slaves, no rich no poor, no cops no criminals, no sinners and no saints.

This should tell you something about the arks.......
Well... you at least got some of that right.
LOL... Don't you worry your silly self about me. I have already risen and ascended into heaven. Those who have risen and entered the sanctuary of God are no longer subject to judgement.

They have already passed from death to eternal life.
I'm locked in tight and out of range, dude.

“Blessed are those who wash their robes clean, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, fornicators ( which has nothing to do with sex), murderers, ( which has nothing to do with homicide) idolaters and all those who love and practice deceit."

People seeing themselves ridiculed and their teaching and beliefs the subject of condemnation in the Divine menu was the basis for the rebellion against Moses. What type of creature are you?

Do you really think that Moses was punished for alerting some people to the fact that in the eyes of God, the supreme being, they were like vermin, wild beasts, low lifes, unclean creatures whose teachings and beliefs, flesh, is vile and loathsome and defile and contaminate the mind ? Damn...

If you ever hope to enter the everlasting and triumph over evil you must be humble enough to say;

Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai

so humble ... no, that can't be true - you've not had your ass reamed by the hog god yet to make passage through the gate.

and the other gods of those other creatures you demonize ...

good luck - * they're not the kind to take it easy on ya - sinner. try a new book.
so humble ... no, that can't be true - you've not had your ass reamed by the hog god yet to make passage through the gate.

Is that what happened to you?

I am truly sorry. However it really doesn't matter what was the cause of your demise.

What matters is if you have the faith to rise from the dead and pass through the straight and narrow, enter the kingdom of Heaven while on earth, and by doing so be healed becoming a new creature unaffected by and immune to the intimidation, poison, and threats of suffering, whether real or imaginary, from any foul and loathsome beast or bird however vicious or malevolent.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Anyone whose balls have been crushed cannot become a member of the assembly of the Lord.

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Is that what happened to you?

I am truly sorry. However it really doesn't matter what was the cause of your demise.

What matters is if you have the faith to rise from the dead and pass through the straight and narrow, enter the kingdom of Heaven while on earth, and by doing so be healed becoming a new creature unaffected by and immune to the intimidation, poison, and threats of suffering, whether real or imaginary, from any foul and loathsome beast or bird however vicious or malevolent.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Anyone whose balls have been crushed cannot become a member of the assembly of the Lord.


seriously -

... try a new book.

they were all made by the heavens who lives on planet Earth, same as you. from the beginning and are still present - your disparity is not for you to make, nothing new for a desert dweller.
Like I said when they returned from exile along with every other tribe that scattered to parts unknown they all returned with somewhat slightly differing written traditions about Moses, the creation of man, giving Law etc, which were awkwardly woven together into its present form.
What 'other tribes' returned and from where? And how do you know?

So basically you were wrong to say that the stories were first written by babylonian Jews....
They weren't invented by the Babylonian Jews but, as I understand it, that is when they for took written form.

The stories were written long before there were any babylonian Jews.
Not written, only oral traditions. Most people in the ancient world were illiterate and Jews were likely no different.
seriously -

they were all made by the heavens who lives on planet Earth, same as you. from the beginning and are still present - your disparity is not for you to make, nothing new for a desert dweller.
Desert dweller? Seriously? Any disparity for good or evil is earned.

People of every tribe, nation, culture, and language have been comparing other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult ever since people could talk.

Even grade school children.. Am I telling you something that you don't already know is true?

What planet have you been living on?

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Really? What is the connection between NASA and the Talmud?
Until recently, Maimanedes’ calculation for the moon’s trip around the earth was a 4th fraction of a second more accurate than NASA’s.
NASA has Jews who are familiar with the Talmud.

The Talmud also knew about Pi.
Don’t think people 2,000 years ago, regardless of nationality or religion, were stupid.
The Talmud also knew about Pi.
So what? For one, they got it wrong. Secondly they were just comparing the circumference of circles to their diameters. Not exactly groundbreaking, high-level stuff. What they did not know how to do was to figure out the area of a circle using pi, or any oher nifty tricks for which we can use pi.
Desert dweller? Seriously? Any disparity for good or evil is earned.

People of every tribe, nation, culture, and language have been comparing other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult ever since people could talk.

Even grade school children.. Am I telling you something that you don't already know is true?

What planet have you been living on?


there you go again ...

many of heavens creation learned their lesson, the great flood - and are now being victimized by humanities rejection - hobelim - that hopefully will not lead to extinction for everyone.
there you go again ...

many of heavens creation learned their lesson, the great flood - and are now being victimized by humanities rejection - hobelim - that hopefully will not lead to extinction for everyone.

Who are you to judge me for explaining metaphors in scripture that will only help the faithful while you incite disparity yourself when you incessantly accuse Christians and Jews for being responsible for evils perpetrated by people who have been dead for centuries especially when you have nothing to contribute aside from some vague profession about the spoken religion of antiquity without ever defining what that is?

You are acting like a monkey completely out of his tree banging on a hollow log in the middle of a noisy jungle teeming with screeching creatures.

Is there something wrong with me for pointing that out?
Who are you to judge me for explaining metaphors in scripture that will only help the faithful while you incite disparity yourself when you incessantly accuse Christians and Jews for being responsible for evils perpetrated by people who have been dead for centuries especially when you have nothing to contribute aside from some vague profession about the spoken religion of antiquity without ever defining what that is?

You are acting like a monkey completely out of his tree banging on a hollow log in the middle of a noisy jungle teeming with screeching creatures.

Is there something wrong with me for pointing that out?

Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

have you noticed the thread title ... the great flood - the rest like your book is hyperbole.

from the journey's beginning, eden to its first crossroad w/ heavens verdict, the great flood and their prescribed religion (for who were too dumb to know) the triumph of good vs evil required for judgement necessary for admissions to the Everlasting. and the 1st century reversal where the criminals are not brought to justice, the desert religions.

that's the present state of humanity - - desert dwellers - no need for your phony scriptures. or provide the tablets etched in heaven w/ 10 commandments - or remove them from your book as all else is without merit with them in it.

Is there something wrong with me for pointing that out?

yes ... too many to count, your ridiculing as all desert dwellers the creations made from heaven both fauna and flora - is only the tip of the endless depravities associated with scriptural religions.

they will all burn for however long necessary the great volcano has no more use for them.
have you noticed the thread title ... the great flood - the rest like your book is hyperbole.

So what. Hyperbole is an excellent tool used by the intelligent to make a point.

your ridiculing as all desert dwellers the creations made from heaven both fauna and flora - is only the tip of the endless depravities associated with scriptural religions.

Hey dude, I am just pointing out what the wild beasts of the field actually refers to in scripture, unevolved human beings that reflect by their behavior certain animals. According to the book this is how many people appear in the eyes of God, a real meanie, and so I looked around.

Some people act more like a jackass than a human being, some people are angels, some demons, some are like worms, serpents, vultures, sheep, some are living, some are dead, and so I agree.

That must make me Hobelim, Son of Meanie.

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