Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

So what. Hyperbole is an excellent tool used by the intelligent to make a point.

Hey dude, I am just pointing out what the wild beasts of the field actually refers to in scripture, unevolved human beings that reflect by their behavior certain animals. According to the book this is how many people appear in the eyes of God, a real meanie, and so I looked around.

Some people act more like a jackass than a human being, some people are angels, some demons, some are like worms, serpents, vultures, sheep, some are living, some are dead, and so I agree.

That must make me Hobelim, Son of Meanie.

sure hobe, you do have a special depth in what is written in those books - some of it is real - most, artificial icing covered forgeries.

- where are the tablets you, the desert religions claim are from the heavens etched with 10 commandments - provide those or remove the forged - 10 commandments - from those books or remain yourself a living forgery. a copy machine for the 1st century criminals who reversed the true religion of antiquity - for their own.
sure hobe, you do have a special depth in what is written in those books - some of it is real - most, artificial icing covered forgeries.

- where are the tablets you, the desert religions claim are from the heavens etched with 10 commandments - provide those or remove the forged - 10 commandments - from those books or remain yourself a living forgery. a copy machine for the 1st century criminals who reversed the true religion of antiquity - for their own.
Have you ever read the Egyptian Book of the Dead or Hammurabi Code?
- where are the tablets you, the desert religions claim are from the heavens etched with 10 commandments -

They were indelibly written in my mind....before I was born.

I never needed to read the book to know instinctively that the flesh of swine that do not ruminate defiles and contaminates the mind, I only needed to listen to the garbage that came out of their heads, but when I did finally study scripture it only confirmed what I had already known for years.

Do yourself a favor. Take a look around in your own head. Clean house. It's a do or die situation...

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What matters is if you have the faith to rise from the dead and pass through the straight and narrow, enter the kingdom of Heaven while on earth, and by doing so be healed becoming a new creature unaffected by and immune to the intimidation, poison, and threats of suffering, whether real or imaginary, from any foul and loathsome beast or bird however vicious or malevolent.
You mean like yourself? I guess that means I have entered the kingdom of Heaven while on earth, because I am unaffected by and immune to your intimidation, poison, and threats of suffering.
Have you ever read the Egyptian Book of the Dead or Hammurabi Code?

thx for asking, no - spent most of my reading time the napoleonic wars, us civil war, navel engagements and other romanticism and a little religion ... a bit of dust in the library at the present time.
They were indelibly written in my mind....before I was born.

I never needed to read the book to know instinctively that the flesh of swine that do not ruminate defiles and contaminates the mind, I only needed to listen to the garbage that came out of their heads, but when I did finally study scripture it only confirmed what I had already known for years.

Do yourself a favor. Take a look around in your own head. Clean house. It's a do or die situation...

those are heavens creatures, hogs - i grazed them for a while ... your simile is in error.

"Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works." 2 John 1:9-11

howabout the above - "indelibly written in my mind" ... fix your book, remove the false commandments - the heavens are polytheistic and for everyone that triumphs correctly. who you claim the messiah would not be alone to fit that bill and they aren't saving anyone.
thx for asking, no - spent most of my reading time the napoleonic wars, us civil war, navel engagements and other romanticism and a little religion ... a bit of dust in the library at the present time.
Even if you just read a summary, it is a new insight on history.
This is an example of how the bible contricts itself. It literally has two different accounts. Is it two of every animals or is it different for clean or unlean.

Adam and Eve is another example. One chapter says men and women were created at the exact same time, while another says Eve was created from Adam's rib. Some Jewish and Christian scholars came up with a reason for this. They believed that Eve was not the first woman, but that Adam had a wife called Lillith, who was created by God alongside him, and that Adam rejected her because she was his equal and demanded that God create him a new wife who would be subservient to him. They also believed that Lillith, who felt that God and Adam had betrayed her, was the one who let Satan into the Garden of Eden. She believed that God had cast her aside on Adam's whim, and so she turned to Satan. Some legends even say she became the first Succubus, a demon which feeds on the lust of men.
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This is an example of how the bible contricts itself. It literally has two different accounts. Is it two of every animals or is it different for clean or unlean.

Adam and Eve is another example. One chapter says men and women were created at the exact same time, while another says Eve was created from Adam's rib. Some Jewish and Christian scholars came up with a reason for this. They believed that Eve was not the first woman, but that Adam had a wife called Lillith, who was created by God alongside him, and that Adam rejected her because she was his equal and demanded that God create him a new wife who would be subservient to him. They also believed that Lillith, who felt that God and Adam had betrayed her, was the one who let Satan into the Garden of Eden. She believed that God had cast her aside on Adam's whim, and so she turned to Satan. Some legends even say she became the first Succubus, a demon which feeds on the lust of men.
Other ancient myths say that after the Fall Adam and Eve cohabited for 130 years and she gave birth to demons.
You mean like yourself? I guess that means I have entered the kingdom of Heaven while on earth, because I am unaffected by and immune to your intimidation, poison, and threats of suffering.

lol.. I never threatened you with hell or any suffering. I pointed out the irrefutable fact that you are already in hell. You seek spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands for shits sake.

You never read the Book, did you?

Idolaters will never enter the kingdom of heaven unless they first rise from the dead and repent.

If you don't believe me look it up.
lol.. I never threatened you with hell or any suffering. I pointed out the irrefutable fact that you are already in hell. You seek spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands for shits sake.

You never read the Book, did you?

Idolaters will never enter the kingdom of heaven unless they first rise from the dead and repent.

If you don't believe me look it up.
You sure did. You said I was already in it. How is that you not trying to intimidate me with suffering, dummy.
You seek spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands for shits sake.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken away from me.

Where do you get your strength, secular humanist?
those are heavens creatures, hogs - i grazed them for a while ... your simile is in error.

howabout the above - "indelibly written in my mind" ... fix your book, remove the false commandments - the heavens are polytheistic and for everyone that triumphs correctly. who you claim the messiah would not be alone to fit that bill and they aren't saving anyone.
Ugh.... Swine are unclean creatures specifically because they do not ruminate and as I already told you this command has nothing to do with farm animals but everything to do with people who do not ruminate, chew things over, think deeply. Their vile and loathsome flesh, teaching, to "just believe" without thinking defiles and contaminates the mind. Eat that flesh and you will surely die.

If you don't believe me try to have a rational discussion with ding.

This reminds me of that story of pentecost when a mighty wind blew open the doors and tongues of fire appeared that settled over the disciples heads...... like whoosh!
Ugh.... Swine are unclean creatures specifically because they do not ruminate and as I already told you this command has nothing to do with farm animals but everything to do with people who do not ruminate, chew things over, think deeply. Their vile and loathsome flesh, teaching, to "just believe" without thinking defiles and contaminates the mind. Eat that flesh and you will surely die.

If you don't believe me try to have a rational discussion with ding.

This reminds me of that story of pentecost when a mighty wind blew open the doors and tongues of fire appeared that settled over the disciples heads...... like whoosh!
Is that secular humanism wisdom?
You don't have to tell me that you worship the created rather than the creator. I already knew that by your behaviors and words.
I worship God in spirit and in truth wherever I am.. The evidence right in front of your blind eyes.

Listen up.

Rising from the dead is as easy or as difficult as it is for a person to be honest with themselves and others. This is not rocket science. I have not revealed anything too difficult or so arcane that is beyond the grasp of the least intelligent person. Your problem is being an actor and lying fraud.

With or without pretense you have nothing. Your own words and deeds confirm this.
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I wish that were true.

It is as surely as I am.

So knock it off. You are not fooling anyone. You don't even believe in what you say yourself.

Be real. Stop turning to a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life. It's just stupid.

Get out of your death bed, stand upright and walk like a man already.....what are you waiting for?

Just do it and you shall be healed.
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It is as surely as I am.

So knock it off. You are not fooling anyone. You don't even believe in what you say yourself.

Be real. Stop turning to a lifeless mayzo made by human hands for spiritual life. It's just stupid.

Get out of your death bed, stand upright, and walk like a man already.....

Just do it and you shall be healed.
You are the one speaking in code, bro. I see right through your thin secular humanist veil. You desire to subordinate religion. That's what you do.

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