Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

No Ding... The stories are much older and came from Sumer, Babylon, the Akkadians and Amorites.. and Canaanites in Ras Shamra
But ding is in "infallible word of god" mode. You have to catch one of his other, self contradictory personalities, like "it's all allegory, not to be take literally" mode, if you expect honest discussion about that stuff.
But ding is in "infallible word of god" mode. You have to catch one of his other, self contradictory personalities, like "it's all allegory, not to be take literally" mode, if you expect honest discussion about that stuff.
The Jews borrowed stories from the cultures around them and adapted them to their narrative. That alone means they weren't history, but didactic literature. And, they preserved these epic myths for us.
The Jews borrowed stories from the cultures around them and adapted them to their narrative. That alone means they weren't history, but didactic literature. And, they preserved these epic myths for us.

We get it it, God isn't God unless you deign to say it is so.
Then no, your dumbass doesn't get it, as he is talking about the dogma and lies of the iron aged mythogies, not the theism.

Well it's a she, her name is Margot. One cannot be a Christian and not believe in the Word of God as God describes it.
No Ding... The stories are much older and came from Sumer, Babylon, the Akkadians and Amorites.. and Canaanites in Ras Shamra
Does the fact that one account is first prove the later to be a copy? :dunno: Common sense presents the following..........if there was such a global flood and there were survivors of such an event what would these survivors have told their children and grandchildren? What would happen with each generations retelling of the event as the people became further removed from the event in history? After such an event you would find each generation added to or took away certain situations that differ from the original telling as the descendants spread around the globe......being even further removed from the original story by hundreds, and thousands of years.

That is exactly what you find....with each difference in geological location and differing ethic groups.......the story would have some points in common and some that differed greatly from the original story. Fact: there are over 200 legends concerning a great flood found around the globe. From the Aztecs who tell a story of a worldwide flood with "Coxcox and his wife surviving. The story goes, directly following the flood GIANTS constructed great pyramids in an attempt to touch the clouds.

Then we have a flood story in China.......where God sent a warning to 3 sons that a flood was coming.......then but 1 son followed Gods warning and built a boat........he then had 3 sons that repopulated the earth. These are just 2 of the 200 different flood accounts.

The fact that the story of "Gilamesh" or various others that were written down and preserved first cannot be argued that because it was written first this somehow makes the others oral accounts false. A. It can't be used to argue that because it was written down...that makes it the only true story........OR. that B. it was the basis for other accounts that were recorded later based upon the writing of an oral history.

Logical example: Suppose the following hypothetical event. Such as a battle from the American Civil war. One soldier who was not there heard from another soldier and told a friend of the account of the battle. One of those who was told the story decided to write it down (like the legend of Gilamesh) before anyone else had written about it. Year or decades later a person, a young officer who was there decided to record his memory of events and it differed from the first story........does that first story make the soldier who actually knew what happened in the battle........a liar or worse a plagiarizer? :dunno:

You claim that the Genesis record was copied from someone's record like Gilamesh? Yet when you compare the stories........there are vast and great differences in the story line.

There are many differences between the 2 records. Gilamesh records the story of a man named "Utnapishtim" who was told by "MANY gods and VARIOUS gods" that they were going to destory all the people, and he was given warning.......and built a boat of 120 cubits on 4 sides by 120 cubits high making the vessel a big BOX.

The boat was finished in but 5 or 6 days having 6 decks loaded with silver and gold, ale, beer, butchered meat, "Wine as if it were river water.....". And a host of animals, just before the boat was launched. Then the God "Shamash" rained down loaves of bread and wheat from heaven.

They got on the boat and a great flood broke apart the earth for 7 days. When it stopped "Utnapishtim" looked outside........all the human beings had been turned to clay. They waited 7 days and released a dove, a swallow and a raven. The dove and the swallow returned the raven did not. The survivors then existed the boat and made sacrifices to the "gods". When the god "Enlil" saw that man had survived he was furious.........because no man was supposed to survive the annihilation. He.....Enlil then for some reason blessed Utnapishtim and his wife and granted them the ability to be like gods and live an extended life.

Question. If Genesis copied directly from "Gilamesh" why do these differences exist? Why are the number of decks and shape of the vessels different? Why are the dimensions different? Why such a different account of how long it took to construct the boat? Or the length and duration of the flood? Gilamesh appears to have spent but 2 weeks on the boat on a cubical style boat. Why does the Genesis account not include the swallow? Why does Gilamesh claim that one of the gods did not know that mankind had survived the event? :dunno:

Any skeptic who insists that Genesis "plagiarized" from Gliamesh must explain these differences. If not.......why not? ;)
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Your hidden teachings are secular humanism. You use doublespeak to try to camouflage it. You hate Christianity because you are a secular humanist.

it is you who fails to realize the journey they, a&e chose in the beginning - to understand for themselves life's rewards, liberation theology, self determination ... their goal than like you to worship and live as a slave.

problem for you is there is no turning back and is true for all being's that survived the great flood to triumph correctly in self control or simply perish.

- or possibly to worship for your life as christianity if any of those in the heavens really want to be worshiped. not exactly how life is meant to evolve. as theirs was the right choice to make.
Does the fact that one account is first prove the later to be a copy? :dunno: Common sense presents the following..........if there was such a global flood and there were survivors of such an event what would these survivors have told their children and grandchildren? What would happen with each generations retelling of the event as the people became further removed from the event in history? After such an event you would find each generation added to or took away certain situations that differ from the original telling as the descendants spread around the globe......being even further removed from the original story by hundreds, and thousands of years.

That is exactly what you find....with each difference in geological location and differing ethic groups.......the story would have some points in common and some that differed greatly from the original story. Fact: there are over 200 legends concerning a great flood found around the globe. From the Aztecs who tell a story of a worldwide flood with "Coxcox and his wife surviving. The story goes, directly following the flood GIANTS constructed great pyramids in an attempt to touch the clouds.

Then we have a flood story in China.......where God sent a warning to 3 sons that a flood was coming.......then but 1 son followed Gods warning and built a boat........he then had 3 sons that repopulated the earth. These are just 2 of the 200 different flood accounts.

The fact that the story of "Gilamesh" or various others that were written down and preserved first cannot be argued that because it was written first this somehow makes the others oral accounts false. A. It can't be used to argue that because it was written down...that makes it the only true story........OR. that B. it was the basis for other accounts that were recorded later based upon the writing of an oral history.

Logical example: Suppose the following hypothetical event. Such as a battle from the American Civil war. One soldier who was not there heard from another soldier and told a friend of the account of the battle. One of those who was told the story decided to write it down (like the legend of Gilamesh) before anyone else had written about it. Year or decades later a person, a young officer who was there decided to record his memory of events and it differed from the first story........does that first story make the soldier who actually knew what happened in the battle........a liar or worse a plagiarizer? :dunno:

You claim that the Genesis record was copied from someone's record like Gilamesh? Yet when you compare the stories........there are vast and great differences in the story line.

There are many differences between the 2 records. Gilamesh records the story of a man named "Utnapishtim" who was told by "MANY gods and VARIOUS gods" that they were going to destory all the people, and he was given warning.......and built a boat of 120 cubits on 4 sides by 120 cubits high making the vessel a big BOX.

The boat was finished in but 5 or 6 days having 6 decks loaded with silver and gold, ale, beer, butchered meat, "Wine as if it were river water.....". And a host of animals, just before the boat was launched. Then the God "Shamash" rained down loaves of bread and wheat from heaven.

They got on the boat and a great flood broke apart the earth for 7 days. When it stopped "Utnapishtim" looked outside........all the human beings had been turned to clay. They waited 7 days and released a dove, a swallow and a raven. The dove and the swallow returned the raven did not. The survivors then existed the boat and made sacrifices to the "gods". When the god "Enlil" saw that man had survived he was furious.........because no man was supposed to survive the annihilation. He.....Enlil then for some reason blessed Utnapishtim and his wife and granted them the ability to be like gods and live an extended life.

Question. If Genesis copied directly from "Gilamesh" why do these differences exist? Why are the number of decks and shape of the vessels different? Why are the dimensions different? Why such a different account of how long it took to construct the boat? Or the length and duration of the flood? Gilamesh appears to have spent but 2 weeks on the boat on a cubical style boat. Why does the Genesis account not include the swallow? Why does Gilamesh claim that one of the gods did not know that mankind had survived the event? :dunno:

Any skeptic who insists that Genesis "plagiarized" from Gliamesh must explain these differences. If not.......why not? ;)
The Euphrates river basin has evidence for a massive flood. The footprint is 150 miles across and 350 miles south to the Persian Gulf. The original story was about barges hauling livestock, grain and beer downriver. . Before Gilgamesh.
it is you who fails to realize the journey they, a&e chose in the beginning - to understand for themselves life's rewards, liberation theology, self determination ... their goal than like you to worship and live as a slave.

problem for you is there is no turning back and is true for all being's that survived the great flood to triumph correctly in self control or simply perish.

- or possibly to worship for your life as christianity if any of those in the heavens really want to be worshiped. not exactly how life is meant to evolve. as theirs was the right choice to make.
Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. It's the cosmic battle between good and evil. You're on the side of evil in case you weren't aware.
The Jews borrowed stories from the cultures around them and adapted them to their narrative. That alone means they weren't history, but didactic literature. And, they preserved these epic myths for us.
The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.
But ding is in "infallible word of god" mode. You have to catch one of his other, self contradictory personalities, like "it's all allegory, not to be take literally" mode, if you expect honest discussion about that stuff.
You would make an excellent evangelical with how you attack others for having different beliefs than yours.
The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history before the great migration from the cradle of civilizat.ion.
Moses didn't write the first five books. There were dozens of authors and a period of hundreds of years. Exodus is a foundation myth, but it's not history. The Jews emerged from the Canaanite tribes on the north coast of Syria.
Moses didn't write the first five books. There were dozens of authors and a period of hundreds of years. Exodus is a foundation myth, but it's not history. The Jews emerged from the Canaanite tribes on the north coast of Syria.
That's what I said.

Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

In fact, you agree with me that prior to the migration from Mesopotamia everyone shared a common culture.
Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. It's the cosmic battle between good and evil. You're on the side of evil in case you weren't aware.

the post is about the journey granted a&e and their decision to be responsible for their own self determination, the inflection of the great flood and the floods reversal by the 1st century crucifixion sustained by 4th century christianity.

christianity is a political narrative manufactured in the 4th century disguised as a religion that institutes slavery at the expense of self determination and a perversion of the 1st century events, liberation theology it falsely claims to represent. the state religion of the roman empire.

and again, provide the tablets from heaven etched with 10 commandments that is the basis for christianity, the three desert religions - as well the basis for monotheism and the christian claim of a messiah.

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