Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal


the procedural recording of history if you are claiming that by the text of moses is superfluous in logistics being a minimum 1 million years removed from what they were attempting to represent ... or to suggest as allegorical is a joke.

and biased by their lie of etched tablets from the heavens to transfix their narrative as a divine revelation proves their objective of recorded history as wholly without merit.

not withstanding the great flood's emergence from the multiple sources than the date of it's occurrence and most likely archaeologically located 1k's of miles south of the middle east.
it is you who fails to realize the journey they, a&e chose in the beginning - to understand for themselves life's rewards, liberation theology, self determination ... their goal than like you to worship and live as a slave.

problem for you is there is no turning back and is true for all being's that survived the great flood to triumph correctly in self control or simply perish.

- or possibly to worship for your life as christianity if any of those in the heavens really want to be worshiped. not exactly how life is meant to evolve. as theirs was the right choice to make.
And every post of yours is the same old tired shit.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

― Marianne Williamson
the procedural recording of history if you are claiming that by the text of moses is superfluous in logistics being a minimum 1 million years removed from what they were attempting to represent ... or to suggest as allegorical is a joke.

and biased by their lie of etched tablets from the heavens to transfix their narrative as a divine revelation proves their objective of recorded history as wholly without merit.

not withstanding the great flood's emergence from the multiple sources than the date of it's occurrence and most likely archaeologically located 1k's of miles south of the middle east.
Lol what?
The Euphrates river basin has evidence for a massive flood. The footprint is 150 miles across and 350 miles south to the Persian Gulf. The original story was about barges hauling livestock, grain and beer downriver. . Before Gilgamesh.
Again........deflect much? :blahblah: You were not asked for an antiquated geographical topography lesson that you have no method of calibrating for accuracy other than conjecture, speculation and assumption.

You make a charge that the Genesis record of the flood was parroted from other sources because those sources were written down first. Then you refuse to address the vast differences in these accounts and explain how Genesis copied from a source that was based upon ancient paganism. If Genesis copied from these sources one would expect to see that copy reflected in the record found in Genesis as compared to the supposed other sources that came first because they were the first to be written down.

If you have been taught anything by history its the fact that not everything you see in print is truthful nor accurate. Yellow journalism has existed since the beginning of recorded history.

And the "Gilgamesh" story as compared to Geneses' record? When you take a close look at the epic of "Gilgamesh" it presents Gilgamesh as a pagan who worshiped various gods. He was an "idolatrous:" king who ruled via tyranny in imposing his will on the land. One of his laws was to participate in sexual intercourse with every girl in his territory before they were allowed to be married.

The record found in the tablets that present the epic of Gilgamesh is just what one would expect to find in a society that had departed from the worship of the one true God of Creation.....which would distort His laws and the actual history of recording an accurate past.

The opposite is actually true of what you are claiming..........instead of discrediting the Genesis account of the flood, the other stories found around the globe (some 200 accounts) concerning the flood event help support the Genesis record .........these 200 different accounts from all around the globe offer evidence that the flood was not an isolated event as you are attempting to suggest with your supposed ancient topography lesson...........that proves nothing, except the recorded fact that the valley's sank and the mountains rose during the flood event. (Ps. 104:6-9) The geography and topography of the earth was vastly different before and after the flood event. Yet...........what you find all around the globe on every continent, every region of the an account of a flood event that all but wiped humanity from the face of the earth, and a geographical record that finds archaeology demonstrating that even the highest points on earth have been under water at some point in their history.

Question? "IF" you pointing to the history of the Persian Gulf proves the flood was a local event.....then by logic and reason the fact that examples of fossils from sea creatures are found on Mt. Everest proves there was a global If not...........why not? You point to a single point and place (presenting evidence of a flood when there has been many floods in that region) in history and projecting it as the of truth......why can't you accept the same as logic?
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Again........deflect much? :blahblah: You were not asked for an antiquated geographical topography lesson that you have no method of calibrating for accuracy other than conjecture, speculation and assumption.

You make a charge that the Genesis record of the flood was parroted from other sources because those sources were written down first. Then you refuse to address the vast differences in these accounts and explain how Genesis copied from a source that was based upon ancient paganism. If Genesis copied from these sources one would expect to see that copy reflected in the record found in Genesis as compared to the supposed other sources that came first because they were the first to be written down.

If you have been taught anything by history its the fact that not everything you see in print is truthful nor accurate. Yellow journalism has existed since the beginning of recorded history.

And the "Gilgamesh" story as compared to Geneses' record? When you take a close look at the epic of "Gilgamesh" it presents Gilgamesh as a pagan who worshiped various gods. He was an "idolatrous:" king who ruled via tyranny in imposing his will on the land. One of his laws was to participate in sexual intercourse with every girl in his territory before they were allowed to be married.

The record found in the tablets that present the epic of Gilgamesh is just what one would expect to find in a society that had departed from the worship of the one true God of Creation.....which would distort His laws and the actual history of recording an accurate past.

The opposite is actually true of what you are claiming..........instead of discrediting the Genesis account of the flood, the other stories found around the globe (some 200 accounts) concerning the flood event help support the Genesis record .........these 200 different accounts from all around the globe offer evidence that the flood was not an isolated event as you are attempting to suggest with your supposed ancient topography lesson...........that proves nothing, except the recorded fact that the valley's sank and the mountains rose during the flood event. (Ps. 104:6-9) The geography and topography of the earth was vastly different before and after the flood event. Yet...........what you find all around the globe on every continent, every region of the an account of a flood event that all but wiped humanity from the face of the earth, and a geographical record that finds archaeology demonstrating that even the highest points on earth have been under water at some point in their history.

Question? "IF" you pointing to the history of the Persian Gulf proves the flood was a local event.....then by logic and reason the fact that examples of fossils from sea creatures are found on Mt. Everest proves there was a global If not...........why not? You point to a single point and place (presenting evidence of a flood when there has been many floods in that region) in history and projecting it as the of truth......why can't you accept the same as logic?
There was no global flood, but there's plenty of evidence for flooding of the Euphrates river basin. Before Adam and Eve the Sumerians had a written language, agriculture, irrigation and sailboats.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead and Code of Hammurabi predate the ten commandments.
who is moses - are the 10 commandments ... allegorical.

you did not answer the question - are the 10 commandments allegorical ...

what is the relevancy of the above - they surly did not "date" what never existed. they are not divine in nature and a progressive legal code for humanities development to accomplish - self determination.

why exactly after the great flood would a document from the heavens be introduced when nonintervention was the price for humanities allowed survival - for what purpose - than for the false levity brought to moses by their own revelation that was never verified.
It's not found in anyone's neighborhood. Seriously what church do you attend. I'd love to know.

that's because the triumph of good is left out of the c bible and like yours and most congregations they practice the opposite.

that is our church, the church of amageddon - and an inaccurate part of the map to heaven is on the dollar bill ...


the heavens are above the pyramid, if ever the apex is accomplished.
There was no global flood, but there's plenty of evidence for flooding of the Euphrates river basin. Before Adam and Eve the Sumerians had a written language, agriculture, irrigation and sailboats.
Of course..........and you can prove Its your "OPINION" backed by nothing, while there is an oral history all around the world that confirms there was a global flood. With archaeology proving that there is not a point of land on earth that has not been under water.
Of course..........and you can prove Its your "OPINION" backed by nothing, while there is an oral history all around the world that confirms there was a global flood. With archaeology proving that there is not a point of land on earth that has not been under water.
Nope. It's not opinion. It's archaeology.
you did not answer the question - are the 10 commandments allegorical ...

what is the relevancy of the above - they surly did not "date" what never existed. they are not divine in nature and a progressive legal code for humanities development to accomplish - self determination.

why exactly after the great flood would a document from the heavens be introduced when nonintervention was the price for humanities allowed survival - for what purpose - than for the false levity brought to moses by their own revelation that was never verified.
Why would the commandments be allegorical? The story may be.
that's because the triumph of good is left out of the c bible and like yours and most congregations they practice the opposite.

that is our church, the church of amageddon - and an inaccurate part of the map to heaven is on the dollar bill ...

View attachment 635666

the heavens are above the pyramid, if ever the apex is accomplished.
Is the dress code at this church bomb vests?
Nope. It's not opinion. It's archaeology.
Again.......archaeology proves that sea life fossils are found on the highest peaks of land that exist today. By the logic you just presented that proves there was a global flood.......if not, why not? Why can you alone have your cake and eat it also?

So there was a regional flood in the middle eastern Persian Gulf........guess what? There was a regional flood along the Mississippi Valley at some point in history? This proves what? There was a regional does not disprove there was not a global flood because the same geography and topography does not exist today as it existed during the flood. Another point.......the entire Sahara Desert was once the Sahara Sea. What does this prove?

You point to archaeology on one hand and then deny the same on the other. Archaeology proves that Mt. Everest was once under water. The history found in the Holy Bible declares that during the flood event the ocean floors rose to create the great mountains and the valleys sank to form the great ocean trenches. And you offer........nothing but theory and conjecture.

According to your logic.......since the Scriptures were written before any theories of the latter centuries........the scriptures must be true. If not why not? attempt to have your cake and eat it. :stir: You simply continue to stir and stir while digging your own illogical grave.

But this is not the first time you have failed to address a blatant have a track record.

And yet you fail to address the first question presented to you. How does any pre-existing written record prove that Genesis was parroted when the actual content of the accounts contradicts the other? You cannot address this question with any reasonable or logical answer.......thus the deflection by running your mouth :blahblah: like some middle school child that just keeps repeating the same illogical argument as if the more its repeated the more it is accepted as truth.

Its called a Logical Fallacy or Circular Reasoning.
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Again.......archaeology proves that sea life fossils are found on the highest peaks of land that exist today. By the logic you just presented that proves there was a global flood.......if not, why not? Why can you alone have your cake and eat it also?

So there was a regional flood in the middle eastern Persian Gulf........guess what? There was a regional flood along the Mississippi Valley at some point in history? This proves what? There was a regional does not disprove there was not a global flood because the same geography and topography does not exist today as it existed during the flood. Another point.......the entire Sahara Desert was once the Sahara Sea. What does this prove?

You point to archaeology on one hand and then deny the same on the other. Archaeology proves that Mt. Everest was once under water. The history found in the Holy Bible declares that during the flood event the ocean floors rose to created great mountains and the valleys sank to form the great ocean trenches. And you offer........nothing but theory and conjecture.

According to your logic.......since the Scriptures were written before any theories of the latter centuries........the scriptures must be true. If not why not? attempt to have your cake and eat it. :stir: You simply continue to stir and stir while digging your own illogical grave.

But this is not the first time you have failed to address a blatant have a track record.

And yet you fail to address the first question presented to you. How does any pre-existing written record prove that Genesis was parroted when the actual content of the accounts contradicts the other? You cannot address this question with any reasonable or logical answer.......thus the deflection by running your mouth :blahblah: like some middle school child that just keeps repeating the same illogical argument as if the more its repeated the more it is accepted as truth.
Plate tectonics account for the seashells. ... 35 million years ago. The middle east has been explored for oil for a hundred years. There's thousands of core samples, but there's no universal flood sediment. It's a morality tale not history.

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