Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

while there is an oral history all around the world that confirms there was a global flood.
A shameless lie. You not only have zero evidence, you are lying to sayyou do, while all the actual evidence stands against your lies and myths. But this is the correct section for your lies. So knock yourself out.
The Gilgamesh myth is found on tablets in Sumer, Bahrain and the Canaanites of Ras Shamra long before Judaism.

What is this now.....over a dozen times you have failed to address your accusations. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg:

More feigned ignorance in pretending you can't read and comprehend simple English? No one is denying that a set of tables exist........ does that prove that Genesis plagiarized anything from the epic of Gilgamesh, that is nothing but a made up historical record of a society and tyrannical leader that worshiped pagan gods and distorted the record of the flood. The 2 accounts differ greatly.....along with over 200 more flood accounts around the world. How do you know that Gilgamesh did not copy a pre-existing ORAL HISTORY and claim it as its own? :dunno: You don't. you are pretending to be thick headed. If the fact that a written record exists (true or not).......prior to Genesis and that means that Genesis plagiarized Gilgamesh......then your continental Drift hypothesis (idea) must have been plagiarized from the Holy Bible which addresses the changing geology and topography of the earth (Ps. 104:6-9) 1000's of years before 1912 when the continental drift hypothesis first appeared. If not.......why not?
A shameless lie. You not only have zero evidence, you are lying to sayyou do, while all the actual evidence stands against your lies and myths. But this is the correct section for your lies. So knock yourself out.
There are not 200 stories around the world that addresses a flood? Dumb ASS. How old are you "12"? Do you not grow weary of using a sock to demonstrate your ignorance? :no_text11: When you engage in a battle of wits, its best not to show up with an empty chamber.

What is this now.....over a dozen times you have failed to address your accusations. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg:

More feigned ignorance in pretending you can't read and comprehend simple English? No one is denying that a set of tables exist........ does that prove that Genesis plagiarized anything from the epic of Gilgamesh, that is nothing but a made up historical record of a society and tyrannical leader that worshiped pagan gods and distorted the record of the flood. The 2 accounts differ greatly.....along with over 200 more flood accounts around the world. How do you know that Gilgamesh did not copy a pre-existing ORAL HISTORY and claim it as its own? :dunno: You don't. you are pretending to be thick headed. If the fact that a written record exists (true or not).......prior to Genesis and that means that Genesis plagiarized Gilgamesh......then your continental Drift hypothesis (idea) must have been plagiarized from the Holy Bible which addresses the changing geology and topography of the earth (Ps. 104:6-9) 1000's of years before 1912 when the continental drift hypothesis first appeared. If not.......why not?
There's thousands of these tablets. The Canaanites wrote about Gilgamesh long before Abraham.
There's thousands of these tablets. The Canaanites wrote about Gilgamesh long before Abraham.
And? Answer the question. There could be millions of these tablets........that does not prove anything you are claiming is true. According to your same logic..........continental drift was plagiarized from the Holy Bible. As it contains a written record before 1912.

There are countless flood stories from around the world.....estimated to be between 200 and 500 accounts from all around the globe. Each slightly different. Because someone has recorded this oral history in their own language does not make it the original source of all those accounts. It just means that someone decided to write their own account of a flood event.

If Genesis plagiarized Gilgamesh...........explain the drastic difference in the story line. There are no comparisons. One is pagan, the other worships the God of has the flood lasting but 2 weeks, the other months, one has the boat being a square box with 6 floors loaded first with wine and ale...etc., people turned to clay......gods being angered because man survived (ignorant gods that do not know that someone survived)

Again........if one is copied from the other explain the differences?
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And? Answer the question. There could be millions of these tablets........that does not prove anything you are claiming is true. According to your same logic..........continental drift was plagiarized from the Holy Bible. As it contains a written record before 1912.
I never said continental drift was plagiarized from the Bible. That was James Bond the computer tech.
I never said continental drift was plagiarized from the Bible. That was James Bond the computer tech.
Dumb ass. Again with the pretended ignorance of the English language? Your logic stated that because there was a written record......that made all other sources guilty of stealing from that record because it was in writing FIRST. By this same logic...........the Holy Bible has a written record that predates your continental drift hypothesis by 1000's of years (explaining the changing geography and topography of the earth during the flood).......that means your idea of continental drift was stolen from the Holy Bible.......according your own logic.

Are you really that dumb or do you not simply want to admit that you have been proven wrong? Regardless of the number of times you feign ignorance. Your logic is dismissed as a LOGICAL FALLACY.
Now tell how long that takes.
How long does it take a person to live his/her life, overcoming faults, strengthening character, building virtue? How does the age of a mountain help anyone to choose and decide how to best live life today?

Early man lived through a great flood and some wanted to relate what they learned from this great event, what they wanted to remember, what they wanted their children and their children's descendants to learn and remember.

None of these lessons were taught to us by Mt. Everest. And that mountain had about 60 million years to think up one.
Dumb ass. Again with the pretended ignorance of the English language? Your logic stated that because there was a written record......that made all other sources guilty of stealing from that record because it was in writing FIRST. By this same logic...........the Holy Bible has a written record that predates your continental drift hypothesis by 1000's of years (explaining the changing geography and topography of the earth during the flood).......that means your idea of continental drift was stolen from the Holy Bible.......according your own logic.

Are you really that dumb or do you not simply want to admit that you have been proven wrong? Regardless of the number of times you feign ignorance. Your logic is dismissed as a LOGICAL FALLACY.
Nope. The Jews may have learned the story during the Babylonian exile or from the Canaanites in north coast Syria.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Code of Hammurabi are both older than the 10 commandments.

the 10 commandments etched in the heavens would not have a timeline and another reason for their being forgeries as their specificity negates their origin ...

as well there not being a reason for commandments to exist considering the journeys goal of self determination and their, the heavens prescribed religion of antiquity issued as the result of the great flood reiterating the same goal - having nothing to do with deity but the original mission for remission to the garden of eden - the Everlasting.

is your education falling short of actual reasoning ... ability.
the 10 commandments etched in the heavens would not have a timeline and another reason for their being forgeries as their specificity negates their origin ...

as well there not being a reason for commandments to exist considering the journeys goal of self determination and their, the heavens prescribed religion of antiquity issued as the result of the great flood reiterating the same goal - having nothing to do with deity but the original mission for remission to the garden of eden - the Everlasting.

is your education falling short of actual reasoning ... ability.
You've seen them etched in the heavens?

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