Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Prove that its a fairy tale......simple. Demonstrate to us how life evolved from dead matter. Show the experiment where life has been reproduced from dead matter. If talk about a fairy tale. Life evolved from two major gasses found in the stars.

Here read the idea of how life began on earth. Notice how many times subjective (non objective) terms are used in this article. In the first paragraph we find "Could Have Been" and "May BE PRESENT". Next paragraph "However UNDERSTANDING how the process is complicated". Then "Has Been NEARLY reconstituted". Next up, "That it might......"

Real objective language for a supposed Scientific Article there STUD. If someone presented evidence such as this to any scientist that actually work with APPLIED would be laughed at. Applied Science deals in FACTS, not subjective, conjecture, speculation and unprovable ASSUMPTIONS.

physiology is a metaphysical substance not native to planet Earth and will evolve wherever conditions are conducive for its development - as proof the metaphysical forces also provide the unique spiritual content each physiological being requires to become alive and the physical physiology will dissolve into the atmosphere when its spiritual content is removed.

and to free the spirit to live past the physical presence of its physiology, the spirit must become pure in accordance with the religion of antiquity necessary for all living beings for admission to the Everlasting.

where do you then claim they are from, christian - the c bible 10 commandments.
Prove that its a fairy tale......simple.

yes that is quite simple - provide the tablets etched in the heavens or remove the false 10 commandments from all 3 desert religion documents ... simple indeed.
There are a lot of anachronisms in the Bible and many errors of geography.
Prove them false instead of making accusation that you are yet to backup with any OBJECTIVE and REPRODUCBLE facts in evidence. Like all people who attempt to dismiss the Holy Scripture, you present logical fallacies and subjective conjecture, speculations and assumption.

To prove the point. Look at this thread. Nothing you have presented has been proven to be TRUE. :no_text11:
physiology is a metaphysical substance not native to planet Earth and will evolve wherever conditions are conducive for its development - as proof the metaphysical forces also provide the unique spiritual content each physiological being requires to become alive and the physical physiology will dissolve into the atmosphere when its spiritual content is removed.

and to free the spirit to live past the physical presence of its physiology, the spirit must become pure in accordance with the religion of antiquity necessary for all living beings for admission to the Everlasting.

yes that is quite simple - provide the tablets etched in the heavens or remove the false 10 commandments from all 3 desert religion documents ... simple indeed.
Again..........those who make the accusation must prosecute and prove beyond reasonable doubt though an application of facts in evidence that the prima facie evidence that concludes in obvious truth is in error. The Bible records the existence of these tablets backed by EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS. You have a 3500 year old historical record confirming the existence of those tablets. What have you presented to prove your NEGATIVE attempt to have the mule push the plow? You charge these tablets do not exist because they have never been located.........a negative and logical fallacy. :smoochEE:

It would be a hell of a day in court to have a jury made up of ignorant individuals such as you where the defendant must prove they are not guilty instead of having the court system prove their guilt. BACKASSWARDS. Typical mentality of an ignorant sheep like LIBERAL whose mind is governed by emotion instead of logic and reason.

PSYCH 101: Your real problem? You can't stand the thought of you being proven wrong time and time again.

You have just had your ass handed to you by the Holy Spirit of God who inspired the record found in the Holy Bible...........AGAIN. :hhello:
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Prove them false instead of making accusation that you are yet to backup with any OBJECTIVE and REPRODUCBLE facts in evidence. Like all people who attempt to dismiss the Holy Scripture, you present logical fallacies and subjective conjecture, speculations and assumption.

To prove the point. Look at this thread. Nothing you have presented has been proven to be TRUE. :no_text11:
You have to understand…
surada is a silver spooned Muslim lover.
If there is no God, Jews have no right to Israel.
Again..........those who make the accusation must prosecute and prove beyond reasonable doubt though and application of facts that the prima facie evidence that concludes in obvious truth is in error. You have a 3500 year old historical record confirming the existence of those tablets. What have you presented to prove your NEGATIVE attempt to have the mule push the plow? You charge these tablets do not exist because they have never been located.........a negative and logical fallacy. :smoochEE:
There is a reason I have BW on Ignore.
There was no Ur of the Chaldeans in the time of Abraham. It would have been underwater. Like lived in Antioch and completely screwed up the geography of Palestine.
Ur means Light and it’s referring to an incident not a place.
But what the heck do you know.
Again..........those who make the accusation must prosecute and prove beyond reasonable doubt though an application of facts in evidence that the prima facie evidence that concludes in obvious truth is in error. The Bible records the existence of these tablets backed by EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS. You have a 3500 year old historical record confirming the existence of those tablets. What have you presented to prove your NEGATIVE attempt to have the mule push the plow? You charge these tablets do not exist because they have never been located.........a negative and logical fallacy. :smoochEE:

It would be a hell of a day in court to have a jury made up of ignorant individuals such as you where the defendant must prove they are not guilty instead of having the court system prove their guilt. BACKASSWARDS. Typical mentality of an ignorant sheep like LIBERAL whose mind is governed by emotion instead of logic and reason.

PSYCH 101: Your real problem? You can't stand the thought of you being proven wrong time and time again.

You have just had your ass handed to you by the Holy Spirit of God who inspired the record found in the Holy Bible...........AGAIN. :hhello:
The Bible records the existence of these tablets backed by EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS.

the 4th century c bible is strewn with speculation without a single word included by its main character in their own hand ... a book of forgeries and fallacies found on nearly every page.

those tablets never existed and for you to claim what they may have had etched on their surface is no less a criminal distortion than those who wrote them.

either provide the tablets or remove the false 10 commandments from all three desert religion documents as well their erroneous claim of heavenly monotheism.
Read the verse again.
The Torah is stingy when it comes to words.
Why is the verse so verbose and vague?
You’ll never figure it out.
Christians fiddle with scripture. Where was Abraham born? Was he born? Tradition has him born in Urfa near Haran.
the 4th century c bible is strewn with speculation without a single word included by its main character in their own hand ... a book of forgeries and fallacies found on nearly every page.

those tablets never existed and for you to claim what they may have had etched on their surface is no less a criminal distortion than those who wrote them.

either provide the tablets or remove the false 10 commandments from all three desert religion documents as well their erroneous claim of heavenly monotheism.
Again..........accusations void of FACTS IN EVIDENCE. The record found in the Holy Scriptures as "eye witnessed" testimony (2 Peter 1:16) stands as prima facie evidence "UNTIL" you prosecute your negative fallacy. It is up to you to disprove the eyewitness statements......not the inverse. the land of liberals........ignorance is bliss. You keep repeating........or attempting to plow the soil with the mule standing behind your plow. I have to prove nothing........I do not profess to write one word found in the Holy Scriptures, I simply state they remain as truth through the prima facie records found therein. Until you can disprove the witness statements as falsehoods. scanning the past 3500 years plus and finding your objective evidence that something cannot possibly exist in the past because its not been produced in the present. There goes Darwin's theory of Evolution to hell and back........according to your logic or lack thereof. :smoochEE:

Prima far from having no evidence whatsoever (such as you fail to possess)

Prima Facie: Rebut away and prove that the 10 commandments never existed as described in the Holy Scriptures, using FACTS not conjecture, speculations, and personal opinions.

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