Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Again..........accusations void of FACTS IN EVIDENCE. The record found in the Holy Scriptures as "eye witnessed" testimony (2 Peter 1:16) stands as prima facie evidence "UNTIL" you prosecute your negative fallacy. It is up to you to disprove the eyewitness statements......not the inverse. the land of liberals........ignorance is bliss. You keep repeating........or attempting to plow the soil with the mule standing behind your plow. I have to prove nothing........I do not profess to write one word found in the Holy Scriptures, I simply state they remain as truth through the prima facie records found therein. Until you can disprove the witness statements as falsehoods. scanning the past 3500 years plus and finding your objective evidence that something cannot possibly exist in the past because its not been produced in the present. There goes Darwin's theory of Evolution to hell and back........according to your logic or lack thereof. :smoochEE:

Prima far from having no evidence whatsoever (such as you fail to possess)

Prima Facie: Rebut away and prove that the 10 commandments never existed as described in the Holy Scriptures, using FACTS not conjecture, speculations, and personal opinions.

Prima Facie: Rebut away and prove that the 10 commandments never existed as described in the Holy Scriptures, using FACTS not conjecture, speculations, and personal opinions.

the facts are there were never tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments as the same as their existence at this present time, they do not exist - provide the tablets or remove the false commandments from all three desert religion documents.

the religion of antiquity prescribed as a result of the grate flood is the only commandment of note as from their proclamation not to intervene again for whichever beings would find the path to the everlasting as the triumph over evil being the sole means in accomplishing the goal.
then what are the jews and you not eating - you are both disparaging a being that survived the great flood - too bad for you people, ridiculing the heavens will one way or another cost you before passage through the gates. as in not happening.

and yes the metaphor is understood - find something not living, not made in the heavens which can not be done so in fact a religious metaphor can not exist. * nothing on Earth is pure - let that be a lesson to remember.

If the metaphor was understood you would not be giving me shit about hogs being disparaged because not ruminating, the reason swine are judged to be unclean in the eyes of the supreme being, is about humans who swallow any bullshit like 'just believe' without thinking at all which should be disparaged because the failure to use the brains given by the heavens only to become a worm feasting on the bowels of an unclean creature, a self negating multiplicity, is reprehensible.

Would you throw your own mind into the trash just to be accepted by a group of pretentious wussies? Would you do it for all the money in the world? Fame? Fairy tale porridge? Is there anything on earth worth exchanging your own mind for, the heart of your existence, because once you lose it you may never get it back and without it you can understand nothing, never find peace or direct your own course, and you certainly can't buy it back even with all the money in the world.

have you provided the etched tablets from heaven or removed them from your book ... the polytheistic heaven would like to know.

You might not realize this but the instruction codified by the Divine is mostly about not doing something. It's not like you have to do something difficult by not doing something stupid. Is it?

Is it too difficult to not swallow the bullshit thrown into Gehennah by more intelligent beings, the garbage dump where vultures maggots and vermin feast? Is it too hard to not bear false witness? Not murder the mind? Not worship the lifeless work of human hands? To diligently stand guard over the sanctity of your own mind so that you will not fall prey to every unclean beast and bird??

Is God a tyrant for saying you shouldn't do certain stupid things if you ever hope to find peace?

However screwed up are all religions evil for seeking to understand the will of God and then do it?

Forget about the nonexistent polytheistic heaven, I want to know your answers to these questions.
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the facts are there were never tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments as the same as their existence at this present time, they do not exist - provide the tablets or remove the false commandments from all three desert religion documents.

the religion of antiquity prescribed as a result of the grate flood is the only commandment of note as from their proclamation not to intervene again for whichever beings would find the path to the everlasting as the triumph over evil being the sole means in accomplishing the goal.
:blahblah: Just like all leftists........all hat no cowboy. Where's the beef? You have no evidence, just as everyone else in the entire world that's not capable of PROVING A NEGATIVE FALLACY based upon circular reasoning.

See: John Locke's, "argument from ignorance". :smoochEE: The attempt to SHI(f)T THE BURDEN OF PROOF. The burden of proof always fall upon the prosecutor not the defendant.
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If the metaphor was understood you would not be giving me shit about hogs being disparaged because not ruminating, the reason swine are judged to be unclean in the eyes of the supreme being, is about humans who swallow any bullshit like 'just believe' without thinking at all which should be disparaged because the failure to use the brains given by the heavens only to become a worm feasting on the bowels of an unclean creature, a self negating multiplicity, is reprehensible.

Would you throw your own mind into the trash just to be accepted by a group of pretentious wussies? Would you do it for all the money in the world? Fame? Fairy tale porridge? Is there anything on earth worth exchanging your own mind for, the heart of your existence, because once you lose it you may never get it back and without it you can understand nothing, never find peace or direct your own course, and you certainly can't buy it back even with all the money in the world.
Dude, you are the least objective person I know. You are seeing what you want to see. People who are at peace do not lash out at others.
Sure, buttercup, whatever the resident scientist here says.
Let me know when you tire of making a fool of yourself.
Again........they are attempting to have someone prove their NEGATIVE argument, by shifting the burden of proof from themselves to others. As John Locke stated, "its an argument based upon ignorance"........the attempt to declare something is not true because their argument is based upon a fallacy of informal logic.........i.e., They assert that an argument is true because it has not been proven false or its false because it has not been proven true via archaeology(in this case the Holy Bible is the only historical source for the information requested....yet they reject it as false...........this is a false dichotomy in they can't prove that the evidence don't exist simply because it has not been found........YET, they exclude the possibility that its simply not been found.

Strange is the fact they use the same false dichotomy in a contradictory fashion when speaking about ...........for instance Man Made Global Warming......or Darwin's theory of evolution. It depends upon which side of an argument they find themselves.......regardless all they offer is conjecture, speculation and unprovable assumptions.

Its called CIRCULAR REASONING.......and its the favorite weapon of all secular humanists, supposedly of those who have evolved beyond the need of requiring any transcending source for their own existence. In essence they profess themselves to be equal to or superior to the force that created life itself. They have evolved beyond their own restraints of life. They are legends in their own minds. They have evolved to be the smartest person in any room they walk into.

Science has a name for such individuals. Narcissist. They are in love with only one entity...........THEMSELVES.
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Example: You know you are the smartest person in the room when you profess that you can change and control the weather (all based upon the earth's position relative to the sun's energy output) through the use of selling CARBON CREDITS. A necessary element of life on earth. They attempt to argue that its toxic to all life on earth.

Its a long con game, used by all so called PROGRESSIVES. The same basic logical fallacy is used regardless of what the topic might be, whether speaking of politics, religion, gender, history....etc., Its a never ending circle based upon ignorance or the lack of actual knowledge.

President Reagan had them pegged to perfection. "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant; its just that know so much that isn't so." -- R. Reagan

Of course the SMART person projects the idea that because they disagree.........they are just TOO SMART to lose an argument. :smoochEE: Demonstrating the fact.............they can't argue with facts in evidence.
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If the metaphor was understood you would not be giving me shit about hogs being disparaged because not ruminating, the reason swine are judged to be unclean in the eyes of the supreme being, is about humans who swallow any bullshit like 'just believe' without thinking at all which should be disparaged because the failure to use the brains given by the heavens only to become a worm feasting on the bowels of an unclean creature, a self negating multiplicity, is reprehensible.

Would you throw your own mind into the trash just to be accepted by a group of pretentious wussies? Would you do it for all the money in the world? Fame? Fairy tale porridge? Is there anything on earth worth exchanging your own mind for, the heart of your existence, because once you lose it you may never get it back and without it you can understand nothing, never find peace or direct your own course, and you certainly can't buy it back even with all the money in the world.

You might not realize this but the instruction codified by the Divine is mostly about not doing something. It's not like you have to do something difficult by not doing something stupid. Is it?

Is it too difficult to not swallow the bullshit thrown into Gehennah by more intelligent beings, the garbage dump where vultures maggots and vermin feast? Is it too hard to not bear false witness? Not murder the mind? Not worship the lifeless work of human hands? To diligently stand guard over the sanctity of your own mind so that you will not fall prey to every unclean beast and bird??

Is God a tyrant for saying you shouldn't do certain stupid things if you ever hope to find peace?

However screwed up are all religions evil for seeking to understand the will of God and then do it?

Forget about the nonexistent polytheistic heaven, I want to know your answers to these questions.

there is agreement w/ the relevance of what you have written - it is you who does not understand to not disparage a heavenly being that survived the great flood, hogs to make your point - otherwise you are claiming the heavens responsible of deliberate debauchery - that's you.

there can not be a metaphor including the hevens that is desparaging of anything - on planet Earth - it's their creation. metaphysical polytheism. what exists after their flood.

Is God a tyrant for saying you shouldn't do certain stupid things if you ever hope to find peace?

you are claiming what does not exist - 10 commandments from the heavens - to insinuate a relevance for the heavens you can not claim and are not justified by any stretch of the imagination. by doing so.

they are the hallmark of the errors emblematic of those religions - paterfamilias - the particular repudiation the 1st century events were manifest in justification. - why they were crucified - sinner.

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