Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

There was an inland Sea from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico ... 35 million years ago.
Why would the commandments be allegorical? The story may be.

the story of the tablets senseless destruction was allegorical - how's that.

- are you saying there were tablets from heaven etched with 10 commandments ... and you have verified their authenticity.

* or have any idea what they may have been. than the phony ones used by the desert religions.
Plate tectonics account for the seashells. ... 35 million years ago. The middle east has been explored for oil for a hundred years. There's thousands of core samples, but there's no universal flood sediment. It's a morality tale not history. DEFLECT in order to avoid answering your accusation that Genesis parroted its story from other sources......yet has it own narrative that contradicts your other sources. I wonder why?

Enlighten us.........just how do you use radio carbon dating to date the rocks? :blahblah: You cannot, thus the THEORY of using radio isotopes instead. With the assumption that every thing in the past has remained static. The problem is the fact that every inch of earth has been covered in water at some point in history as confirmed by the science of archaeology. Water leeching effects the rate of decay in elements such as "Potassium" that turns into argon eventually. They then claim that such dating has a shelf life of Billions of years. How to they know this is a fact? They do not..........they use this system to obtain predetermined TARGET DATES using this theory of C14 dating with the assumption that all decay rates have remained static over a period of billions of years. If this were actually true.....then earth and life could never have evolved as suggested by all Darwinian cultists.

Thus, when all else fails and you get in inconsistent dates..........they use circular reasoning. They date the rocks by the organic material found buried in the stone and date the fossils inversely by suggesting they must be the same age of the rock strata they were found in.

Just how do you date rocks that have been thousands of feet under the sea at some point in their history under tremendous cannot accurately date anything past thousands of years. There is no source of calibrating any dates past this window as being accurate.

Example: Geologists confirm. They ASSUME the "present is the key to the past"..........? Meaning........they assume that by studying the facts that can be confirmed today........that data has remained static over millions and billions of years. They observe today...........and apply this knowledge to the past.

Reality: The Universe is in a constant state of using energy and changing..........everything from the earths atmospheric measures to the radition that comes from our nearest star.........the SUN. Just how do you know the rate of decay in certain radioactive elements.......billions of years ago with both the earth and the sun in a state of flux and change?
Plate tectonics account for the seashells. ... 35 million years ago. The middle east has been explored for oil for a hundred years. There's thousands of core samples, but there's no universal flood sediment. It's a morality tale not history.
As stated. IN THEORY with no way of actually Observing this as a fact nor reproducing the hypothetical conclusions with an consistent source of calibration for targeted dates. Again, according to YOUR LOGIC as you presented in your own words. The Bible is the oldest source of history that was recorded long before any theories concerning plate tectonic shifting in the latter centuries. Thus, by your own logic......the Bible must be the correct source. If not........why not?

Really: "Geologists believe (believe......subjective as hell) the present is the key to the past." Can you spell. ASSUMPTION? CONJECTURE? SPECULATION?
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Enlighten us.........just how do you use radio carbon dating to date the rocks? :blahblah: You cannot, thus the THEORY of using radio isotopes instead. With the assumption that every thing in the past has remained static. The problem is the fact that every inch of earth has been covered in water at some point in history as confirmed by the science of archaeology. Water leeching effects the rate of decay in elements such as "Potassium" that turns into argon eventually. They then claim that such dating has a shelf life of Billions of years. How to they know this is a fact? They do not..........they use this system to obtain predetermined TARGET DATES using this theory of C14 dating with the assumption that all decay rates have remained static over a period of billions of years. If this were actually true.....then earth and life could never have evolved as suggested by all Darwinian cultists.

Thus, when all else fails and you get in inconsistent dates..........they use circular reasoning. They date the rocks by the organic material found buried in the stone and date the fossils inversely by suggesting they must be the same age of the rock strata they were found in.

Just how do you date rocks that have been thousands of feet under the sea at some point in their history under tremendous cannot accurately date anything past thousands of years. There is no source of calibrating any dates past this window as being accurate.

Example: Geologists confirm. They ASSUME the "present is the key to the past"..........? Meaning........they assume that by studying the facts that can be confirmed today........that data has remained static over millions and billions of years. They observe today...........and apply this knowledge to the past.

Reality: The Universe is in a constant state of using energy and changing..........everything from the earths atmospheric measures to the radition that comes from our nearest star.........the SUN. Just how do you know the rate of decay in certain radioactive elements.......billions of years ago with both the earth and the sun in a state of flux and change?

As stated. IN THEORY with no way of actually Observing this as a fact nor reproducing the hypothetical conclusions with an consistent source of calibration for targeted dates. Again, according to YOUR LOGIC as you presented in your own words. The Bible is the oldest source of history that was recorded long before any theories concerning plate tectonic shifting in the latter centuries. Thus, by your own logic......the Bible must be correct source. If not........why not?
You know what’s funny?
You expect suraDUH to read what you posted.
what's funnier is you believe them ...

what was the date of the great flood - by no less increments than 100k year intervals.
Enlighten did you get YOUR TARGET DATE of 100K intervals? You use "theory" as fact......Show us where these dates have been Observed and reproduced with consistency. That is the actual formula for applying SCIENCE. All other supposed sources of science..........theoretical science.......exists only as an IDEA. "Philosophy" dressed up like science. Thus again I ask...........when were these DATES observed by any human? And please reproduce that experiment that confirms your target dates.
You know what’s funny?
You expect suraDUH to read what you posted.
Of course not. I simply enjoy the attempt made in coming out the corner in spin TAZ, when their guild is cornered by their own words. How many falsehoods are contained in the archives that is ignored and deflected? No........I do not expect an answer to a question that cannot be answered.
Enlighten did you get YOUR TARGET DATE of 100K intervals? You use "theory" as fact......Show us where these dates have been Observed and reproduced with consistency. That is the actual formula for applying SCIENCE. All other supposed sources of science..........theoretical science.......exists only as an IDEA. "Philosophy" dressed up like science. Thus again I ask...........when were these DATES observed by any human? And please reproduce that experiment that confirms your target dates.

i'm not a fan of their theory -


was a sudden mass extinction of three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth, approximately 66 million years ago.

by your account, how long ago did a&e' begin their journey ... DEFLECT in order to avoid answering your accusation that Genesis parroted its story from other sources......yet has it own narrative that contradicts your other sources. I wonder why?

Enlighten us.........just how do you use radio carbon dating to date the rocks? :blahblah: You cannot, thus the THEORY of using radio isotopes instead. With the assumption that every thing in the past has remained static. The problem is the fact that every inch of earth has been covered in water at some point in history as confirmed by the science of archaeology. Water leeching effects the rate of decay in elements such as "Potassium" that turns into argon eventually. They then claim that such dating has a shelf life of Billions of years. How to they know this is a fact? They do not..........they use this system to obtain predetermined TARGET DATES using this theory of C14 dating with the assumption that all decay rates have remained static over a period of billions of years. If this were actually true.....then earth and life could never have evolved as suggested by all Darwinian cultists.

Thus, when all else fails and you get in inconsistent dates..........they use circular reasoning. They date the rocks by the organic material found buried in the stone and date the fossils inversely by suggesting they must be the same age of the rock strata they were found in.

Just how do you date rocks that have been thousands of feet under the sea at some point in their history under tremendous cannot accurately date anything past thousands of years. There is no source of calibrating any dates past this window as being accurate.

Example: Geologists confirm. They ASSUME the "present is the key to the past"..........? Meaning........they assume that by studying the facts that can be confirmed today........that data has remained static over millions and billions of years. They observe today...........and apply this knowledge to the past.

Reality: The Universe is in a constant state of using energy and changing..........everything from the earths atmospheric measures to the radition that comes from our nearest star.........the SUN. Just how do you know the rate of decay in certain radioactive elements.......billions of years ago with both the earth and the sun in a state of flux and change?

As stated. IN THEORY with no way of actually Observing this as a fact nor reproducing the hypothetical conclusions with an consistent source of calibration for targeted dates. Again, according to YOUR LOGIC as you presented in your own words. The Bible is the oldest source of history that was recorded long before any theories concerning plate tectonic shifting in the latter centuries. Thus, by your own logic......the Bible must be the correct source. If not........why not?

Really: "Geologists believe (believe......subjective as hell) the present is the key to the past." Can you spell. ASSUMPTION? CONJECTURE? SPECULATION?
The Bible is not the oldest source of history. See History Begins with Sumer by Kramer.
the story of the tablets senseless destruction was allegorical - how's that.

- are you saying there were tablets from heaven etched with 10 commandments ... and you have verified their authenticity.

* or have any idea what they may have been. than the phony ones used by the desert religions.
Nope. I'm saying that the laws were real, but the story probably not.
The Bible is not the oldest source of history. See History Begins with Sumer by Kramer.
Again.........DEFLECT MUCH? You are still to address the question presented to you when you accused Genesis of plagiarizing from the epic of Gilgamesh. :abgg2q.jpg: And now you are declaring that the Holy Bible did not pre-exist the hypothesis of plate tectonic and continental drift first introduced in 1912.......which is nothing but an IDEA (Hypothesis) from a meteorologist by the name of Alfred Wegener.

You have attempted to dodge with every angle that is common to a grifter. Now you "feign" ignorance as if you did not comprehend the statement that the Holy Bible was recorded long before the Hypothesis of Continential Dirft? :lastword1:Really? Just how THINK do you STUPID others to be....and just how smart do you think you are?

Again..........according to your own words.........the Holy Bible must be correct because it first RECORDED continental drift (Ps. 104:6=-9) long before Alfred Wegener presented his idea. Therefore, Wegener must have plagizared from the Holy
Again.........DEFLECT MUCH? You are still to address the question presented to you when you accused Genesis of plagiarizing from the epic of Gilgamesh. :abgg2q.jpg: And now you are declaring that the Holy Bible did not pre-exist the hypothesis of plate tectonic and continental drift first introduced in 1912.......which is nothing but an IDEA (Hypothesis) from a meteorologist by the name of Alfred Wegener.

You have attempted to dodge with every angle that is common to a grifter. Now you "feign" ignorance as if you did not comprehend the statement that the Holy Bible was recorded long before the Hypothesis of Continential Dirft? :lastword1:Really? Just how THINK do you STUPID others to be....and just how smart do you think you are?
Why would the ancients know anything about plate tectonics?
Nope. I'm saying that the laws were real, but the story probably not.

how can they, the story and "commandments" not coincide for either to be real - they are not laws and according to the desert religions are divinely etched on tablets you can not verify either the tablets or their etchings for authenticity. authenticity for the etchings carved in the heavens or exactly what was written.

so what are they the commandments in the c bible and jewish text in particular.

jewish in particular and the personage of moses and their true motivation - for their lie - that persists to this day. of a known and self proclaimed murderer.
Why would the ancients know anything about plate tectonics?

Typical of a grifter, you attempt to answer a question with a question. :no_text11: Clearly the geology and topography of the earth is addressed in the Holy Bible.

Simply because you can't comprehend how the writer of these records had such knowledge does mean that knowledge did not exist. More humanistic ARROGANCE. If you can't comprehend can't possibly be true? You are welcome to your own OPINION..........but facts are not private property and they have no agenda. You are not welcome to define your own facts based upon your OPINION. are declaring that (Ps. 104:6-9 NKJV, KJV, Koine Greek) does not exist? Again.........answer the question and stop dodging like Joe Biden.

Your continental drift HYPOTHESIS......i.e., idea did not exist until 1912........the written historical record of the Holy Bible has pre-existed that date for millennia.

According to your logic and reason.........the fact that a written record (true or not) predated the hypothesis of Continental Drift that means your continental drift idea was plagiarized from the Holy Bible. Your own words and reasoning when you claimed that Genesis was plagiarized from the Epic of Gilgamesh.

If its fair for the goose.....its fair for the :lastword1:
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Typical of a grifter, you attempt to answer a question with a question. Clearly the geology and topography of the earth is addressed in the Holy Bible. are declaring that (Ps. 104:6-9 NKJV, KJV, Koine Greek) does not exist? Again.........answer the question and stop dodging like Joe Biden.

Your continental drift HYPOTHESIS......i.e., idea did not exist until 1912........the written historical record of the Holy Bible has pre-existed that date for millenniums.

According to your logic and reason.........the fact that a written record (true or not) predated the hypothesis of Continental Drift that means your continental drift idea was plagiarized from the Holy Bible. Your own words and reasoning when you claimed that Genesis was plagiarized from the Epic of Gilgamesh.

If its fair for the goose.....its fair for the :lastword1:
The Gilgamesh myth is found on tablets in Sumer, Bahrain and the Canaanites of Ras Shamra long before Judaism.
how can they, the story and "commandments" not coincide for either to be real - they are not laws and according to the desert religions are divinely etched on tablets you can not verify either the tablets or their etchings for authenticity. authenticity for the etchings carved in the heavens or exactly what was written.

so what are they the commandments in the c bible and jewish text in particular.

jewish in particular and the personage of moses and their true motivation - for their lie - that persists to this day. of a known and self proclaimed murderer.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Code of Hammurabi are both older than the 10 commandments.

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