Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Doesn't refute a word I said.

You don't have to find a global event to explan the ridiculous bible flood myth. Especially when the people at the time did not know there was a globe.

It's just mythology.

So its just mythology based on some shred of truth, as you said, even an unverifiable event. Or a fairy tale intended to be understood by children.

If so, what is the lesson conveyed?

Take your time.....
So its just mythology based on some shred of truth, as you said, even an unverifiable event. Or a fairy tale intended to be understood by children.

If so, what is the lesson conveyed?

Take your time.....
Today’s flood is bull crap from the media.
Sorry, but who cares? It's like asking a question about a Dr Seuss book. Jesus is a construct, that may have existed as a person, but definitely isn't what religion made him to be. And he would have said that too. I love Jesus' ideals.

But arguing random things like eating bread or matzo in a fictional book, is not going to prove anything. Why waste your time?

Why? Because many of society's customs, beliefs about right and wrong, who is righteous and who is criminal, and all subsequent laws are mostly based on what is written in those fantastical stories. What's worse is that those customs and civil laws have been created and legislated by people who base their false claim to moral authority on the most superficial ignorant superstitious irrational and perverse interpretations of those fictional stories possible creating chaos in society.

Then these actors and lying frauds have the audacity to blame the victims of their specious falsehoods for the carnage that they themselves have created and deliberately perpetuate.

Do you think that openly confuting those hypocrites who claim moral authority without without understanding the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic is a waste of time?
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Charity/no Hebrew found in Strong's.
There is no word for Love in Hebrew; the word OHave means Give.
There is no word for Bless in Hebrew; the word B’ruch means “Source”.
There is no word for Charity in Hebrew; the common word Tzedakkah means “free of avoidable trespassing God’s word”.

There are many other words that the concordance has that are not correct.
What do you think he meant?
No need to guess. Jesus told us (Matthew 12:40).

Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.

That's the sign.
There is no word for Love in Hebrew; the word OHave means Give.
There is no word for Bless in Hebrew; the word B’ruch means “Source”.
There is no word for Charity in Hebrew; the common word Tzedakkah means “free of avoidable trespassing God’s word”.

There are many other words that the concordance has that are not correct.
I think the KJV was inspired by God so that common people could understand him and his plan. It was not written as an exercise for Hebrew scholars.
He wasn't. He saw things differently than did wealthy Scribes and Sadducees. He disagreed with some Pharisees and agreed with others. Take Annas and Caiaphas for example. Even in their own time, they weren't well like by the average person. In that respect, Jesus was the average Jew of his time. ;)
why "scribes"? No doubt Jesus hated Sadducees---
all pharisees did----but "scribes"? Who are the
"scribes" supposed to be-----Possibly TAX COLLECTORS. Both Sadducees and Tax-collectors
were considered to be ROMAN SHILLS
So you believe that God became a man to suffer and die so that you can sin with impunity for life?
Yes and no. Yes, God chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth. Yes, God chose to suffer a horrible death to reconcile justice with mercy. No, that does not mean anyone can sin for life with impunity.

"Christianity is Judaism completed."- Benjamin Disraeli

Just because some Babylonian cultists snivel otherwise is no reason to claim Christianity isn't a Jewish sect.

I disagree.

None of you people worship the same god. The gods the Jews and Muslims worship is not a triune god and that god never took human form and walked the earth. This is a diametrically opposed view not a subtle interpretation. And there are

The NT is not part of the OT. It is not a continuation. It is an unsanctioned addition that the Jews don't believe.

I'd like to be around when it is revealed which religion is actually the correct one according to the god being worshiped.

Thus, while we may accept on a social or political level that they all believe in the same god, on a practical and theological level we simply cannot - there's just no choice in the matter. This is made easier to understand when we remember that, in a sense, they don't all actually believe in the same god; they may all want to believe in the One True God, but in reality, the content of their beliefs varies wildly. If there is a One True God, then most of them have failed to achieve what they are working towards.
And you are OK with the belief that an innocent man died for your sins so that you don't have to ?
That wasn't my choice. That was His choice.

Everyone dies a physical death. I don't believe anyone dies a spiritual death. We'll either be eternally united with the Father or we will be eternally separated from the Father. That's our choice.
You don't believe that everyone is accountable for their own sins?
At any point in anyone's life they are the sum of their choices. So, no. Everyone is accountable for their choices as everyone experiences the consequences of their choices in this world.
He said that because he was living in the belly of the beast until he complied with the will of God.
Incorrect. He said that so that they would know the resurrection was the sign they were seeking. Matthew 12:40.

Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.
"He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts." This verse shows that Jesus was living outside of the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, living among the wild beasts, the Romans, presumably doing what Romans do in the belly of the beast.

The 1st resurrection was from the tomb of false religion and the grave of material worldly pursuits.
Incorrect. The entire ministry of Jesus is about Jesus being the Paschal Lamb. I don't know how you could have missed that as it is the central theme of all Gospels.

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