Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Do you see this occurring after the Hebrew nation was formed? I tend to view Genesis as prior to Jews becoming a nation.
As a direct result of this, Yisro presents the plan that has a deluge of levels of judges so that they are kept honest.
Most people go to a Bais Din where the judges are their neighbors.
This was before the Hebrew nation. In ancient times, the wealthy leaders were sometimes referenced with the word we now use for God. Basically the story is the same one we hear in more modern times of the children of the wealthy and powerful falling for someone who is from the "wrong side of the tracks." Just my opinion--but based on reading material on ancient cultures.

Thanks for just making shit up to fit your narrative.
The KJV was translated especially for the descendants of the Northern Kingdom, the house of Israel. So we gotta keep it. ;)
Not even close.
The interpretation of words is horrible, words are omitted left and right and the grammatical rule are left in the dust.
It took me years to learn Hebrew well enough to realize I couldn’t learn Torah in any language but Hebrew.
To be fair, Artscroll kind of sucks also.
That's what the Catholics believe.
Not precisely. Catholics believe that where two or three are gathered in his name, Jesus is among us. Catholics also believe that the living and those who have passed on are the body of Christ. Therefore, we believe we can ask anyone to pray with us, even those who have passed on. Many Catholics do ask Mary to join in their prayers. My mother did. On the other hand, my aunt always asked St. Joseph. I once asked my grandmothers (who had passed on) to join me in a prayer--and they both tattled on me to my mother (who was living) and who came to my rescue.
Not made up. Study ancient Greeks and then do a study of Greek and other ancient mythology. Ancient people are interesting! And not that much different from us.
We’re still finding Ancient Greek and Roman documents containing what we consider advanced mathematics.
Not made up. Study ancient Greeks and then do a study of Greek and other ancient mythology. Ancient people are interesting! And not that much different from us.

Of course you made it up. It referred to "sons of G-d" and "human women." Clearly, the men in that verse were not considered human.
Not precisely. Catholics believe that where two or three are gathered in his name, Jesus is among us. Catholics also believe that the living and those who have passed on are the body of Christ. Therefore, we believe we can ask anyone to pray with us, even those who have passed on. Many Catholics do ask Mary to join in their prayers. My mother did. On the other hand, my aunt always asked St. Joseph. I once asked my grandmothers (who had passed on) to join me in a prayer--and they both tattled on me to my mother (who was living) and who came to my rescue.
Mary is the prime intercessor between the petitioner and Jesus. This is needed when the petitioner doesn't have faith that the request will be granted directly by Jesus.

Not even close.
The interpretation of words is horrible, words are omitted left and right and the grammatical rule are left in the dust.
It took me years to learn Hebrew well enough to realize I couldn’t learn Torah in any language but Hebrew.
To be fair, Artscroll kind of sucks also.
The KJV is still the most venerated translation, and the only one with Hebrew 'footnotes' via Strong's Concordance and Hebrew Dictionary.
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If i worshiped my own intellect as you claim and you call that a "false god" then I must think my intellects is perfect because all religions think the god they worship is perfect.

The fact that I know my intellect isn;'t perfect therefore means I cannot worship it as a person worships a god

Try again
No, the self worship is that you think you are as God.
The KJV is still the most venerated translation, and the only one with Hebrew 'footnotes' via Strong's Concordance and Hebrew Dictionary.
I know.
What’s the Hebrew word for “Love”?
What’s the Hebrew word for “Bless”?
What’s the Hebrew word for “Charity?
Mary is the prime intercessor between the petitioner and Jesus.
Sorry, not mine. But then I have this thing about mothers--myself included. I was taught long ago there were many others we can ask to join in our prayers. I figure Mary is busy enough. ;) Besides, many of us are fine talking our prayers directly to God. Depends on the situation.
Of course you made it up. It referred to "sons of G-d" and "human women." Clearly, the men in that verse were not considered human.
If I explain what that verse means, we’ll all vomit.
The daughters of THE man (Adam) and whatever else they wanted (beastiality).
If I tell you, will you promise to die ASAP so you're not fooled so much?

God gathered all the waters in one place, but during creation we are told there were the Fountains of the Deep. These were considered oceans of water below the seafloor. This is where the waters rose and it rained for forty days and forty nights from above to create the global flood.

It was just 4124 years years ago. Where's your proof the Earth went from 2 continents to 7 in just 4124 years...?
Where's your explanation lol?

Here's mine. Creationists Aflred Wegener discovered plate tectonics (Faun discovered poo on his face):


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