Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

More precisely, Christians see the portrayal of God in the Old Testament as being mean. Jesus presents a vastly different picture of God. The reason I began delving into the Old Testament was to discover why Jews thought God was so mean. Surprise! I learned Jews did not view God as mean--and nor do the Old Testament stories portray God as such when they are viewed properly from the perspective of the Hebrew language.
The problem is that Jesus was a very nasty person.
Why? This is America in the year 2022. I speak English. His name is Isaac.
Isaac is a name.
Yitzchak has a meaning…I will laugh.
Sarah was being scoffed at by Hagar and Sarah was depressed until she finally got pregnant after many years.
The name Yitzchak sends a message.
Isaac is a name.
Yitzchak has a meaning…I will laugh.
Sarah was being scoffed at by Hagar and Sarah was depressed until she finally got pregnant after many years.
The name Yitzchak sends a message.

Sputters the idiot who mixed him up with Ishmael. :icon_rolleyes:
The problem is that Jesus was a very nasty person.
He wasn't. He saw things differently than did wealthy Scribes and Sadducees. He disagreed with some Pharisees and agreed with others. Take Annas and Caiaphas for example. Even in their own time, they weren't well like by the average person. In that respect, Jesus was the average Jew of his time. ;)
He wasn't. He saw things differently than did wealthy Scribes and Sadducees. He disagreed with some Pharisees and agreed with others. Take Annas and Caiaphas for example. Even in their own time, they weren't well like by the average person. In that respect, Jesus was the average Jew of his time. ;)
I can, and have, read the NT 6 times in chronological order; Jesus was a nasty person which of why The RCC used Jesus to murder Jews.
The Torah doesn't go that far into detail.
Christians believe we are all sons and daughters of God. We believe Jesus had that relationship with God--and that it also extends far beyond Son. That is his human nature. Christians believe his Divine nature is One with God--which is why we learn detail.
Christians believe we are all sons and daughters of God. We believe Jesus had that relationship with God--and that it also extends far beyond Son. That is his human nature. Christians believe his Divine nature is One with God--which is why we learn detail.
The issue is that the infallible Faun once heard the word Eh-Low-Him and thinks it means “God”.
It means “Judge”.

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