Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Yes they are. Many of Muhammad's sermons begin, "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham."

And yet they believe that their god made Mohamed the last and most important prophet

No other religion worships that god
And yet they believe that their god made Mohamed the last and most important prophet

No other religion worships that god
No. Muhammad brought another revelation. Allah is just Arabic for God the creator. There have been many messengers and prophets.
No. Muhammad brought another revelation. Allah is just Arabic for God the creator. There have been many messengers and prophets.
And yet neither Jews not Christians think the Koran is the word of their respective gods so it is obviously not the same god.

Jews do not believe the NT is the word of the god they worship so it is obviously not the same god

Christian believe their god is a trinity thew other 2 don't

These religions do not worship the same god
And yet neither Jews not Christians think the Koran is the word of their respective gods so it is obviously not the same god.

Jews do not believe the NT is the word of the god they worship so it is obviously not the same god

Christian believe their god is a trinity thew other 2 don't

These religions do not worship the same god
Jews think Christians got it wrong too. There are back stories about Adam and Eve in Jiddah. And another about Abraham and Ishmael in Mecca. Muslims believe that they fell away from the God of Abraham.
Jews think Christians got it wrong too. There are back stories about Adam and Eve in Jiddah. And another about Abraham and Ishmael in Mecca. Muslims believe that they fell away from the God of Abraham.
Exactly these 3 religions worship different gods
What do you want -- a blow by blow description? God provided Noah clear and specific instructions on the Ark. He also explained how He created and executed the flood. Don't you know what waters in one place mean? There wasn't seven continents then, but two. What were their names?

What do you mean "God raise the waters into the air?"


It was just 4124 years years ago. Where's your proof the Earth went from 2 continents to 7 in just 4124 years...?
Whatever, who freaking cares?

You're telling me that animals evolved from one type of cat into all the different species of cats in 4,124 years?

Or are you telling me that God just made new species and put them on the Earth?

And if he could have done that, why not just destroy all species and start again?

Why hasn't he done anything like this since?

Whatever Humans were up to 4,124 years ago must pale in comparison with the Nazi death camps, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Gulags, the pogroms....

And yet God has done NOTHING to stop human violence since. Why?

I'm not yelling you that. Freaks here are claiming that with absolutely zero proof.
That's it! Where did you find it? Thank you!!!

You posted a video falsely claiming there's no animal like that on the planet to inspire that design.

But there is...

It was the melting of the glaciers, after the ice age ended about 12-14,000 years ago. The flood is a global story. Of course it happened when the ice age ended. The thing is that the Jews were not around back then. They are retelling stories from prior civilizations. And you know how the telephone game goes... They got a lot of things wrong by the time they wrote the OT around 2000 BC. Totally wrong...

So we have to look at prior civilizations, and science.

According to the Bible, the story of Noah & the flood dates back 4124 years. Not at the end of the ice age.
No, all models of birds and insects would have wings on top of their bodies, not below. And they would have horizontal tails, not vertical. They would also not have stabilizers and fuselages.

They were clearly representing something that flew, that was unlike anything else in the world at the time.

Stop lying.

That's true.. about 2900 BC.

The Bible lists all the generations from Adam to Noah, their ages when having a child, and Noah's age when the flood came. The Hebrew calendar goes back to creation in the Torah. Subtract the sum of years according to the generations from the current Hebrew calendar year and you get 4124.
The Bible lists all the generations from Adam to Noah, their ages when having a child, and Noah's age when the flood came. The Hebrew calendar goes back to creation in the Torah. Subtract the sum of years according to the generations from the current Hebrew calendar year and you get 4124.
This is the Jewish year 5782. The ice age began to retreat about 12-14,000 ago.
I'm not yelling you that. Freaks here are claiming that with absolutely zero proof.

You might want to be a bit more specific about what you're saying, it's a but vague for me.

So what do you think it is?
No they don't.

The god the Jews worship never walked the earth as a human and they do not recognize Mohamed as a prophet of their god
Christians worship a god who walked the earth as Jesus
Muslims worship a god that made Mohamed a prophet and disregard both the OT and the NT

These are obviously not the same god
Since when did Allah walk the earth?

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