Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Would only flood in a few select, local regions. Does not explain a global flood myth. So no reason to focus on it. Any past local flood will do.

how far past - when they were all set on their missions from the garden beginning 2 million years ago ... obviously, making it on their own was a rude awakening and probably not far in distant time - flood was surly about 1k minus 2 million years ago. if not sooner than latter.
There's no evidence for a global flood in archaeology or geology. None.

Clearly it does not concern you or your religion to present obvious demonstrable falsehoods.

Of course there is no evidence of sea fossils being atop of Mt. Everest.....nope that scientific evidence does not exist. Remind me......what is the highest point on earth? In fact the entire top level of Everest is made up of Marine sediment. Proving the scriptures to be correct. There was a geological event that shifted the sea floors into mountains, while lowering the earths surface to depths as far as 7 miles below today's current sea level. The scripture detail.........speaking of the waters on earth, "They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys; Unto the place where You (God) founded for them." -- Ps 104:8

And of course there is no scientific evidence of 7 mile deep trenches...........YOUR anti christ doctrine tops science.

Mt. Everest is made up of Volcanic stone.......that can only be formed under great water pressure.

They admit the truth....or rather a half truth. There is no valid method to date STONE that has been under water. There is scientific evidence that Mt. Everest was formed from Volcanic stone on the ocean floor, because of the pressure these stones were formed. The first words out of the mouths of these pseudo scientists contains a date of MILLIONS of years (250 million years ago is their target date)....which they provide no scientific evidence thereof. There is no denial that Everest and other mountain ranges were formed SUDDENDLY and VIOLENTLY, nor that they once rested on the sea floor under great water pressure.

You are the one that offers nothing but conjecture, speculation and assumptions.......simple science tells the truth.
Prove your speculation void of presenting theory only. Show me how you OBSERVED a target date of millions of years.
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Not the 'what' the 'how'. How did God gather all the waters in one place? How did God raise the waters into the air? Face it, despite all your faith you are just as ignorant as I am.
What do you want -- a blow by blow description? God provided Noah clear and specific instructions on the Ark. He also explained how He created and executed the flood. Don't you know what waters in one place mean? There wasn't seven continents then, but two. What were their names?

What do you mean "God raise the waters into the air?"
What do you want -- a blow by blow description? God provided Noah clear and specific instructions on the Ark. He also explained how He created and executed the flood. Don't you know what waters in one place mean? There wasn't seven continents then, but two. What were their names?

What do you mean "God raise the waters into the air?"
There wasn't seven continents then, but two. What were their names?

who cares - how far from the garden did they all travel not far enough for sure to cross a continent - before they found (their own) religion and the darkness began.
Not even 6000 years ... 4,124 years since the flood supposedly covered the Earth and killed every living thing "upon the face of the ground."


Whatever, who freaking cares?

You're telling me that animals evolved from one type of cat into all the different species of cats in 4,124 years?

Or are you telling me that God just made new species and put them on the Earth?

And if he could have done that, why not just destroy all species and start again?

Why hasn't he done anything like this since?

Whatever Humans were up to 4,124 years ago must pale in comparison with the Nazi death camps, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Gulags, the pogroms....

And yet God has done NOTHING to stop human violence since. Why?
who cares - how far from the garden did they all travel not far enough for sure to cross a continent - before they found (their own) religion and the darkness began.
The people interested in finding evidence that backs up the global flood care. The global flood explains how the fossil layers came to be.
So you actually believe that Noah's flood was global?
It was the melting of the glaciers, after the ice age ended about 12-14,000 years ago. The flood is a global story. Of course it happened when the ice age ended. The thing is that the Jews were not around back then. They are retelling stories from prior civilizations. And you know how the telephone game goes... They got a lot of things wrong by the time they wrote the OT around 2000 BC. Totally wrong...

So we have to look at prior civilizations, and science.
I don;t worship any gods.

And are you saying that you aren't a Jew Christian or Muslim?
They do believe in the same "God". But it is a combination of previous pagan gods, combined into one almighty "God". That's why he's so schizophrenic in the bible. Loves us and smites us on the same page... Most importantly, he's a mix of EN.LIL and EN.KI.
It took Noah 120 years to build the ark..........while the

Species? A dog, wolf, coyote, fox, and any other "subspecies" thereof make up just ONE SPECIES. Just like, cattle, oxen, buffalo......etc.., make up ONE SPECIES....etc., Obviously........all the animals were infants during their transportation of the ark.

From the time God told Noah that He was going to destroy the world via a great flood event.....the animal's had 120 years to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:3-7) Noah did not have to search out the animals, the animals were guided by God to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:20)

The land masses were different before and after the flood......there were no great oceans separating the land masses. The geography and topography changed during the event. As the Scriptures declare during that time period the mountains rose and the valleys sank (Ps. 104:8) today its called the "continental drift theory".

What? did you actually expect everyone to believe that the world's water supply could have topped the highest peaks on earth found today? Yet the science of archaeology proves that sea life fossils have been found atop the peaks of the highest mountains ranges on earth. This scientific truth proves that at one time even the highest mountain ranges rested at the bottom of the sea floors as per the physical make up of the volcanic stones found on these mountain ranges that can on be produced by volcanic ash under great pressure The flood waters obviously receded into the great trenches of the oceans after the rain stopped. some 7 miles deep.

Up until the flood event there is no record of Rain water ever falling from the sky above. The earth was watered by a mist and layer of water found in the atmosphere much like one of the rings of the outer planets of our solar system. (Genesis 2:5-6) states that the plants were watered by mist coming from up from the ground. Again, up until Noah........there is no record in the Bible of any rain event on earth.

This band of water vapor trapped in the atmosphere above the earth also explains how men lived almost 1000 years during the pre flood history of the earth. The water vapor stopped the harmful radiation that comes from the sun decaying the physical flesh of men as is the case today as our atmosphere continues to decay away its protective elements from the sun's radiation.
I have to save this post, because it is seriously one of the funniest things I have ever read that wasn't from a comedian. god help us all...
Even ancient cultures were fascinated by the flight of birds and made all sorts of models attempting to duplicate flight. It's no surprise that such a model would eventually appear. Also noteworthy is the fact that this tiny model is an aircraft, not a spacecraft, intended to operate in a 'heavy' atmosphere, not the vacuum of space.
No, all models of birds and insects would have wings on top of their bodies, not below. And they would have horizontal tails, not vertical. They would also not have stabilizers and fuselages.

They were clearly representing something that flew, that was unlike anything else in the world at the time.
Not being fit for a sacrifice does not mean not being fit for being alive.
Will euthanasia be your next request?
That's what "God" had in mind if he created the flood... But yet, he saves the un-kosher pig and gives it a nice place on the ark, while everyone screams and dies horrible deaths. And all the trillions of insects, and unimaginable amount of microscopic lifeforms, also hopped on the ark.

The only things that would have survived the flood per the bible, are fish, microbes, and tardigrades (they are the only one who survived all 5 extinction events). And maybe birds. But Noah's wooden ark, would have been a laughable attempt for human survival. The fact is, that's not the way it happened.

Let's just get this clear, and move on to other events, like Genesis.
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Readers are not limited to English.
The translation into Yiddish is also not correct. Because the OT came from Sumerian/Babylonian/Akkadian texts that predated the bible by 2000 years. And they got a lot of things wrong! And they were probably wrong too previously!

Yet here we are arguing about it in 2022... And people are dying about it.
Excellent question!

Was Jesus was referring to bread or matzo or anything edible when he said "take this and eat it"?
Sorry, but who cares? It's like asking a question about a Dr Seuss book. Jesus is a construct, that may have existed as a person, but definitely isn't what religion made him to be. And he would have said that too. I love Jesus' ideals.

But arguing random things like eating bread or matzo in a fictional book, is not going to prove anything. Why waste your time?

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