Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

What are you talking about. Never crossed my mind that anyone--let alone Jesus--ate lizards. Seriously, what are you talking about?
I don't remember where in the bible the vision of
"unclean animals" become ok to eat appears----
I believe it involves both Paul and Peter and does
mention all kinds of creatures that are not part of
american diner cuisine. It happens AFTER the
crucifixion and implies that the "kosher meat" thing
is OVER as per Jesus.
I don't remember where in the bible the vision of
"unclean animals" become ok to eat appears----
I believe it involves both Paul and Peter and does
mention all kinds of creatures that are not part of
american diner cuisine. It happens AFTER the
crucifixion and implies that the "kosher meat" thing
is OVER as per Jesus.
You may be speaking of Peter's dream--and that had nothing to do with what Jesus ate, but what Gentiles ate in various places.
I don't remember where in the bible the vision of
"unclean animals" become ok to eat appears----
I believe it involves both Paul and Peter and does
mention all kinds of creatures that are not part of
american diner cuisine. It happens AFTER the
crucifixion and implies that the "kosher meat" thing
is OVER as per Jesus.

The revelation that the hidden subject of flesh in kosher law , whether clean or unclean, is teaching and not food rendered the tradition of worrying about what to eat pointless, not Kosher.
A sword is not a scimitar. Don't you know the difference?
No----both seem to me to be weapons of war
for cutting purposes. I do not know the arabic
words for SWORD vs SCIMITAR----the Hebrew
word for sword is "cherev" Hebrew for scimitar
SEEMS to be a particular class of "cherev" ---of
course some people call cannons "guns" I do
not think that the term Cherev is confined to the
sort of thing Zorro or Lancelot used. Isaiah turns
all into farming implements
You may be speaking of Peter's dream--and that had nothing to do with what Jesus ate, but what Gentiles ate in various places.
the dream to which I refer invites the dreamer to
partake of all-----the dreamer is a jew
I don't remember where in the bible the vision of
"unclean animals" become ok to eat appears----
I believe it involves both Paul and Peter and does
mention all kinds of creatures that are not part of
american diner cuisine. It happens AFTER the
crucifixion and implies that the "kosher meat" thing
is OVER as per Jesus.
Matthew 15:11
A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it."

Mark 7:20
He continued: "What comes out of a man, that is what defiles him.
The revelation that the hidden subject of flesh in kosher law , whether clean or unclean, is teaching and not food rendered the tradition of worrying about what to eat pointless, not Kosher.
ain't nuthin' hidden about it------pork and lobster
is not "fit to eat" according to jewish law
Matthew 15:11
A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it."

Mark 7:20
He continued: "What comes out of a man, that is what defiles him.
Yes----both Mark and Matthew are writings which
are products of the Nicean council and purport to
be the witnessed words of Jesus spoken when he
declined to wash his hands-----I do not believe
that Jesus declined to wash his hands----such an
act is a gross violation of simple decorum----like
spitting into the salad bowl
ain't nuthin' hidden about it------pork and lobster
is not "fit to eat" according to jewish law

Swine who do not RUMINATE and bottom feeders are both metaphors for human archetypes.

Guess what teeming vermin who go down on all fours represent?
Swine who do not RUMINATE and bottom feeders are both metaphors for human archetypes.

Guess what teeming vermin who go down on all fours represent?
well----"teeming" -----not in my house, of course--
ROACHES (not gentiles) Ain't nuthin' metaphorical about DA KOSHER KITCHEN
Billions of metric tons of water instantly vaporized into the atmosphere would have global effects.
Doesn't refute a word I said.

You don't have to find a global event to explan the ridiculous bible flood myth. Especially when the people at the time did not know there was a globe.

It's just mythology.
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the dream to which I refer invites the dreamer to
partake of all-----the dreamer is a jew
Yes. Peter, not the time Gentiles were extending hospitality to the Apostles, who were Jews. It was decided any food that was not first sacrificed to an idol was permissible.
Based on history, he failed miserably.
I think not. I am always washing my hands, but I understand the difference between being spiritually clean and physically clean. I wonder, during the pandemic, whether people were home washing their hands or out helping people with some kind of need.
Yes. Peter, not the time Gentiles were extending hospitality to the Apostles, who were Jews. It was decided any food that was not first sacrificed to an idol was permissible.
interesting factoid. The meat business in rome
and greece CONSISTED of meat sacrificed to the
"gods" That business supported the temples and
its priests. Big shot greeks and romans "sacrificed"
whole herds of animals in a conspicuous consumption thingy to celebrate all kinds of events. The animals
sacrificed in the Jerusalem Temple could not be sold
at all------only eaten by eligible persons. Eating meat not purchased from the Temple in the cities
of Rome-----was not the norm for any persons who did not OWN farmland
I think not. I am always washing my hands, but I understand the difference between being spiritually clean and physically clean. I wonder, during the pandemic, whether people were home washing their hands or out helping people with some kind of need.
you are optimistic in your interpretations---the
Greeks and Romans disdained the weird pre-occupation that jews had with "washing hands"
as much as they despised the "kosher meat"
restrictions.. The Catholic church, in Medieval
times FERRETED jews who were falsely "converted"
by warning "watch people who was their hands 'too
much' "

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