Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

In truth, since Paul was the main writer, we might never know what anyone really said.
I know. What makes matters worse is that much of what was attributed to Paul was written from inside a roman prison, as if they wouldn't have redacted everything for national security purposes.
I know. What makes matters worse is that much of what was attributed to Paul was written from inside a roman prison, as if they wouldn't have redacted everything for national security of course.
poor guy----they used to hang heavy stuff on the
necks of prisoners and YOKE them together ......
no wonder he had confusing dreams
You have to read between the lines dear. Jesus was caught between brutal roman occupation and compulsory observance of Mosaic law (under penalty of death) according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men.

Picture this. Jesus tells a crowd of observant Jewish people "why worry about what you eat or what you wear", and then tells them to "eat my flesh" which is a direct reference to kosher law.
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You have to read between the lines dear. Picture this. Jesus tells a crowd of observant Jewish people "why worry about what you eat or what you wear", and then tells them to eat his flesh, a direct reference to kosher law.
where? where are those two ideas placed in
JUXTOPOSITION? In fact where are they clearly
stated ? "don't worry about what you wear"?
where? "don't worry about what you eat"?
EPICURIS said that
where? where are those two ideas placed in
JUXTOPOSITION? In fact where are they clearly
stated ? "don't worry about what you wear"?
where? "don't worry about what you eat"?
EPICURIS said that
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

Much of the written law is about what to eat and what to wear. Thats a fact.

This should make you think. One of the most popular forms of entertainment in the ancient world was solving riddles. So think. Look and look and keep on looking until you solve the riddle.

Can you dig it?
You have to read between the lines dear. Picture this. Jesus tells a crowd of observant Jewish people "why worry about what you eat or what you wear", and then tells them to eat his flesh, a direct reference to kosher law.
where? where are those two idea placed in
JUXTOPOSITION? In fact where are they clearly
stated ? "don't worry about what you wear"?
where? "don't worry about what you eat"?
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

Much of the written law is about what to eat and what to wear.

This should make you think. One of the most popular forms of entertainment in the ancient world was solving riddles. So think.
nope---some of THE LAW focuses on what
you wear and what you eat -----no more and
actually LESS than other societies of that time
and OUR time------ever read "BRIDE MAGAZINE"
or try to figure out a day in the life of an important
British person-------do you know the differences
between a fish fork, a salad fork, an live fork and
a dinner fork? and how to handle your NAPKIN?
nope---some of THE LAW focuses on what
you wear and what you eat -

So why would Jesus tell observant Jewish people to not worry about kosher law? Why would he say that what goes into the mouth cannot defile you, what comes out of your mind is what defiles.

Why would he say that "unless you eat my flesh you can have no life in you", life being the promise for compliance with the law? What is the teaching if not that the law is not to be taken literally?


You can do it!
The Ark Story.......]]]

Another LIE.
No Fucking WAY this is real.
You God believers will defend it as another...... "This is What it REALLY MEANS"

Belief in GOD, and the Word of the Bible........OK. You have Faith.

Belief in trump & his family..... you are clowns......OMG....The con man conned you.
Jesus removed the burden of the law which is "the death" for non compliance, sin, by teaching and demonstration the only right way to understand and conform to it that is rewarded with life.
yeah ? ---do did Buddha You are referring to
Aestheticism which is a recurring THING all thru
the history of the reach for spiritualism----it ain't
got nuthin' to do with bacon avoidance

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