Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

a burden and a "yoke"
Are you speaking of Paul's letter to the Galatians? (He likely said something similar in his other writings). Here is the point Paul was arguing:

Which is more powerful: Love or the constraint Law provides? Paul argues that Love/grace is more powerful than constraint/Law. I have seen it a bit differently than Paul. It seems to me that love of the Law leads to Love of God; that Love of God leads to Love of the Law. One can enter this circle at any point.
In truth, since Paul was the main writer, we might never know what anyone really said.
I do not see Paul as the main writer. In all his writings to the various Christian communities, he said much the same thing. Other things were presented by other writers.
Are you speaking of Paul's letter to the Galatians? (He likely said something similar in his other writings). Here is the point Paul was arguing:

Which is more powerful: Love or the constraint Law provides? Paul argues that Love/grace is more powerful than constraint/Law. I have seen it a bit differently than Paul. It seems to me that love of the Law leads to Love of God; that Love of God leads to Love of the Law. One can enter this circle at any point.
I am far more cynical----for me Paul seeks to
spread the ethos of Judaism by rendering it
palatable to ROMANS and GREEKS
Are you speaking of Paul's letter to the Galatians? (He likely said something similar in his other writings). Here is the point Paul was arguing:

Which is more powerful: Love or the constraint Law provides? Paul argues that Love/grace is more powerful than constraint/Law. I have seen it a bit differently than Paul. It seems to me that love of the Law leads to Love of God; that Love of God leads to Love of the Law. One can enter this circle at any point.

Whether he said that or not it contradicts what Jesus taught about the law...

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven;" Matthew 5:17-20

To understand what Jesus meant by saying will be called "least"..... see Genesis 3:14
Does the church teach that the law is obsolete?
No. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the Law has not been abolished, but that are called to rediscover the Law in the personhood of Jesus.
No. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the Law has not been abolished, but that are called to rediscover the Law in the personhood of Jesus.
What became obsolete about the law after the revelation of Jesus was the wrong way to follow it.
Perhaps Peter did, but it's an adaptation of two earlier myths. Myths aren't doctrine.
Again........the scriptures do not present anything as "perhaps". Perhaps is nothing but a very subjective (subjective to private interpretation) opinion and is in direct contradiction to the Holy Word of God. continually propagate an antichrist doctrine. Christain doctrine is contained within the books of the Holy Bible.....inspired by God, not man.

You cannot prove anything that has never been OBSERVED......the basic tenet of all science first is that any FACT of SCIENCE must be Observed, Reproducible, and consistent with any experimental application always ending with the same conclusion.

Enlighten us.........where is the scientific evidence that proves the flood is nothing but a myth? In fact the opposite is true........the actual fossil and archaeological records of science prove that at some point in time.........all land mass on earth has been under water, even the highest existing points on earth today. Geology proves "continental drift" as recorded in the Holy Bible.

Your wish to apply YOUR OWN made up dates. And declare these events happened Billions of years ago (again: unobservable). Why? You do so to attempt to justify the idiotic premises of all Darwinian Cultism..........YOU MUST theorize Billions of years instead of thousands of years in order rationalize your false doctrine.

Really? Is there any evidence that a Ball of Gas such as exists in the sun/ capable of burning a finite amount of limited energy (the universe is decaying as we speak) for Billions and trillions of years? Talk about dogma. What has actually been observed in space as far as stars go? Their destruction, their ending, their deaths........there has never been an observed NEW STAR. What is theorized again? The nebula is a star birthing chamber.........even though no new star has ever been observed by mankind. With the speed of light taking countless years to reach earth.......supposedly billions of years....why has no new star been observed that was created billions of years ago. Not one. They should be popping up like popcorn in hot grease if the universe is capable of self creation. Where are those new stars? :dunno:

Everything physical has and will our sun/star, without will one day go the same way as those observed star deaths. And that's it. Game over......welcome to heaven or hell.

What do you have? Theories not based upon the scientific method and the application thereof. Observable, reproducible and constant in applied conclusion. Radio Carbon dating is nothing but a theory with no method of calibrating any results past 10 thousand years (thus the circular logic, you date the rocks by the fossils found in them and you date the fossil by the layer of rock they are located, again, when I die, thousands of years from now I hope no one digs me up and declares that I am as old as the dirt I was found buried) the assumption is made that everything physical has remained constant over billions of years, with something so simple as water leeching corrupting any dating process other than that which can be observed via recorded history and the documented record thereof.
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No. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the Law has not been abolished, but that are called to rediscover the Law in the personhood of Jesus.
Meri----you are transforming the catholic
church into a personality cult
Meri----you are transforming the catholic
church into a personality cult
Not really. Keep in mind that some non-Catholic sects teach that the Law has been abolished. It is why they decry the Catholic sacrament of confession and reconciliation.
Not really. Keep in mind that some non-Catholic sects teach that the Law has been abolished. It is why they decry the Catholic sacrament of confession and reconciliation.
are you suggesting that Jesus ate lizards --BUT
never gave up the jewish concept of that which,
Biblically is called TSHUVAH?
They would not have had to save a pair of all species, just a pair of all kinds.

you believe the heavens would not save the innocent - or worse, for you their innocence is of no value to the christian religion ... does fit the bill for the crucifiers.

properly from the heavens and the true myth all beings are the same by their inclusion as noah, for the proper manor of self determination and eventual purity of their spirits to warrant judgement for their admission to the Everlasting.
Again........the scriptures do not present anything as "perhaps". Perhaps is nothing but a very subjective (subjective to private interpretation) opinion and is in direct contradiction to the Holy Word of God. continually propagate an antichrist doctrine. Christain doctrine is contained within the books of the Holy Bible.....inspired by God, not man.

You cannot prove anything that has never been OBSERVED......the basic tenet of all science first is that any FACT of SCIENCE must be Observed, Reproducible, and consistent with any experimental application always ending with the same conclusion.

Enlighten us.........where is the scientific evidence that proves the flood is nothing but a myth? In fact the opposite is true........the actual fossil and archaeological records of science prove that at some point in time.........all land mass on earth has been under water, even the highest existing points on earth today. Geology proves "continental drift" as recorded in the Holy Bible.

Your wish to apply YOUR OWN made up dates. And declare these events happened Billions of years ago (again: unobservable). Why? You do so to attempt to justify the idiotic premises of all Darwinian Cultism..........YOU MUST theorize Billions of years instead of thousands of years in order rationalize your false doctrine.

Really? Is there any evidence that a Ball of Gas such as exists in the sun/ capable of burning a finite amount of limited energy (the universe is decaying as we speak) for Billions and trillions of years? Talk about dogma. What has actually been observed in space as far as stars go? Their destruction, their ending, their deaths........there has never been an observed NEW STAR. What is theorized again? The nebula is a star birthing chamber.........even though no new star has ever been observed by mankind. With the speed of light taking countless years to reach earth.......supposedly billions of years....why has no new star been observed that was created billions of years ago. Not one. They should be popping up like popcorn in hot grease if the universe is capable of self creation. Where are those new stars? :dunno:

Everything physical has and will our sun/star, without will one day go the same way as those observed star deaths. And that's it. Game over......welcome to heaven or hell.

What do you have? Theories not based upon the scientific method and the application thereof. Observable, reproducible and constant in applied conclusion. Radio Carbon dating is nothing but a theory with no method of calibrating any results past 10 thousand years (thus the circular logic, you date the rocks by the fossils found in them and you date the fossil by the layer of rock they are located, again, when I die, thousands of years from now I hope no one digs me up and declares that I am as old as the dirt I was found buried) the assumption is made that everything physical has remained constant over billions of years, with something so simple as water leeching corrupting any dating process other than that which can be observed via recorded history and the documented record thereof.
There's no evidence for a global flood in archaeology or geology. None.
If I tell you, will you promise to die ASAP so you're not fooled so much?

God gathered all the waters in one place, but during creation we are told there were the Fountains of the Deep. These were considered oceans of water below the seafloor. This is where the waters rose and it rained for forty days and forty nights from above to create the global flood.
Not the 'what' the 'how'. How did God gather all the waters in one place? How did God raise the waters into the air? Face it, despite all your faith you are just as ignorant as I am.
And little regard for human life. Just seems a messy business.
Humans had little regard for God's one warning and sin. It's why we are in such a messy situation even though He sacrificed His only Son. Anyway, God's wrath should be with us around 2060 after the end times prophecy is fulfilled of people believing in evolution over the Bible.

I guess it depends on who one reads, but it either has happened already where atheists/ags outnumber the Christian believers or that it will happen soon enough and then comes THE END.


Genesis 1, Science, and Logical Conclusions

Posted on September 28, 2014 by humblesmith

This week I learned of a college student at a large, local state university who told of a story about one of his professors. The student’s geology professor, on the first day of class. specifically took time to ridicule Genesis 1. What this has to do with teaching undergraduate geology is more than a bit questionable. Recent news reports included beheadings done in the name of Muhammad. I wonder what would happen if this geology professor went to a few select mideast countries and ridiculed the Quran on the first day of class. On second thought, I do not have to wonder.
But I do wonder whether this geology professor has taken the time to read Genesis 1, or any of the other 49 chapters of the book. Keep in mind that we live in an age where the leading scientists of our day tell us, with all seriousness, the absurd notion that absolute nothing can produce something, even everything (See here, and here, and here). Meanwhile, Genesis 1 is getting a bit of a new evaluation that should lead us to a new respect for the old story."

This, despite...

The folks over at Six Day Science have stated “Genesis 1 makes at least twenty-six statements about the creation of the universe and the development of life on Earth that can be tested against current scientific understanding.” These items are not only tested against cosmology, chemistry, physics, and yes, geology, but are found accurate. You can find the explanations here and here. Next, the folks over at Reasons To Believe have several resources on how science is compatible with Genesis (start here).

I am reminded of the introduction to logic course that a relative of mine took at a local public university. I saved their handouts and tests, and the examples used in class leaned heavily toward showing logical fallacies in conservative Christian positions. Some of the examples were straw man examples, but even if we considered the rest valid, the irony of such a class is blatant. The professor taught logic by using in-class examples that only showed fallacies in one viewpoint, a clear persuasion technique.

I am further reminded of the account of a Chinese scientist who was visiting the USA, doing a few lectures on particularly unusual fossils found in China. In the lectures and demonstration, the scientist questioned Darwinian evolution. One of the American scientists asked “Aren’t you afraid to question Darwin?” which hinted at a lack of academic freedom and pressure to toe the line on Darwinism. The response was telling: “In China, we can question Darwin, but not the government. In the US, you can question the government, but not Darwin.”'

OH! like the scimitar ---which is CLEARLY
designed to swing around whilst on horseback
in order to remove heads from----THEM.
Your symbolism is fascinating, Suradie.
It is clearly based on that which you picked
up in Saudi Arabia. There was an "ISLAMIC
ART EXPOSITION in Manhattan sponsored by
Saudi Arabia-----one scimitar after the other.
A sword is not a scimitar. Don't you know the difference?

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