Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

It took Noah 120 years to build the ark..........while the

Species? A dog, wolf, coyote, fox, and any other "subspecies" thereof make up just ONE SPECIES. Just like, cattle, oxen, buffalo......etc.., make up ONE SPECIES....etc., Obviously........all the animals were infants during their transportation of the ark.

From the time God told Noah that He was going to destroy the world via a great flood event.....the animal's had 120 years to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:3-7) Noah did not have to search out the animals, the animals were guided by God to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:20)

The land masses were different before and after the flood......there were no great oceans separating the land masses. The geography and topography changed during the event. As the Scriptures declare during that time period the mountains rose and the valleys sank (Ps. 104:8) today its called the "continental drift theory".

What? did you actually expect everyone to believe that the world's water supply could have topped the highest peaks on earth found today? Yet the science of archaeology proves that sea life fossils have been found atop the peaks of the highest mountains ranges on earth. This scientific truth proves that at one time even the highest mountain ranges rested at the bottom of the sea floors as per the physical make up of the volcanic stones found on these mountain ranges that can on be produced by volcanic ash under great pressure The flood waters obviously receded into the great trenches of the oceans after the rain stopped. some 7 miles deep.

Up until the flood event there is no record of Rain water ever falling from the sky above. The earth was watered by a mist and layer of water found in the atmosphere much like one of the rings of the outer planets of our solar system. (Genesis 2:5-6) states that the plants were watered by mist coming from up from the ground. Again, up until Noah........there is no record in the Bible of any rain event on earth.

This band of water vapor trapped in the atmosphere above the earth also explains how men lived almost 1000 years during the pre flood history of the earth. The water vapor stopped the harmful radiation that comes from the sun decaying the physical flesh of men as is the case today as our atmosphere continues to decay away its protective elements from the sun's radiation.

The "It took Noah 120 years to build the ark" should immediately bring up flags in your mind. With modern technology, good diet, good healthcare, lots of knowledge about how to be healthy, most people don't make it to live 120 years, let along build an ark over 120 years of their life.

Next one is fun. The classification for "species" in those days was very, very basic.

The next fun bit is if you put two "cats" on the ark, you're telling me that in the 6,000 years or less since the ark was supposedly sailing around in flood waters, that whatever "cat" you put on board, managed to then EVOLVE into tigers, lions, leopard, house cats, cheetahs etc etc.

OR they didn't evolve, in which case God simply placed the animals on earth like a computer game. So why not just kill all animals and replace them with "non-violent" animals?

Also, just because something isn't recorded, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Are you seriously suggesting that it didn't rain before the flood? How would anyone live? Rivers wouldn't exist. Sea water is too salty to drink. How did any animals even survive?

As for you trying to debunk science which is literally happening all around us, like Earthquakes, plate tectonics and volcanoes? We can measure the height of mountains and see that they're changing. We can see with our own eyes that sediment builds up over time and builds layers into the earth.

You think human flesh decays because of the sun, and therefore that if you sit in a DARK ROOM you can LIVE FOREVER? Really? Why don't Christians live in dark rooms then?
lol Genesis was written long before the Babblin' Babylonians Roadshow came along, and they had no need to take anybody else's mythology for anything. So no, it's not 'both true and a fact'. But hey, you only missed by a couple thousand years or three, which is enough for a Trophy in today's History classes.
No flood covered the Earth – no ark, no Noah; it’s a myth, a fable the Hebrews misappropriated while in Mesopotamia.
you are optimistic in your interpretations---the
Greeks and Romans disdained the weird pre-occupation that jews had with "washing hands"
as much as they despised the "kosher meat"
restrictions.. The Catholic church, in Medieval
times FERRETED jews who were falsely "converted"
by warning "watch people who was their hands 'too
much' "
Since then, we have learned better.
These passages of scripture are not addressing the flood.........these passages are addressing the covenant that God made with man AFTER the flood. There were no fish taken onboard the was floating on the water. Read the passages in context and say withing the contextual integrity thereof.

Beginning in Verse (9:8).....prior to (9:17) states, "And I (God), will establish a covenant (contract) with you (Noah/mankind) and your seed (offspring). The next verse (9:10) details every animal that was with Noah, ".....Fowl, Cattle, and of EVERY BEAST OF THE EARTH THAT IS WITH YOU........THAT GO OUT OF THE ARK........" Then in verse (9:11) it addressed sea life (that was not on the earth because they had been CUT OFF by the great waters (only their seed hatch from eggs that obviously were not killed by the WATER from the flood). God also made a covenant with the sea life to never again cause such an event (9:11-17)

Verse 17? God said THIS IS A TOKEN of the covenant...........that token was the rainbow. The rainbow came AFTER THE FLOOD was over.


You simply say that no fish were taken on board. Even though the text says that all living things of flesh shall be taken on board. It's like you see something that doesn't make sense so you change it in your mind. But it's still written there.

And yes, later on it goes to talk about what will be taken on board, in a vague way "creeping thing" is what? Could mean almost anything if you so desire it. But the lists of what is taken on board changes.

Even God says he's making the flood to destroy all living things, then turns around and says.... well, not all things.

It's contradictory because it's NOT HISTORY. It didn't happen.
right---and based on his genteel upbringing, there
is NO DOUBT in my mind that Jesus would never have
refused to wash his hands
I have no reason to argue with your belief. And no reason to argue with Mark and Luke over their statements.
22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.... Isaiah 40:22

Flat earthers were the anti Christian scientists of the time.
Way to prove yourself to be a liar.

Maybe you didn't take middle school geometry.

Circles are two dimensional.
I have no reason to argue with your belief. And no reason to argue with Mark and Luke over their statements.
ok----in a court of law----the statements of BOTH
Mark and Luke would be dismissed as "heresay"---
An interesting anecdote---Long ago I spent some
time in court as an "expert witness" in my field----
I heard the word "heresay" over and over during
trials and came to the conclusion that it is a
LAWYER's trick ---something like MOB MEMBERS
saying "I PLEAD DA FIFTH" I had to ask a distant
relative (by marriage)--a lady lawyer----so NOW
I KNOW what that damned "heresay thing" means
As to Jesus----the behavior of 'handwashing' is so
ingrained in middle east jews that the MOST
cynical sloppy delinquent kids from hubby's family do it AUTOMATICALLY---traditional mideast jews,
It is a REFLEX by the time they are six, religion,
or more likely LACK THEREOF, notwithstanding.
BUT Romans DERIDED the practice <<this is
The "It took Noah 120 years to build the ark" should immediately bring up flags in your mind. With modern technology, good diet, good healthcare, lots of knowledge about how to be healthy, most people don't make it to live 120 years, let along build an ark over 120 years of their life.

Next one is fun. The classification for "species" in those days was very, very basic.

The next fun bit is if you put two "cats" on the ark, you're telling me that in the 6,000 years or less since the ark was supposedly sailing around in flood waters, that whatever "cat" you put on board, managed to then EVOLVE into tigers, lions, leopard, house cats, cheetahs etc etc.

OR they didn't evolve, in which case God simply placed the animals on earth like a computer game. So why not just kill all animals and replace them with "non-violent" animals?

Also, just because something isn't recorded, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Are you seriously suggesting that it didn't rain before the flood? How would anyone live? Rivers wouldn't exist. Sea water is too salty to drink. How did any animals even survive?

As for you trying to debunk science which is literally happening all around us, like Earthquakes, plate tectonics and volcanoes? We can measure the height of mountains and see that they're changing. We can see with our own eyes that sediment builds up over time and builds layers into the earth.

You think human flesh decays because of the sun, and therefore that if you sit in a DARK ROOM you can LIVE FOREVER? Really? Why don't Christians live in dark rooms then?

Not even 6000 years ... 4,124 years since the flood supposedly covered the Earth and killed every living thing "upon the face of the ground."

The "It took Noah 120 years to build the ark" should immediately bring up flags in your mind. With modern technology, good diet, good healthcare, lots of knowledge about how to be healthy, most people don't make it to live 120 years, let along build an ark over 120 years of their life.

Next one is fun. The classification for "species" in those days was very, very basic.

The next fun bit is if you put two "cats" on the ark, you're telling me that in the 6,000 years or less since the ark was supposedly sailing around in flood waters, that whatever "cat" you put on board, managed to then EVOLVE into tigers, lions, leopard, house cats, cheetahs etc etc.

OR they didn't evolve, in which case God simply placed the animals on earth like a computer game. So why not just kill all animals and replace them with "non-violent" animals?

Also, just because something isn't recorded, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Are you seriously suggesting that it didn't rain before the flood? How would anyone live? Rivers wouldn't exist. Sea water is too salty to drink. How did any animals even survive?

As for you trying to debunk science which is literally happening all around us, like Earthquakes, plate tectonics and volcanoes? We can measure the height of mountains and see that they're changing. We can see with our own eyes that sediment builds up over time and builds layers into the earth.

You think human flesh decays because of the sun, and therefore that if you sit in a DARK ROOM you can LIVE FOREVER? Really? Why don't Christians live in dark rooms then?
In 1960, people were dying in their 60s.
Today people die in their 90s.
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the behavior of 'handwashing' is so
ingrained in middle east jews that the MOST
cynical sloppy delinquent kids from hubby's family do it AUTOMATICALLY---traditional mideast jews,
It is a REFLEX by the time they are six,
I understand. But also understand Jesus traveled from place-to-place, which was unusual for the time. Jesus also had issues with those whose outward practices did not match the truth of the interior. Many people at that time were very poor.

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