Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

What are you talking about. Never crossed my mind that anyone--let alone Jesus--ate lizards. Seriously, what are you talking about?

She just hops around from one millenia to another, same with the OT and NT. The bottom line is she just hates Xians, period, even though they are more Jewish than most Jews.
If I tell you, will you promise to die ASAP so you're not fooled so much?

God gathered all the waters in one place, but during creation we are told there were the Fountains of the Deep. These were considered oceans of water below the seafloor. This is where the waters rose and it rained for forty days and forty nights from above to create the global flood.
I'm saving this one too, as the 2nd most funny thing not written by a comedian...
poor guy----they used to hang heavy stuff on the
necks of prisoners and YOKE them together ......
no wonder he had confusing dreams
You folks are arguing about comic books of the past! Geeking out on the stuff...

It isn't real! It's like arguing about Superman vs Thor... (which would be a good fight) But you're treating it as reality, instead of the farce that it is!
Prove it.
It was the melting of the glaciers from the last ice age. It didn't cover the earth, but it did flood lowlands that had civilizations living there. It's a worldwide story. They were wiped out. But everything above the new sea level remained. It was also a gradual thing, not instantaneous, though it could have quickly caused massive floods in certain areas if natural barriers deteriorated.
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So the flood story in the Mesopotamian era and others across the world, could have come from a massive onrush of water, as natural barriers broke down.
Well, let's look a round a little. Here is the Mayan creation and Flood stories.

So did they have to steal theirs from the Mesopotamian and Babylonians too? Dang, it had to have been stolen right?

How about the Chinese?

Guess they stole theirs from the Mesopotamians, too. We don't need to worry about dates and whose came first, cuz Clayton doesn't care. lol
So here we have Gobekli Tepe, dated to 10,000 years ago, maybe more.

If the earth was created in 4000 BC, how is this possible?
Well, let's look a round a little. Here is the Mayan creation and Flood stories.

So did they have to steal theirs from the Mesopotamian and Babylonians too? Dang, it had to have been stolen right?

How about the Chinese?

Guess they stole theirs from the Mesopotamians, too. We don't need to worry about dates and whose came first, cuz Clayton doesn't care. lol
It all comes from the same original stories. There may have been more local floods that they could write about, but the big one, was from the melting of the glaciers.
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Natural land barriers had formed, due to the glaciers pushing rocks and creating mountains and barriers. And over time, they erode, and when it breaks down, it will create a massive flood. Think of the Hoover Dam suddenly breaking down. Once it starts cracking, the rest will quickly follow. Fuggedaboutit.
6000 year earthers just use that age, because it is the beginning of the Sumerian civilization, who created written history, and lots of things that we enjoy today. But the Sumerians also said that they learned everything from the Anunnaki, and that humans actually started hundreds of thousands of years before as slaves of the Anunnaki.
It took Noah 120 years to build the ark..........while the

Species? A dog, wolf, coyote, fox, and any other "subspecies" thereof make up just ONE SPECIES. Just like, cattle, oxen, buffalo......etc.., make up ONE SPECIES....etc., Obviously........all the animals were infants during their transportation of the ark.

From the time God told Noah that He was going to destroy the world via a great flood event.....the animal's had 120 years to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:3-7) Noah did not have to search out the animals, the animals were guided by God to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:20)

The land masses were different before and after the flood......there were no great oceans separating the land masses. The geography and topography changed during the event. As the Scriptures declare during that time period the mountains rose and the valleys sank (Ps. 104:8) today its called the "continental drift theory".

What? did you actually expect everyone to believe that the world's water supply could have topped the highest peaks on earth found today? Yet the science of archaeology proves that sea life fossils have been found atop the peaks of the highest mountains ranges on earth. This scientific truth proves that at one time even the highest mountain ranges rested at the bottom of the sea floors as per the physical make up of the volcanic stones found on these mountain ranges that can on be produced by volcanic ash under great pressure The flood waters obviously receded into the great trenches of the oceans after the rain stopped. some 7 miles deep.

Up until the flood event there is no record of Rain water ever falling from the sky above. The earth was watered by a mist and layer of water found in the atmosphere much like one of the rings of the outer planets of our solar system. (Genesis 2:5-6) states that the plants were watered by mist coming from up from the ground. Again, up until Noah........there is no record in the Bible of any rain event on earth.

This band of water vapor trapped in the atmosphere above the earth also explains how men lived almost 1000 years during the pre flood history of the earth. The water vapor stopped the harmful radiation that comes from the sun decaying the physical flesh of men as is the case today as our atmosphere continues to decay away its protective elements from the sun's radiation.
You must think Noah's global flood was 35 million years ago.
I understand. But also understand Jesus traveled from place-to-place, which was unusual for the time. Jesus also had issues with those whose outward practices did not match the truth of the interior. Many people at that time were very poor.
I do not understand your point. EVERYONE in Judea/Samaria TRAVELED in the country----people
went to Jerusalem OFTEN---it ain't much of a trek.
What does "many people were poor" have to do with the situation? I read the NT----the Greek "doctor"
Luke who never met Jesus and could not speak the
language of Jesus ---SAID that JESUS had issue with
the incessant hand washing of the jews-----RIGHT---
the Greeks and Romans did have issues
I suggest you read the first several suras of the Koran; Muslims and Jews believe in the same God.
No they don't.

The god the Jews worship never walked the earth as a human and they do not recognize Mohamed as a prophet of their god
Christians worship a god who walked the earth as Jesus
Muslims worship a god that made Mohamed a prophet and disregard both the OT and the NT

These are obviously not the same god
They do believe in the same "God". But it is a combination of previous pagan gods, combined into one almighty "God". That's why he's so schizophrenic in the bible. Loves us and smites us on the same page... Most importantly, he's a mix of EN.LIL and EN.KI.

No they don't

Jews do not worship a god that walked the earth as a human incarnate, Christians do
Muslims worship a god that made Mohamed its last and most important prophet and basically disregard bot the the OT and the NT
No they don't.

The god the Jews worship never walked the earth as a human and they do not recognize Mohamed as a prophet of their god
Christians worship a god who walked the earth as Jesus
Muslims worship a god that made Mohamed a prophet and disregard both the OT and the NT

These are obviously not the same god
Yes they are. Many of Muhammad's sermons begin, "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham."

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