Zone1 Noah's Ark

The best biblical evidence for a spherical earth is "the earth is God's footstool", and God's throne in "the sides of the north".

The 'sides of the north' refers to the position above the earth of God's throne. Earth is God's 'footstool' which he looks down on from his throne. The 'sides of the north' refers to the northern hemisphere, not a northward heavenly direction, although if looking up from the 'sides of the north' one would be looking in a 'northerly' direction, but that direction is dictated by the earth, not by the heavens. If there were no earth, there would be no 'direction'.

The evidence of a three-dimensional earth is suggested by the term sides. A two-dimensional object, such as a flat earth, doesn't have 'sides'.

A footstool shaped like a basketball? Really! 🥺
The bible writer had no clue about the earth traveling around the sun. For centuries man had it wrong about that.
The scribes wrote what was inspired by God. Many scriptures suggest 'mysteries' that will be revealed at a later time or revealed through serious study.
He was sent for them They rejected him thus God rejected them unless they do Matt 23:39--they have outright refused to this day.
The Jews rejected Jesus. The northern tribes were long gone from the region except for some that remained in the area of Galilee and Samaria. Jesus told the disciples to go to those Israelites, not stay in the region only to bump heads with the Jews. Tradition has many travelling north into Europe, where Christianity later took root.

Regarding the Jews, Jesus was obliged to witness to them, but his ministry was to the other tribes.
Was there really two of every animal in the whole entire world? Also, if all of creation was made in six days does that mean humans and dinosaurs lived together after all? I don't think that they meant literal twenty-four hour days there I was just wondering what the general consensus was for that question. Oh and why only promise to have one flood when the earth desperately needs it now?
If you read the Bible, it doesn't mention two of every animal. So my answer is, no.
God's chosen are mostly Israelites.
(Too unclear to respond to.)
is that the liar moses and their false commandments, abraham and their heredity idolatry ... their fallacies exclude them so obviously as a shame for those that are equally blind to the truth.

- an israelite and not a jew are few and far between, jesus.

similar to a hung jury, who believe they are chosen than to reach the truth. nutz.
Yes i am, the only religion that has Jesus.

you are forgetting the paradisians, jesus from the beginning - golden rule is enough - judgement only for those that end their sins, permanently.

yours is written, good luck w/ that.
The Jews rejected Jesus. The northern tribes were long gone from the region except for some that remained in the area of Galilee and Samaria. Jesus told the disciples to go to those Israelites, not stay in the region only to bump heads with the Jews. Tradition has many travelling north into Europe, where Christianity later took root.

Regarding the Jews, Jesus was obliged to witness to them, but his ministry was to the other tribes.
Yes those became Christian and left the apostatized Jewish religion who is still that way today, by rejecting Jesus to this very day. God has the door open to the whole human race. They must walk through it. The Jewish religion outright refuses.
Did you kidnap him from the rest of us? :omg:
They are the only ones who obey him. They don't serve a non existent trinity god as others do and are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily. Jesus isnt with any serving false gods.
Paul tells you--1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father-----not Father, son and holy spirit.
you are forgetting the paradisians, jesus from the beginning - golden rule is enough - judgement only for those that end their sins, permanently.

yours is written, good luck w/ that.
Obeying every utterance from God makes one a follower of Jesus.
You're probably using the Schofield Bible and don't know it.
Schoenfield didn't have--and the word was God at John 1:1--He put and the word was divine. So did Goodspeed and Moffett, 1 translation had and was godlike. at least 20 had a god. Done by Greek Scholars. None can translate from the Greek lexicons unless they are Greek scholars or have Holy spirit backing.

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