Noam Chomsky is wrong this time.

Correll , if you invest ten minutes to listen to Glenn Greenwald (or find a transcript and read it) you will learn what he is saying is NOT, as you “guessed,” simply “Orange Man Bad.” My criticism of you as a Trumpian “idiot” was based on many comments of yours, and was not meant to burn any bridges that you yourself have not already burned. Any time you show a willingness to have a respectful discussion, you will find me willing to respond in kind.

P.S. Like Angelo , I did NOT vote for Hillary Clinton.
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Exactly. Donnie is to left of Sniffy Joe. Somehow the hatred of Donnie is so great, many can’t see this. However, Biden’s long track record of corporatism, warmongering, imperialism, corruption, and elitism is readily available.
The biggest factor is our dishonest press.
The real press, what you dinks call "the main stream media", are in fact very honest. It's the fringe groups like breightbart and Palmer report that are not.
“Real press”. LMFAO
Yes, Son. The real press. As in not the conspiracy pushing fringe crap.
It’s propaganda and it works on you.
You mean Chompsky has been right?
He's one of my heroes.
But he's wrong about Trump.

I didn't know that you were so left wing.

I can understand why Chomsky would think Biden is the lesser of the two evils. Except for trade, Trump's policies have been right of the playbook of the right-wing think thanks like the Heritage Foundation or the CATO Institute, which typically are loathed by guys like Chomsky. Nobody has benefited more from Trump than the rich and corporations.
If being an antiwar environmentalist is left wing. I'd call myself a civil libertarian Constitutionalist.
Correll , if you invest ten minutes to listen to Glenn Greenwald (or find a transcript and read it) you will learn what he is saying is NOT, as you “guessed,” simply “Orange Man Bad.” My criticism of you as a Trumpian “idiot” was based on many comments of yours, and was not meant to burn any bridges that you yourself have not already burned. Any time you show a willingness to have a respectful discussion, you will find me willing to respond in kind.

P.S. Like Angelo, I did NOT vote for Hillary Clinton.

Give me the top bullet point, and if it is not something I have NOT heard a dozen times before, I give it the ten minutes, I promise.

I've always shown a willingness to have a respectful discussion, which you might know, if you did not open with calling me an idiot.
Lmao @ "Biden's policies won't be much different..."!!
Biden is Hillary Clinton without the obnoxious laugh.
And dOnald tRump is a special Olympics contestant with someone to wipe his drool.

What's your point?
So out of everyone in the Democratic Party....that’s the best you guys could do. Seriously? That is the best Democrats have to offer? Even being better than everyone else intellectually ( in your own mind). And THAT is what you come up with?

What a joke you guys are.
The biggest factor is our dishonest press, and the way they're able to frame the narratives
across the board..

Yep. Talk about dishonest -- they are trying to portray anybody who is concerned with the economic devastation this is causing as "right wing", no doubt to hoodwink the left into supporting a multi-nationalist power grab where the little guy is getting absolutely hammered.

When I was a kid, the left questioned authority and sided with the powerless against the powerful. Now, it is completely inverse to that.
The biggest factor is our dishonest press, and the way they're able to frame the narratives
across the board..

Yep. Talk about dishonest -- they are trying to portray anybody who is concerned with the economic devastation this is causing as "right wing", no doubt to hoodwink the left into supporting a multi-nationalist power grab where the little guy is getting absolutely hammered.

When I was a kid, the left questioned authority and sided with the powerless against the powerful. Now, it is completely inverse to that.

Did they really? Or did they just say that, and as a child you believed it, right along with Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy?
Joe is by far, the lesser evil of the two!!

God's hand at work with Joe as nominee, he has no vindictive bone in his body....which is good and fortunate for Trumpsters..... :) :D
You’re blinded by your hatred of Donnie. Hate makes one act emotionally and illogically.

Biden’s policies won’t be much different than Donnie’s. Though he will give us the added dimensions of senility and awkward cringe worthy behavior around children and women.
He's not senile..... that's the republican party's ammo.... Hillary was sick and dying of Parkinson's remember?

Trust me, we are on to you!

And even if he were senile, I'd take senile over a man suffering from Narcissism, and a Pathological Liar.

His lying lying lying lying lying lying on a daily basis is and has been very harmful to our Nation.
Joe is by far, the lesser evil of the two!!

God's hand at work with Joe as nominee, he has no vindictive bone in his body....which is good and fortunate for Trumpsters..... :) :D
You’re blinded by your hatred of Donnie. Hate makes one act emotionally and illogically.

Biden’s policies won’t be much different than Donnie’s. Though he will give us the added dimensions of senility and awkward cringe worthy behavior around children and women.
He's not senile..... that's the republican party's ammo.... Hillary was sick and dying of Parkinson's remember?

Trust me, we are on to you!

And even if he were senile, I'd take senile over a man suffering from Narcissism, and a Pathological Liar.

His lying lying lying lying lying lying on a daily basis is and has been very harmful to our Nation.
There’s that hatred and it prevents you from thinking clearly. Trump is to the left of Biden. Biden is most certainly senile.

Both are awful. Just accept it. Flip a coin on Election Day to determine who to vote for. It doesn’t really matter.
The biggest factor is our dishonest press, and the way they're able to frame the narratives
across the board..

Yep. Talk about dishonest -- they are trying to portray anybody who is concerned with the economic devastation this is causing as "right wing", no doubt to hoodwink the left into supporting a multi-nationalist power grab where the little guy is getting absolutely hammered.

When I was a kid, the left questioned authority and sided with the powerless against the powerful. Now, it is completely inverse to that.

Did they really? Or did they just say that, and as a child you believed it, right along with Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy?
Yes. There actually was a balanced conservative and liberal media at one time.
The biggest factor is our dishonest press, and the way they're able to frame the narratives
across the board..

Yep. Talk about dishonest -- they are trying to portray anybody who is concerned with the economic devastation this is causing as "right wing", no doubt to hoodwink the left into supporting a multi-nationalist power grab where the little guy is getting absolutely hammered.

When I was a kid, the left questioned authority and sided with the powerless against the powerful. Now, it is completely inverse to that.

Did they really? Or did they just say that, and as a child you believed it, right along with Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy?
Yes. There actually was a balanced conservative and liberal media at one time.

Just answer the question.

I've seen a good deal of Morgan. And yes, he has some independence of thought compared to the normal MSM talking head, here in the US. (a very low bar)

But I've seen nothing to support calling him a Trump ally.
Just answer the question.
Which question would that be Huckleberry ?
I've seen a good deal of Morgan. And yes, he has some independence of thought compared to the normal MSM talking head, here in the US. (a very low bar)

But I've seen nothing to support calling him a Trump ally.
Who the fuck is Morgan ?
Just answer the question.
Which question would that be Huckleberry ?
I've seen a good deal of Morgan. And yes, he has some independence of thought compared to the normal MSM talking head, here in the US. (a very low bar)

But I've seen nothing to support calling him a Trump ally.
Who the fuck is Morgan ?

Oops. wrong thread.

Still not going to watch a 20 min video.
Oops. wrong thread.
Still not going to watch a 20 min video.
The 10 minute interview with Glenn Greenwald is excellent. This heroic journalist, by the way, is now risking his life in Brazil, where his team has exposed corruption in the ultralight Bolosario government. Folks probably know Glenn Greenwald from his terrific work in shepherding Wikileaks exposures through Western mainstream newspapers. Correll shows his Trumpian idiocy in refusing even to listen to this fascinating interview.

While I agree with Greenwald in his take on Bernie and his respectful disagreement with Chomsky, here right wingers take Greenwald’s argument as proof that Trump is “not the greater evil” or even a positive good. That is NOT what Greenwald said or believes. Trump is toxic, a divisive demagogue in service to himself first and corporate America second, and dangerously incompetent. He is a shrewd politician, however, who certainly knows how to con and manipulate his supporters and appeal to the basest prejudices and fears of Americans.

1. Videos tend to be filled mostly with the same old talking points. An utter waste of time. Give me a transcript I can read far faster than some moron can talk, especially the "gifted" speakers who like to waste my time with filler and dramatic pauses.

2. Trump is not divisive. Pointing out a valid disagreement or conflict of interests with another person or even group, is not divisive. The Left's tactic of framing every issue as an identity issue, is divisive, because it makes any disagreement a "personal attack".

3. Calling me an idiot, btw, is divisive. Or do you think you were building a bridge with that?

You’re a capitalist socialist. Contradictory no?


Capitalism creates the most wealth for the most people, most of the time. It doesn't create all the wealth for all the people, all of the time. So the driving force of wealth creation is capitalism, but government should step in when capitalism doesn't meet all of society's needs. That's a mixed economy. Almost everyone believes that now. It's just a matter of degree.

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