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Nobody needs an AK47 with a 30 round magazine

if no one needs them than civilian law enforcement and state national guards shouldn't have them either

anything civilian cops have so should the rest of us

Damn.....what a stupid post
its a stupid post to morons who don't understand the purpose of the 2A or the Heller ruling

would you like to be edified as to the Heller ruling?

weapons that are in common circulation and use are presumed to be protected by the 2A unless they are unusually dangerous. Stuff used by partially trained CIVILIAN police officers in CIVILIAN URBAN environments are by definition, commonly used and not unusually dangerous
Thanks for reminding us of how deeply your stupidity descends

Heller says nothing of the kind

so you have a law degree

you have lectured on the 2A at ABA accredited law schools

You have been cited in law reviews on the Second Amendment

You regularly converse with second Amendment scholars

I think you are clueless about the subject and you cannot tell the difference between an "assault weapon" and a rectal vibrator
I may not have a law degree, but I do watch Judge Judy every day which more than qualifies me to dispute your idiotic interpretation of Heller

being as you are so well versed on the Heller decision, please tell us what you may have learned, we will all remain ignorant until you inform us.

thank you .............................. and :fu:

I have learned that in no way, in no how does Heller come close to saying that individual citizens have a right to access the same weapons as police
Why is it fair to compare us to countries whose populations look nothing like ours? I offer a comparison between two cities populated by Americans with the exact same laws and wildly different crime rates. And of course you ignore it.
I have learned that in no way, in no how does Heller come close to saying that individual citizens have a right to access the same weapons as police

And you feel safer when the government is armed and the people are not. Of course you do, we can trust government...
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I have learned that in no way, in no how does Heller come close to saying that individual citizens have a right to access the same weapons as police

And you feel safer when the government is armed and the people are not. Of course you do, we can trust government...
Nutjobber would be at the forefront of the Third Reich.

Absolutely. He'd turn in his neighbors, his family, he's join the Hitler youth. He'd be all in, just like he is now.
There is nothing in the second amendment that would restrict background checks or registration
Actually the second amendment encourages both

Please...could you, of all people tell us how background checks and gun registration actually stops crime and mass shootings....considering they don't stop all the shootings in Chicago or the other 24 most violent cities in America and they didn't stop the mass shootings in Fort Hood (2 of them), Columbine, the Colorado theater, Santa Barbara, pearl mississippi, the navy yard, Newton or any of the other mass shootings...

Please...explain what background checks, gun registration, banning assault rifles, banning magzines, actually do besides make it a pain in the ass to own guns for law abiding citizens who don't do crime or mass shootings.

Will you at least be honest and say proudly that the whole reason is to annoy legal gun owners because you don't really care about stopping real gun violence?

Like a true, loyal NRAbot you have been trained to respond "it won't work" to any attempt to reduce gun violence that does not involve more guns

Fact is...It DOES work

It works in country after country around the world. Yes, they restrict gun access to civilians, they have strict background checks, registration, you need to demonstrate a need to own the weapon, sales are strictly controlled

We have murder rates five times what those other countries see.NRAbots will never admit it, but our outrageous murder rate is the price we pay for a second amendment. We are willing to accept mass killings, assasinations, a murder rate that shocks the rest of the world and sit back and say....we don't care, guns keep us safe
Really? Mexico has strict gun laws. How well have those worked? South Africa has strict gun laws. How well are those working?
Switzerland has lax gun laws. How many mass shootings are there there? So does Finland. What's the crime rate like?
Those lib talking points get demolished every single time. Because laws don't affect behavior, culture does.
Knoxville TN and Memphis TN have exactly the same laws. Yet Memphis has a crime rate about 80% over KNoxville's. Why? Can't be the laws.
Once again, gun nuts don't set the bar too high when it comes to gun control or murder rates. They are content to be better off than third world nations. Why can't we be compared to UK or France or Germany or Japan? No, we have to be compared to third world countries under social upheaval.
Both Switzerland and Finland have tougher gun laws than the US
The rest of the civilized world looks at us in shock. How can the US be so nonchalant about its massacres and murder rate?

exactly ! their laws command that an individual MUST own a gun !!

"Right To Be A LeftWinger", what is your IQ concerning the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, weapons/guns ? actually....., anything ?????
i am betting it is in the negative range.

thank you for being an O2 waster :lmao:

and .............. :fu:
I have learned that in no way, in no how does Heller come close to saying that individual citizens have a right to access the same weapons as police

And you feel safer when the government is armed and the people are not. Of course you do, we can trust government...

"Right to be a LEFTWINGER" please...., PLEASE tell us you really are not THAT stupid!! i can not believe you said "Yup".

i see you missed your appointment with your shrink again, please do us all a favor by not post stupidity until after your fourth session OK ??
This might be a better option you would only need one.
SAW em in half....

Love that little weapon.
Again...we already have background check laws...we had an assault weapon ban, some states have magazine capacity limits....and none of them have stopped criminals from using guns...

And by the way...to repeat something that is important...more and more people own guns in America and more and more people are carrying guns for self-defense....and the crime rate is going down...not up....which destroys the main belief of anti-gunners....they falsely believe that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens will lead to more crime...and it hasn't...

What do we need to stop crime...stop electing democrats to run things...especially cities...the top 24 most violent cities all had one thing in common...decades of democrat mayors and their policies...

Most of the gun crime in America comes from cities controlled by democrats, mainly in very small areas in those cities, generally minority communities who look to the democrats and their policies to run their lives...and they pay for supporting democrats at a 95% rate with the very crime the democrat anti-gunners blame on guns...

Guns are not the problem...democrats are...stop the madness...

And you know what...if we implemented Japanese style police and criminal justice techniques...the lefty/democrat/progressives would go nuts....the Japanese police can search you, on the street, in your homes...whenever they feel like it...they routinely hold you without allowing you to see a lawyer and if there is evidence that a confession is coerced by the police and prosecutors...the judges ignore it....

So tell me again that you want Japanese style gun control...because that is how they do it over there...

We need crimiinal control...most of the killers in these major cities are repeat felons, back on the streets because of democrat/lefy/proggressive criminal justice policies...

But it isn't about stopping rapes, beatings, robbery or murder...is it....it is about their irrational fear of guns...get a tinfoil hat...that will work as well as your anti-gun policies...

So tell those 250-375,000 people that they should just accept being murdered, raped, beaten and robbed because you are afraid of guns...what will that do to the crime rate...?

Guns save lives in this country to the tune of 250-375,000 crimes stopped and lives saved each year vs. 11-12,000 murders comitted by criminals who don't get background checks, don't register their guns, don't obey magazine limits...and the crime rate is still going down as more and more people own gusn...
I have learned that in no way, in no how does Heller come close to saying that individual citizens have a right to access the same weapons as police

And you feel safer when the government is armed and the people are not. Of course you do, we can trust government...

Which is why you are a subject and I am a citizen.

Actually, it is I who is the citizen

A citizen of the greatest nation in the history of the world. A country where its citizens get to vote for or against lawmakers who meet their expectations. A country where a free press keeps track of both law enforcement and politicians and reports on transgressions. A country where citizens have a right to assemble and protest its government

These rights have kept us free for 225 years, a time where we have never had to rely on armed citizens
There is nothing in the second amendment that would restrict background checks or registration
Actually the second amendment encourages both

Please...could you, of all people tell us how background checks and gun registration actually stops crime and mass shootings....considering they don't stop all the shootings in Chicago or the other 24 most violent cities in America and they didn't stop the mass shootings in Fort Hood (2 of them), Columbine, the Colorado theater, Santa Barbara, pearl mississippi, the navy yard, Newton or any of the other mass shootings...

Please...explain what background checks, gun registration, banning assault rifles, banning magzines, actually do besides make it a pain in the ass to own guns for law abiding citizens who don't do crime or mass shootings.

Will you at least be honest and say proudly that the whole reason is to annoy legal gun owners because you don't really care about stopping real gun violence?

Like a true, loyal NRAbot you have been trained to respond "it won't work" to any attempt to reduce gun violence that does not involve more guns

Fact is...It DOES work

It works in country after country around the world. Yes, they restrict gun access to civilians, they have strict background checks, registration, you need to demonstrate a need to own the weapon, sales are strictly controlled

We have murder rates five times what those other countries see.NRAbots will never admit it, but our outrageous murder rate is the price we pay for a second amendment. We are willing to accept mass killings, assasinations, a murder rate that shocks the rest of the world and sit back and say....we don't care, guns keep us safe
Really? Mexico has strict gun laws. How well have those worked? South Africa has strict gun laws. How well are those working?
Switzerland has lax gun laws. How many mass shootings are there there? So does Finland. What's the crime rate like?
Those lib talking points get demolished every single time. Because laws don't affect behavior, culture does.
Knoxville TN and Memphis TN have exactly the same laws. Yet Memphis has a crime rate about 80% over KNoxville's. Why? Can't be the laws.
Once again, gun nuts don't set the bar too high when it comes to gun control or murder rates. They are content to be better off than third world nations. Why can't we be compared to UK or France or Germany or Japan? No, we have to be compared to third world countries under social upheaval.
Both Switzerland and Finland have tougher gun laws than the US
The rest of the civilized world looks at us in shock. How can the US be so nonchalant about its massacres and murder rate?

exactly ! their laws command that an individual MUST own a gun !!

Gun politics in Switzerland - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are you suggesting we implement the gun policies of Switzerland?

Gun politics in Switzerland are unique in Europe. The vast majority of men between the ages of 20 and 30 are conscripted into the militia and undergo military training, including weapons training. The personal weapons of the militia are kept at home as part of the military obligations, however it is not allowed to keep the ammunition
These rights have kept us free for 225 years, a time where we have never had to rely on armed citizens

Hmmm...except for:

The Revolutionary war
The war of 1812
The Mexican War
The Civil War
World War1
World War 2

Not to forget the armed citizens who each year stop 250-375,000 crimes a year and save lives with those guns...and break the law with those guns less than police officers do...don't forget that...

All of those people were armed citizens...until they get home...and then the anti-gun nuts think they can't handle those same weapons safely, and without killing their fellow citizens...
Each soldier is required to keep his army-issued personal weapon (the 5.56x45mm SIG SG 550 rifle for enlisted personnel and/or the 9mm SIG P220 semi-automatic pistol for officers, military police, medical and postal personnel) at home or (as of 2010) in the local armoury (Zeughaus). Up until October 2007, ammunition (50 rounds 5.56 mm / 48 rounds 9mm) was issued as well, which was sealed and inspected regularly to ensure that no unauthorized use had taken place.[4] The ammunition was intended for use while travelling to the army barracks in case of invasion.

In October 2007, the Swiss Federal Council decided that the distribution of ammunition to soldiers shall stop and that all previously issued ammo shall be returned. By March 2011, more than 99% of the ammo has been received. Only special rapid deployment units and the military police still store ammunition at home today.[5]

When their period of service has ended, militiamen have the choice of keeping their personal weapon and other selected items of their equipment.[citation needed] However, keeping the weapon after end of service requires a license.

Soooo...you are agreeing with us after all...considering Swiss citizens are more heavily armed...with actual military weapons than citizens in the United States are...

Nice to know you are finally on board...
Sooo...they get the same rifle as the AR-15 (5.56)...it just looks different...but...but...you guys hate assault rifles...and these guys keep them in their homes....all of them...

And...They are selective fire? Does that mean they are true automatic rifles...? Not Semi-Automatic rifles? In their homes...oh the horror...
if no one needs them than civilian law enforcement and state national guards shouldn't have them either

anything civilian cops have so should the rest of us

Damn.....what a stupid post
its a stupid post to morons who don't understand the purpose of the 2A or the Heller ruling

would you like to be edified as to the Heller ruling?

weapons that are in common circulation and use are presumed to be protected by the 2A unless they are unusually dangerous. Stuff used by partially trained CIVILIAN police officers in CIVILIAN URBAN environments are by definition, commonly used and not unusually dangerous
Thanks for reminding us of how deeply your stupidity descends

Heller says nothing of the kind

so you have a law degree

you have lectured on the 2A at ABA accredited law schools

You have been cited in law reviews on the Second Amendment

You regularly converse with second Amendment scholars

I think you are clueless about the subject and you cannot tell the difference between an "assault weapon" and a rectal vibrator
I may not have a law degree, but I do watch Judge Judy every day which more than qualifies me to dispute your idiotic interpretation of Heller

being as you are so well versed on the Heller decision, please tell us what you may have learned, we will all remain ignorant until you inform us.

thank you .............................. and :fu:

I have learned that in no way, in no how does Heller come close to saying that individual citizens have a right to access the same weapons as police

They don't so what's your point?
Each soldier is required to keep his army-issued personal weapon (the 5.56x45mm SIG SG 550 rifle for enlisted personnel and/or the 9mm SIG P220 semi-automatic pistol for officers, military police, medical and postal personnel) at home or (as of 2010) in the local armoury (Zeughaus). Up until October 2007, ammunition (50 rounds 5.56 mm / 48 rounds 9mm) was issued as well, which was sealed and inspected regularly to ensure that no unauthorized use had taken place.[4] The ammunition was intended for use while travelling to the army barracks in case of invasion.

In October 2007, the Swiss Federal Council decided that the distribution of ammunition to soldiers shall stop and that all previously issued ammo shall be returned. By March 2011, more than 99% of the ammo has been received. Only special rapid deployment units and the military police still store ammunition at home today.[5]

When their period of service has ended, militiamen have the choice of keeping their personal weapon and other selected items of their equipment.[citation needed] However, keeping the weapon after end of service requires a license.

Soooo...you are agreeing with us after all...considering Swiss citizens are more heavily armed...with actual military weapons than citizens in the United States are...

Nice to know you are finally on board...

Looks like a "Well regulated militia" to me

Is the NRA going to stand for this?

In October 2007, the Swiss Federal Council decided that the distribution of ammunition to soldiers shall stop and that all previously issued ammo shall be returned. By March 2011, more than 99% of the ammo has been received. Only special rapid deployment units and the military police still store ammunition at home today
However, keeping the weapon after end of service requires a license
if no one needs them than civilian law enforcement and state national guards shouldn't have them either

anything civilian cops have so should the rest of us

Damn.....what a stupid post
its a stupid post to morons who don't understand the purpose of the 2A or the Heller ruling

would you like to be edified as to the Heller ruling?

weapons that are in common circulation and use are presumed to be protected by the 2A unless they are unusually dangerous. Stuff used by partially trained CIVILIAN police officers in CIVILIAN URBAN environments are by definition, commonly used and not unusually dangerous
Thanks for reminding us of how deeply your stupidity descends

Heller says nothing of the kind

so you have a law degree

you have lectured on the 2A at ABA accredited law schools

You have been cited in law reviews on the Second Amendment

You regularly converse with second Amendment scholars

I think you are clueless about the subject and you cannot tell the difference between an "assault weapon" and a rectal vibrator
I may not have a law degree, but I do watch Judge Judy every day which more than qualifies me to dispute your idiotic interpretation of Heller

being as you are so well versed on the Heller decision, please tell us what you may have learned, we will all remain ignorant until you inform us.

thank you .............................. and :fu:

I have learned that in no way, in no how does Heller come close to saying that individual citizens have a right to access the same weapons as police

that is because you are unable to understand what Heller said

common use-well if every major CIVILIAN POLICE Department uses them, the firearm meets that test

NOT UNUSUALLY DANGEROUS--why would civilian police departments use UNUSUALLY DANGEROUS weapons

QED (look it up)

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