Nolte: Report Shows Joe Biden Has Big Vietnam Draft Evasion Problem

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
On top of his old, white plagiarism and serial young-girl-touching problems, Creepy Joe Biden also has a draft evasion problem, according to an InsideSources report.

Naturally, the outlet also attacks President Trump over his own Vietnam-era deferment, but comparing Trump to Biden in this regard, as you will see, is like comparing a gun to a tomato.

According the report, after he graduated college in 1968, Biden became eligible for the draft, which could have landed him in combat in Vietnam. What saved him, what earned him a 1-Y draft deferment, was asthma…

Asthma, y’all.


Don’t get me wrong, asthma can be debilitating. Chronic asthma is the worst; it can disable a person. If Biden legitimately suffered a serious asthma problem, his draft deferment is perfectly legitimate.

Here’s the problem, though…

While Biden was scoring a deferment for “asthma as a teenager,” he was — get this — also scoring touchdowns as a teenager.

Biden played football in high school and once went so far as to lie about playing football for the University of Delaware — even though he didn’t, but Biden is the kind of liar who lies about such things.

What’s more, InsideSources points out that in his autobiography, Biden makes no mention of asthma, but brags about being “active in intramural sports” while in college, and “recounts an active childhood [and] football exploits in high school.”

Worse still, during one summer home from college, as Biden himself has admitted, he worked as a lifeguard, which requires vigorous health in order to pass that test, including a very healthy set of lungs.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

And then there’s this:

One incident from that summer stands out: How Biden had to wrap a six-foot length of metal chain around his arm to face off against a knife-wielding local tough who went by the name “Corn Pop.”

“You might cut me, Corn Pop, but I’m going to wrap this chain around your head before you do,” Biden told him. Strong words, but he was a healthy, high school football player who could back them up. Biden and Corn Pop resolved their differences without violence and, according to Biden, became poolside friends.

Just six years later, at the height of the fighting in Vietnam, that same poolside athlete avoided mandatory military service due to “asthma as a teenager.”

…”asthma as a teenager.”

Yep, healthy enough to play football and qualify as a lifeguard, which is no easy task, but still 1-Y when swimming is one of the most strenuous exercises around.
The bitches on the view were putting Trump on blast for draft dodging....they better do the same with asthma Joe Biden.

They sure as fuck won’t criticize Bill Clinton for being a draft dodger.

Hypocritical cvnts.
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But, since draft dodgers have been elected before, especially from the so called patriotic repubs, I don't see this as an issue with voters....
There are a fair number of politicians who kept the draft from affecting them. Some are listed in the link below.

It's Not Just Donald Trump, These Famous Americans Also Received Draft Deferments

John Wayne was 34 years old in 1941. He stayed out of the military because was threatened with being sued for breach of his movie studio contract should he have volunteered.

Deferments were perfectly legal and I doubt any of these men cheated to get them, with the exception of Bill Clinton. The story of how he dodged the draft is well known and I will not repeat old news.
It is actually that much more significant when what the Atlanta Jewish Times published is considered.

What did Joe really know?

There are a fair number of politicians who kept the draft from affecting them. Some are listed in the link below.

It's Not Just Donald Trump, These Famous Americans Also Received Draft Deferments

Your link starts off with a bald-face lie. John Wayne was 34 years old in 1941. He stayed out of the military because was threatened with being sued for breach of his movie studio contract should he have volunteered.

Deferments were perfectly legal and I doubt any of these men cheated to get them, with the exception of Bill Clinton. The story of how he dodged the draft is well known and I will not repeat old news.

He none the less got a deferment and there is not a damn thing wrong with that. Hell, the Duke is my childhood hero.
So, he philanders... and his wife is cool with that.... and he plagiarizes.... and Dems are OK with that... and he dodged the Draft.... and Dems are cool with that... and he's really dumb.... and so are most Dems, so no problem there... and the Atlanta Jewish Times thinks he is a traitor... but since patriotism is a "dirty word" for Dems, no problem...

But like, why should anyone vote FOR him?

He is a complete slime in every aspect....
In another decade or so, "this who dodged the draft BS", will be a non issue in America politics. Because all the people of that age group will too old to run for political office. ... :cool:
Biden don't have a chance. He's just being used as cannon fodder for the dimocrap scum party.

Biden is the dimocrap spear-catcher du jour. Don't waste your time on him

My money is on Klobuchar.

the dimocraps are very good at deception. They even routinely deceive their own people.

Biden is a standing joke. He'll get run over in the real campaigns.

I could map it out for you, but I'm not in the mood..... The DISGUSTING FILTH will get on him about something too far left, Klobuchar will rise from the crowd as the 'voice of reason'. The DISGUSTING FILTH will rally around her, making noises about how reasonable and 'centrist' she is.

Back room deals will be made, Cabinet positions will be promised, contributions will appear from nowhere....

And The People will be none the wiser.

dimocrap scum don't have Open Primaries like we do. They 'anoint' their politicians, Republicans elect them.

the dimocrap scum party is strictly a Top-Down political party. The Republican Party is a bottom-up party these days. Our leaders come from The People.

dimocrap scum politicians come from the dimocrap politburo, dimocrap billionaires and back room deals
His poll numbers are dropping like a rock....Dimms are already losing their love for Uncle Joe!
His poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

It is the best comedy on TV right now... how far did Joe Biden fall in the polls today???

He started near 40%

He last clocked in at 27% on Thursday (Economist poll)

Do we hear 25%???

There are a fair number of politicians who kept the draft from affecting them. Some are listed in the link below.

It's Not Just Donald Trump, These Famous Americans Also Received Draft Deferments

Your link starts off with a bald-face lie. John Wayne was 34 years old in 1941. He stayed out of the military because was threatened with being sued for breach of his movie studio contract should he have volunteered.

Deferments were perfectly legal and I doubt any of these men cheated to get them, with the exception of Bill Clinton. The story of how he dodged the draft is well known and I will not repeat old news.

He none the less got a deferment and there is not a damn thing wrong with that. Hell, the Duke is my childhood hero.

Super! I just hate the myriad of lies that people say about him being a draft dodger! My apologies if I impugned your motives.
Super! I just hate the myriad of lies that people say about him being a draft dodger! My apologies if I impugned your motives.

Thank you, but no apology needed. I took no offense sir. As an aside In Harms Way is one of my top favorites.
On top of his old, white plagiarism and serial young-girl-touching problems, Creepy Joe Biden also has a draft evasion problem, according to an InsideSources report.

Naturally, the outlet also attacks President Trump over his own Vietnam-era deferment, but comparing Trump to Biden in this regard, as you will see, is like comparing a gun to a tomato.

According the report, after he graduated college in 1968, Biden became eligible for the draft, which could have landed him in combat in Vietnam. What saved him, what earned him a 1-Y draft deferment, was asthma…

Asthma, y’all.


Don’t get me wrong, asthma can be debilitating. Chronic asthma is the worst; it can disable a person. If Biden legitimately suffered a serious asthma problem, his draft deferment is perfectly legitimate.

Here’s the problem, though…

While Biden was scoring a deferment for “asthma as a teenager,” he was — get this — also scoring touchdowns as a teenager.

Biden played football in high school and once went so far as to lie about playing football for the University of Delaware — even though he didn’t, but Biden is the kind of liar who lies about such things.

What’s more, InsideSources points out that in his autobiography, Biden makes no mention of asthma, but brags about being “active in intramural sports” while in college, and “recounts an active childhood [and] football exploits in high school.”

Worse still, during one summer home from college, as Biden himself has admitted, he worked as a lifeguard, which requires vigorous health in order to pass that test, including a very healthy set of lungs.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

And then there’s this:

One incident from that summer stands out: How Biden had to wrap a six-foot length of metal chain around his arm to face off against a knife-wielding local tough who went by the name “Corn Pop.”

“You might cut me, Corn Pop, but I’m going to wrap this chain around your head before you do,” Biden told him. Strong words, but he was a healthy, high school football player who could back them up. Biden and Corn Pop resolved their differences without violence and, according to Biden, became poolside friends.

Just six years later, at the height of the fighting in Vietnam, that same poolside athlete avoided mandatory military service due to “asthma as a teenager.”

…”asthma as a teenager.”

Yep, healthy enough to play football and qualify as a lifeguard, which is no easy task, but still 1-Y when swimming is one of the most strenuous exercises around.
So Biden is almost as much of a pussy as trump?

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