Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis

It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds

You think any of those 13 kids trapped in that house for three decades with those two religious flakes ever prayed? What about the 58 people in Las Vegas that were murdered, any prayers there you think? Or the 24 people in the Texas CHURCH that were slaughtered recently. Any prayers going on there? Or how about the 9 people murdered by Dylan Roof in a church right after they prayed with him.
Dang and I thought someone as smart as you would say something that would drive me from my faith so I wouldnt go to church next Sunday
Instead all I got was the same rehash I’ve heard all my life from non believers
that's just it --it's faith--not real
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
As a non-believer, sure, I've said, God, get me out of this and..., but never, ever got anything.
You mean like being alive and healthy and comfortable enough to post here?
In my life I've come 3 times within inches of dying in accidents of different kinds. Some would say that god saved me 3 times, others would say that god likes to pound the shit out of me. lol. Which is it? :dunno:
I’d say you need to change your lifestyle.
They were totally unrelated and somewhat random.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
As a non-believer, sure, I've said, God, get me out of this and..., but never, ever got anything.
You mean like being alive and healthy and comfortable enough to post here?
In my life I've come 3 times within inches of dying in accidents of different kinds. Some would say that god saved me 3 times, others would say that god likes to pound the shit out of me. lol. Which is it? :dunno:
I’d say you need to change your lifestyle.
They were totally unrelated and somewhat random.
I run into insane drivers everyday on the Southern State Parkway.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
There are no atheists in a foxhole.
You get that's demonstrably not true, right?
Than you’re not an atheist.
But that doesnt make sense either, because you are not an atheist, either.
Evolution and survival of the fittest.
Still not getting it. For one, many theists accept evolution as fact. Secondly, why does noting and describing a natural process therefore mean one somehow condones it in other contexts? You believe animals poop, right? But you're not fine with it on your living room floor. That doesn't make you a hypocrite.

None of what you are saying is making any sense.
Than you’re not an atheist.
But that doesnt make sense either, because you are not an atheist, either.
Evolution and survival of the fittest.
Still not getting it. For one, many theists accept evolution as fact. Secondly, why does noting and describing a natural process therefore mean one somehow condones it in other contexts? You believe animals poop, right? But you're not fine with it on your living room floor. That doesn't make you a hypocrite.

None of what you are saying is making any sense.
An atheist should not be overly concerned with human (animal) behavior because we are merely more complex animals.
Than you’re not an atheist.
But that doesnt make sense either, because you are not an atheist, either.
Evolution and survival of the fittest.
Still not getting it. For one, many theists accept evolution as fact. Secondly, why does noting and describing a natural process therefore mean one somehow condones it in other contexts? You believe animals poop, right? But you're not fine with it on your living room floor. That doesn't make you a hypocrite.

None of what you are saying is making any sense.
An atheist should not be overly concerned with human (animal) behavior because we are merely more complex animals.
You are repeating yourself, in essence. Why shouldn't he?
Than you’re not an atheist.
But that doesnt make sense either, because you are not an atheist, either.
Evolution and survival of the fittest.
Still not getting it. For one, many theists accept evolution as fact. Secondly, why does noting and describing a natural process therefore mean one somehow condones it in other contexts? You believe animals poop, right? But you're not fine with it on your living room floor. That doesn't make you a hypocrite.

None of what you are saying is making any sense.
An atheist should not be overly concerned with human (animal) behavior because we are merely more complex animals.
You are repeating yourself, in essence. Why shouldn't he?
What's in a person's DNA to cause consciousness?
Is it merely fear of consequences from one's environment (people or otherwise)?
That factor doesn't seem to account for most of the actions that people partake in.
Is it s sense (consciousness) of right and wrong?
Where did that consciousness come from?
It doesn't seem to be an outcome of evolution or survival of the fittest.
It doesn't seem to be an outcome of evolution or survival of the fittest. you. I think evolution can explain the emergence of all of that very well, all by itself.

I think consciousness comes in degrees (both within humans, obviously, and among animals). I think our language ability and numbers ability allowed us to become "sentient". and I put that in quotes, because, boy oh boy, is it hard to define.

But -- and here is where I become your advocate -- what's your beef? Why can't you just point at ALL of that and think, "God did that! Awesome!"

Where's the conflict? Just because we discovered that Earth revolves around the Sun does not mean we reject the existence or influence of gods in our universe (though many people certainly took it that way at the time!).
It doesn't seem to be an outcome of evolution or survival of the fittest. you. I think evolution can explain the emergence of all of that very well, all by itself.

I think consciousness comes in degrees (both within humans, obviously, and among animals). I think our language ability and numbers ability allowed us to become "sentient". and I put that in quotes, because, boy oh boy, is it hard to define.

But -- and here is where I become your advocate -- what's your beef? Why can't you just point at ALL of that and think, "God did that! Awesome!"

Where's the conflict? Just because we discovered that Earth revolves around the Sun does not mean we reject the existence or influence of gods in our universe (though many people certainly took it that way at the time!).

"God did that! Awesome!"
That's the motto by which I live.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
The time for rational thought isn’t when sharks are circling.

This is like saying studies show the fear of hell gets most people to fake belief in Christianity.

I see my dad talking a lot about there must be an afterlife ever since my mom died. That’s not rational. It’s wishful thinking
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
Well I run into too many atheists to believe our numbers are as low as they say.

Also, this tells us something you may not consider. Consider there are a lot of people who believe in a generic god but not your Jesus. So add us all up. Jews, Muslims, atheists, agnostics and people who believe in a generic god.

There aren’t that many Americans who believe Jesus was who you say
God did that! Awesome!"
That's the motto by which I live.
Frankly, I have not a single problem with that, pragmatically. Such a thing should not necessarily get in the way of anything. Not science, not morals, not ethics, not anything.

What happens when people take the next logical step and begin to wonder why God did this or that?. For instance, there was a natural disaster. It was the will of God. Great, but why? Thats when some religious bullshit artist who has already been lying in the name of God for his entire life anyway steps up and says its because of the gays, the Mexicans, the hippies, the Jews, rock and roll, demon weed, hollywood, the liberal media, telletubbies, whatever..,... anyone but themselves.

Anyone could be the one chosen by crazy people to be persecuted or slaughtered to appease an angry God.

Thats a problem.
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God did that! Awesome!"
That's the motto by which I live.
Frankly, I have not a single problem with that, pragmatically. Such a thing should not necessarily get in the way of anything. Not science, not morals, not ethics, not anything.

What happens when people take the next logical step and begin to wonder why God did this or that?. For instance, there was a natural disaster. It was the will of God. Great, but why? The gays, the Mexicans, the hippies, the jews, hollywood, the liberal media, etc.

Anyone could be the one chosen by crazy people to be persecuted or slaughtered to appease an angry God.

Thats a problem.
God doesn't need nor want to be appeased. He wishes to love and save! Man cannot save himself --- he is at Satan's mercy. Technically, GOD can end sin, but He must either wipe out everything and begin afresh, or save the portion that will turn to HIM for HIS saving grace and move on. HE predetermined/predestined to do the latter. And HE will follow through to the grand finale --- if only to save this select remnant.

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