Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis

found an article on it...
Can Prayer Heal?

"We were even doubtful that the phenomena itself was real," he says, "that prayer could do anything."

So Harris wanted to make his experiment impervious to any placebo effects. He did not tell patients they were being prayed for — or even that they were part of any kind of experiment. For an entire year, about 1,000 heart patients admitted to the institute's critical care unit were secretly divided into two groups. Half were prayed for by a group of volunteers and the hospital's chaplain; the other half were not.

All the patients were followed for a year, and then their health was scored according to pre-set rules by a third party who did not know which patients had been prayed for and which had not. The results: The patients who were prayed for had 11 percent fewer heart attacks, strokes and life-threatening complications.

"This study offers an interesting insight into the possibility that maybe God is influencing our lives on Earth," says O'Keefe. "As a scientist, it's very counterintuitive because I don't have a way to explain it."

A Miracle or Simply Chance?

Dr. Elizabeth Targ, a psychiatrist at the Pacific College of Medicine in San Francisco, has also tested out prayer on critically ill AIDS patients.

All 20 patients in the study got pretty much the same medical treatment, but only half of them were prayed for by spiritual healers. Ultimately, 10 of the prayed-for patients lived, while four who had not been prayed for died.

In a larger follow-up study, Targ found that the people who received prayer and remote healing had six times fewer hospitilizations and those hospitalizations were significantly shorter than the people who received no prayer and distant healing.

"I was sort of shocked," says Targ. "In a way it's like witnessing a miracle. There was no way to understand this from my experience and from my basic understanding of science."
that's a really scientific, proven test :rolleyes-41:..that's right--no way to understand it
what about all the people that prayed on the many air crashes that die?
or on the Titantic?
so if you put in those numbers, it shows prayer does not work
Yeah, there is no scientific way to actually prove or disprove that prayer for the sick works....there are lots of experiments but none that can be definitive.....

It reminds me of the term

MIND over Matter.....

Where did the term come from?
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
As a non-believer, sure, I've said, God, get me out of this and..., but never, ever got anything.
found an article on it...
Can Prayer Heal?

"We were even doubtful that the phenomena itself was real," he says, "that prayer could do anything."

So Harris wanted to make his experiment impervious to any placebo effects. He did not tell patients they were being prayed for — or even that they were part of any kind of experiment. For an entire year, about 1,000 heart patients admitted to the institute's critical care unit were secretly divided into two groups. Half were prayed for by a group of volunteers and the hospital's chaplain; the other half were not.

All the patients were followed for a year, and then their health was scored according to pre-set rules by a third party who did not know which patients had been prayed for and which had not. The results: The patients who were prayed for had 11 percent fewer heart attacks, strokes and life-threatening complications.

"This study offers an interesting insight into the possibility that maybe God is influencing our lives on Earth," says O'Keefe. "As a scientist, it's very counterintuitive because I don't have a way to explain it."

A Miracle or Simply Chance?

Dr. Elizabeth Targ, a psychiatrist at the Pacific College of Medicine in San Francisco, has also tested out prayer on critically ill AIDS patients.

All 20 patients in the study got pretty much the same medical treatment, but only half of them were prayed for by spiritual healers. Ultimately, 10 of the prayed-for patients lived, while four who had not been prayed for died.

In a larger follow-up study, Targ found that the people who received prayer and remote healing had six times fewer hospitilizations and those hospitalizations were significantly shorter than the people who received no prayer and distant healing.

"I was sort of shocked," says Targ. "In a way it's like witnessing a miracle. There was no way to understand this from my experience and from my basic understanding of science."
that's a really scientific, proven test :rolleyes-41:..that's right--no way to understand it
what about all the people that prayed on the many air crashes that die?
or on the Titantic?
so if you put in those numbers, it shows prayer does not work
Yeah, there is no scientific way to actually prove or disprove that prayer for the sick works....there are lots of experiments but none that can be definitive.....

It reminds me of the term

MIND over Matter.....

Where did the term come from?
in my many readings of war and disasters, I've read a lot where they said some people just gave up and died...they appeared to be ok--but they just ''gave up'''
especially in the POW camps
this doesn't mean they died because they didn't pray or the ones who did pray, were actually being helped ''by god''

it is true that stress/depression causes health problems
so, by being optimistic/etc this can help your health
Depression, Anxiety, and Physical Health Problems-Topic Overview
you can be ''optimistic '/etc without prayer
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
There are no atheists in a foxhole.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds

You think any of those 13 kids trapped in that house for three decades with those two religious flakes ever prayed? What about the 58 people in Las Vegas that were murdered, any prayers there you think? Or the 24 people in the Texas CHURCH that were slaughtered recently. Any prayers going on there? Or how about the 9 people murdered by Dylan Roof in a church right after they prayed with him.
I don't know.

Do you know?
It must be nice to be ignorant at will.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
As a non-believer, sure, I've said, God, get me out of this and..., but never, ever got anything.
You mean like being alive and healthy and comfortable enough to post here?
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds

You think any of those 13 kids trapped in that house for three decades with those two religious flakes ever prayed? What about the 58 people in Las Vegas that were murdered, any prayers there you think? Or the 24 people in the Texas CHURCH that were slaughtered recently. Any prayers going on there? Or how about the 9 people murdered by Dylan Roof in a church right after they prayed with him.
As an atheist, survival of the fittest should not phase you.
found an article on it...
Can Prayer Heal?

"We were even doubtful that the phenomena itself was real," he says, "that prayer could do anything."

So Harris wanted to make his experiment impervious to any placebo effects. He did not tell patients they were being prayed for — or even that they were part of any kind of experiment. For an entire year, about 1,000 heart patients admitted to the institute's critical care unit were secretly divided into two groups. Half were prayed for by a group of volunteers and the hospital's chaplain; the other half were not.

All the patients were followed for a year, and then their health was scored according to pre-set rules by a third party who did not know which patients had been prayed for and which had not. The results: The patients who were prayed for had 11 percent fewer heart attacks, strokes and life-threatening complications.

"This study offers an interesting insight into the possibility that maybe God is influencing our lives on Earth," says O'Keefe. "As a scientist, it's very counterintuitive because I don't have a way to explain it."

A Miracle or Simply Chance?

Dr. Elizabeth Targ, a psychiatrist at the Pacific College of Medicine in San Francisco, has also tested out prayer on critically ill AIDS patients.

All 20 patients in the study got pretty much the same medical treatment, but only half of them were prayed for by spiritual healers. Ultimately, 10 of the prayed-for patients lived, while four who had not been prayed for died.

In a larger follow-up study, Targ found that the people who received prayer and remote healing had six times fewer hospitilizations and those hospitalizations were significantly shorter than the people who received no prayer and distant healing.

"I was sort of shocked," says Targ. "In a way it's like witnessing a miracle. There was no way to understand this from my experience and from my basic understanding of science."
that's a really scientific, proven test :rolleyes-41:..that's right--no way to understand it
what about all the people that prayed on the many air crashes that die?
or on the Titantic?
so if you put in those numbers, it shows prayer does not work
Yeah, there is no scientific way to actually prove or disprove that prayer for the sick works....there are lots of experiments but none that can be definitive.....

It reminds me of the term

MIND over Matter.....

Where did the term come from?
Actually there is

Study challenges prayers for the sick : Nature News
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
As a non-believer, sure, I've said, God, get me out of this and..., but never, ever got anything.
You mean like being alive and healthy and comfortable enough to post here?
In my life I've come 3 times within inches of dying in accidents of different kinds. Some would say that god saved me 3 times, others would say that god likes to pound the shit out of me. lol. Which is it? :dunno:
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
As a non-believer, sure, I've said, God, get me out of this and..., but never, ever got anything.
You mean like being alive and healthy and comfortable enough to post here?
In my life I've come 3 times within inches of dying in accidents of different kinds. Some would say that god saved me 3 times, others would say that god likes to pound the shit out of me. lol. Which is it? :dunno:

I would say your shit luck is about to run out
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
There are no atheists in a foxhole.
and this proves what?
Atheists are big shots on the Internet.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
As a non-believer, sure, I've said, God, get me out of this and..., but never, ever got anything.
You mean like being alive and healthy and comfortable enough to post here?
In my life I've come 3 times within inches of dying in accidents of different kinds. Some would say that god saved me 3 times, others would say that god likes to pound the shit out of me. lol. Which is it? :dunno:
I’d say you need to change your lifestyle.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
There are no atheists in a foxhole.
and this proves what?
Atheists are big shots on the Internet.
Hey I have one of those

It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
There are no atheists in a foxhole.
and this proves what?
Atheists are big shots on the Internet.
Hey I have one of those

I debugged the post.
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds
There are no atheists in a foxhole.
and this proves what?
Atheists are big shots on the Internet.
Hey I have one of those

I debugged the post.

Those salt guns are a blast though. You should get one. You'll be a hit at cookouts
found an article on it...
Can Prayer Heal?

"We were even doubtful that the phenomena itself was real," he says, "that prayer could do anything."

So Harris wanted to make his experiment impervious to any placebo effects. He did not tell patients they were being prayed for — or even that they were part of any kind of experiment. For an entire year, about 1,000 heart patients admitted to the institute's critical care unit were secretly divided into two groups. Half were prayed for by a group of volunteers and the hospital's chaplain; the other half were not.

All the patients were followed for a year, and then their health was scored according to pre-set rules by a third party who did not know which patients had been prayed for and which had not. The results: The patients who were prayed for had 11 percent fewer heart attacks, strokes and life-threatening complications.

"This study offers an interesting insight into the possibility that maybe God is influencing our lives on Earth," says O'Keefe. "As a scientist, it's very counterintuitive because I don't have a way to explain it."

A Miracle or Simply Chance?

Dr. Elizabeth Targ, a psychiatrist at the Pacific College of Medicine in San Francisco, has also tested out prayer on critically ill AIDS patients.

All 20 patients in the study got pretty much the same medical treatment, but only half of them were prayed for by spiritual healers. Ultimately, 10 of the prayed-for patients lived, while four who had not been prayed for died.

In a larger follow-up study, Targ found that the people who received prayer and remote healing had six times fewer hospitilizations and those hospitalizations were significantly shorter than the people who received no prayer and distant healing.

"I was sort of shocked," says Targ. "In a way it's like witnessing a miracle. There was no way to understand this from my experience and from my basic understanding of science."
that's a really scientific, proven test :rolleyes-41:..that's right--no way to understand it
what about all the people that prayed on the many air crashes that die?
or on the Titantic?
so if you put in those numbers, it shows prayer does not work
Yeah, there is no scientific way to actually prove or disprove that prayer for the sick works....there are lots of experiments but none that can be definitive.....

It reminds me of the term

MIND over Matter.....

Where did the term come from?
in my many readings of war and disasters, I've read a lot where they said some people just gave up and died...they appeared to be ok--but they just ''gave up'''
especially in the POW camps
this doesn't mean they died because they didn't pray or the ones who did pray, were actually being helped ''by god''

it is true that stress/depression causes health problems
so, by being optimistic/etc this can help your health
Depression, Anxiety, and Physical Health Problems-Topic Overview
you can be ''optimistic '/etc without prayer
The Little Train that Could story fits the Mind Over Matter term as well...
It took a poll to discover this?

For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: “Please, God.” So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.

Only 1 in 5? I think it's a lot more than that.

Story @ Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds

You think any of those 13 kids trapped in that house for three decades with those two religious flakes ever prayed? What about the 58 people in Las Vegas that were murdered, any prayers there you think? Or the 24 people in the Texas CHURCH that were slaughtered recently. Any prayers going on there? Or how about the 9 people murdered by Dylan Roof in a church right after they prayed with him.
Dang and I thought someone as smart as you would say something that would drive me from my faith so I wouldnt go to church next Sunday
Instead all I got was the same rehash I’ve heard all my life from non believers

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