Non-Citizens Caught Voting in a Swing State in 2012??

There is, undoubtedly, more where this came from.

Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state | Fox News

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election — and has referred the case for possible prosecution.

The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state. By law, only American citizens are allowed the privilege of casting ballots for the nation’s leaders.

Ohio officials say that did not stop some from getting around the system.


President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.

As part of Ohio’s efforts to clean up the voting rolls, election officials discovered that more than 257,000 dead people were still listed as active voters. Their names and status, Husted said, have since been removed.

In addition, election authorities note they have drastically reduced the number of duplicate registrations, from 340,000 in 2011 to just four this past November — and that more than 370,000 Ohio voters who have moved have been contacted to update their voting information.

The Obama administration opposes efforts to make sure that only eligible citizens are voting, and that we vote only once. Obama/Holder are still fighting against photo ID, and the administration has fought Florida as that state tried to clean up its voter rolls.

Guess what?

Voter ID does not remove dead people from registration rolls!

Guess what?

Voter ID does not prevent duplicate registrations!

In other words, there is STILL no evidence Voter ID is the only means to prevent or catch fraud. All of these problems can be fixed without adding a whole new layer of government bureaucracy. A concept which should warm the cockles of very true conservative's heart.

What special kind of moron calls himself a conservative who looks at the inefficiency of government which results in duplicate registrations and says, "You know what we need? We need even MOAR gubmint!"

Well, here is a question for you. Where the fuck did I ever say PHOTO ID was the only way to prevent voter fraud?

Go ahead and try and find where anyone said that.

It is just A WAY to make things a little bit tougher for people such as these that were caught.

Go to school, learn something. Your Arts and Letters school does not count as an education. You should also learn debate skills.

Then again, each time (which is the same thing as every time) you lose a debate with facts presented by me, you then retort with utter bullshit.

You then get your pats on your back from your never ending line of ignorant assholes that share in your half baked dreck.

Good luck in trying to find where I ever said that PHOTO ID is the ONLY way to prevent voter fraud.

Here's the question. Would one rather have one person vote who is not eligible or deny hundreds to vote who are eligible?

Every honest person with an IQ over 85 understands that the effort of the GOP and their fellow travelers cannot win on ideas (the new GOP is bereft of ideas) and must win by suppressing the vote of those who don't fit in their tent.

Nobody is being denied who are legal

Are ballots thrown out when not done properly?? Yep.. Should that be the case?? Yep

And if you don't meet the criteria for other things, you are also denied..

Every honest person knows why things like this are swept under the rug by you and your ilk. You must appease the illegal contingent to get them in your camp.. Now, see how that works???

You're dishonest. You're a hack and not very good at the job. Closing voting precincts early, not allowing early voting which had been tradition, making obtaining 'legal' identification a burden or costing money (a new take on poll tax), long lines created by partisan elected and appointed officials.

These aren't an effort to prevent voter fraud or illegal voting and you know it, as do all the other liars who defend the practice of voter suppression with ridiculous posts.

Tradition, not law.. and I have seen NO polling place close before it's scheduled time.. PERIOD... it is not a BURDEN to get a fucking ID, you dishonest twit.. No more effort than actually getting yourself to a polling place to vote.. and God forbid you prove who you and live where you say you live are to get a free ID.. and as if most do not have a drivers license or ID to be able to say CASH A FUCKING CHECK OR BUY A DAMN BEER... :rolleyes:
17 were caught.

Check it out everyone, they think there was only 17.

No, they don't.

They think they can get away with fooling people into thinking there were only 17.

Liberals never deal in facts or what they honestly think.

EVERYTHING in their agenda is based on what falsehoods they hope they can trick others into believing.

There were only 17

Not tens of thousands, just seventeen

They checked the voter registrations and found a total of 276 voters who were non-citizens. Then they checked to see how many of those 276 actually voted and came up with 17

Thats it....17
There is, undoubtedly, more where this came from.

Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state | Fox News

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election — and has referred the case for possible prosecution.

The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state. By law, only American citizens are allowed the privilege of casting ballots for the nation’s leaders.

Ohio officials say that did not stop some from getting around the system.


President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.

As part of Ohio’s efforts to clean up the voting rolls, election officials discovered that more than 257,000 dead people were still listed as active voters. Their names and status, Husted said, have since been removed.

In addition, election authorities note they have drastically reduced the number of duplicate registrations, from 340,000 in 2011 to just four this past November — and that more than 370,000 Ohio voters who have moved have been contacted to update their voting information.

The Obama administration opposes efforts to make sure that only eligible citizens are voting, and that we vote only once. Obama/Holder are still fighting against photo ID, and the administration has fought Florida as that state tried to clean up its voter rolls.

Here's the question. Would one rather have one person vote who is not eligible or deny hundreds to vote who are eligible?

Every honest person with an IQ over 85 understands that the effort of the GOP and their fellow travelers cannot win on ideas (the new GOP is bereft of ideas) and must win by suppressing the vote of those who don't fit in their tent.

The right have many ideas. The fact that you think no right winger ever suggested or proposed anything instead of the fraud known as Obamacare is yet another blatant lie put out by this liar in chief, repeated by the lying praetorian media that protects everything democrat, and then shapes the simpleton minds like yours.

Let’s start with 5 comprehensive health reform proposals that have actually been introduced in Congress—some well before President Obama even was nominated for president, and all months before the House (11/7/09) or Senate (12/24/09) voted on what eventually became Obamacare.

Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act (S. 1783) introduced by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) July 12, 2007.

Every American Insured Health Act introduced by Senators Richard Burr (R-NC) and Bob Corker (R-TN) with co-sponsors Tom Coburn (R-OK), Mel Martinez (formerly R-FL) and Elizabeth Dole (formerly R-NC) on July 26, 2007.

Senators Bob Bennett (R-UT) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced the Healthy Americans Act on January 18, 2007 and re-introduced the same bill on February 5, 2009.

Patients’ Choice Act of 2009 introduced by Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Richard Burr (R-NC) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA) on May 20, 2009.

H.R. 2300, Empowering Patients First Act introduced July 30, 2009 by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).


You knew nothing about any of these plans, cause you choose not to research any of the lies that comes from your parties mouth, nor the lies put out by the left wing media. Yet you claim FOX News lies?

More ideas for Obamacare......that you claim were not there.

Likewise, conservative market-oriented health policy scholars have developed a rich menu of potential replacement plans for Obamacare:

Individual Pay or Play proposed in 2005 by John Goodman; this is a minimalist version of a broader reform envisaged by Goodman built on converting the tax exclusion into universal tax credits.

Health Status Insurance originally proposed by John Cochrane in 1995

Universal Health Savings Accounts proposed by John Goodman and Peter Ferrara in 2012. This combines fixed tax credits with individual pay or play and health status insurance concepts along with Roth-style Health Savings Accounts

Fixed tax credits. A variety of proposals have centered on using fix tax credits to replace the current inefficient and unfair tax exclusion for employer-provided health benefits. Two good explanations of how that would work are here:

James C. Capretta and Robert E. Moffit, “How to Replace Obamacare,” National Affairs, no. 11 (Spring 2012).

James C. Capretta. Constructing an Alternative to Obamacare: Key Details for a Practical Replacement Program. American Enterprise Institute, December 2012.

Income-Related Tax Credits proposed by Mark Pauly and John Hoff in Responsible Tax Credits (2002) and endorsed by the American Medical Association. More recently, 8 scholars from Harvard, University of Chicago, and USC–Jay Bhattacharya, Amitabh Chandra, Michael Chernew, Dana Goldman, Anupam Jena, Darius Lakdawalla,Anup Malani and Tomas Philipson—releasedBest of Both Worlds: Uniting Universal Coverage and Personal Choice in Health Care (2013) which also is built around a model of individual health insurance subsidized with income-related tax credits.

Flexible Benefits Tax Credit For Health Insurance by Lynn Etheredge in 2001.

Universal Health Insurance Exchanges proposed in 2013 by former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Avik Roy (covers Medicare and Medicaid in addition to privately insured).

What about the Bush plan in 2007? Conover said that Dubya proposed:

A sweeping health reform plan that would have replaced the current tax exclusion for employer-provided coverage with standard tax deductions for all individuals and families. The Bush plan called for a tax deduction that would have applied to payroll taxes as well as income taxes. Moreover, if one were worried about non-filers, the subsidy could easily have instead been structured as a refundable tax credit in which case even those without any income taxes would have gotten an additional amount. This is the kind of policy detail that easily could have been negotiated had the Democrats been in a cooperative mood in 2007. They were not.

Republican Alternatives to Obamacare - Forthright with Sue Lani Madsen

Remember when that guy parroted the left wing narrative when they said the right never have any ideas?

The narrative put out by BSNBC, which never tells the actual truth, and shared by the rest of the MSM, who follow the rhetoric put out by this fraudulent white house.

I then show extensive ideas that have been proposed instead of Obamacare, and I see nothing from the likes of G5000. I know he read this too.

I expect nothing less, and nothing more.

Meanwhile lets all watch as they continue to claim Obama is a good president. :popcorn:
Guess what?

Voter ID does not remove dead people from registration rolls!

Guess what?

Voter ID does not prevent duplicate registrations!

In other words, there is STILL no evidence Voter ID is the only means to prevent or catch fraud. All of these problems can be fixed without adding a whole new layer of government bureaucracy. A concept which should warm the cockles of very true conservative's heart.

What special kind of moron calls himself a conservative who looks at the inefficiency of government which results in duplicate registrations and says, "You know what we need? We need even MOAR gubmint!"

Guess what ...
Routine speed traps along the interstate do not catch all speeders.

Guess what ...
Random DUI roadblocks during the holiday season do not catch all drunk drivers.

In other words ... How many illegal votes need to be cast before you become concerned enough to do something?

17 were caught.

Check it out everyone, they think there was only 17.

No, they don't.

They think they can get away with fooling people into thinking there were only 17.

Liberals never deal in facts or what they honestly think.

EVERYTHING in their agenda is based on what falsehoods they hope they can trick others into believing.

There were only 17

Not tens of thousands, just seventeen

They checked the voter registrations and found a total of 276 voters who were non-citizens. Then they checked to see how many of those 276 actually voted and came up with 17

Thats it....17

Again.. that has been reported or brought forward IN THIS CASE..

You dishonest fuck

And 1, is too many
17 were caught.

Check it out everyone, they think there was only 17.

No, they don't.

They think they can get away with fooling people into thinking there were only 17.

Liberals never deal in facts or what they honestly think.

EVERYTHING in their agenda is based on what falsehoods they hope they can trick others into believing.

There were only 17

Not tens of thousands, just seventeen

They checked the voter registrations and found a total of 276 voters who were non-citizens. Then they checked to see how many of those 276 actually voted and came up with 17

Thats it....17

Holy shit...........:banghead:
There is, undoubtedly, more where this came from.

Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state | Fox News

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election — and has referred the case for possible prosecution.

The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state. By law, only American citizens are allowed the privilege of casting ballots for the nation’s leaders.

Ohio officials say that did not stop some from getting around the system.


President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.

As part of Ohio’s efforts to clean up the voting rolls, election officials discovered that more than 257,000 dead people were still listed as active voters. Their names and status, Husted said, have since been removed.

In addition, election authorities note they have drastically reduced the number of duplicate registrations, from 340,000 in 2011 to just four this past November — and that more than 370,000 Ohio voters who have moved have been contacted to update their voting information.

The Obama administration opposes efforts to make sure that only eligible citizens are voting, and that we vote only once. Obama/Holder are still fighting against photo ID, and the administration has fought Florida as that state tried to clean up its voter rolls.

Here's the question. Would one rather have one person vote who is not eligible or deny hundreds to vote who are eligible?

Every honest person with an IQ over 85 understands that the effort of the GOP and their fellow travelers cannot win on ideas (the new GOP is bereft of ideas) and must win by suppressing the vote of those who don't fit in their tent.

The right have many ideas. The fact that you think no right winger ever suggested or proposed anything instead of the fraud known as Obamacare is yet another blatant lie put out by this liar in chief, repeated by the lying praetorian media that protects everything democrat, and then shapes the simpleton minds like yours.

Let’s start with 5 comprehensive health reform proposals that have actually been introduced in Congress—some well before President Obama even was nominated for president, and all months before the House (11/7/09) or Senate (12/24/09) voted on what eventually became Obamacare.

Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act (S. 1783) introduced by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) July 12, 2007.

Every American Insured Health Act introduced by Senators Richard Burr (R-NC) and Bob Corker (R-TN) with co-sponsors Tom Coburn (R-OK), Mel Martinez (formerly R-FL) and Elizabeth Dole (formerly R-NC) on July 26, 2007.

Senators Bob Bennett (R-UT) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced the Healthy Americans Act on January 18, 2007 and re-introduced the same bill on February 5, 2009.

Patients’ Choice Act of 2009 introduced by Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Richard Burr (R-NC) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA) on May 20, 2009.

H.R. 2300, Empowering Patients First Act introduced July 30, 2009 by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).


You knew nothing about any of these plans, cause you choose not to research any of the lies that comes from your parties mouth, nor the lies put out by the left wing media. Yet you claim FOX News lies?

More ideas for Obamacare......that you claim were not there.

Likewise, conservative market-oriented health policy scholars have developed a rich menu of potential replacement plans for Obamacare:

Individual Pay or Play proposed in 2005 by John Goodman; this is a minimalist version of a broader reform envisaged by Goodman built on converting the tax exclusion into universal tax credits.

Health Status Insurance originally proposed by John Cochrane in 1995

Universal Health Savings Accounts proposed by John Goodman and Peter Ferrara in 2012. This combines fixed tax credits with individual pay or play and health status insurance concepts along with Roth-style Health Savings Accounts

Fixed tax credits. A variety of proposals have centered on using fix tax credits to replace the current inefficient and unfair tax exclusion for employer-provided health benefits. Two good explanations of how that would work are here:

James C. Capretta and Robert E. Moffit, “How to Replace Obamacare,” National Affairs, no. 11 (Spring 2012).

James C. Capretta. Constructing an Alternative to Obamacare: Key Details for a Practical Replacement Program. American Enterprise Institute, December 2012.

Income-Related Tax Credits proposed by Mark Pauly and John Hoff in Responsible Tax Credits (2002) and endorsed by the American Medical Association. More recently, 8 scholars from Harvard, University of Chicago, and USC–Jay Bhattacharya, Amitabh Chandra, Michael Chernew, Dana Goldman, Anupam Jena, Darius Lakdawalla,Anup Malani and Tomas Philipson—releasedBest of Both Worlds: Uniting Universal Coverage and Personal Choice in Health Care (2013) which also is built around a model of individual health insurance subsidized with income-related tax credits.

Flexible Benefits Tax Credit For Health Insurance by Lynn Etheredge in 2001.

Universal Health Insurance Exchanges proposed in 2013 by former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Avik Roy (covers Medicare and Medicaid in addition to privately insured).

What about the Bush plan in 2007? Conover said that Dubya proposed:

A sweeping health reform plan that would have replaced the current tax exclusion for employer-provided coverage with standard tax deductions for all individuals and families. The Bush plan called for a tax deduction that would have applied to payroll taxes as well as income taxes. Moreover, if one were worried about non-filers, the subsidy could easily have instead been structured as a refundable tax credit in which case even those without any income taxes would have gotten an additional amount. This is the kind of policy detail that easily could have been negotiated had the Democrats been in a cooperative mood in 2007. They were not.

Republican Alternatives to Obamacare - Forthright with Sue Lani Madsen

The question which your RED HERRING ^^^ attempts to obscure is this: Is it better to suppress the franchise of many to catch the illegal act of the few?

As for my lack of knowledge of prior efforts to reform the health care industry, that is correct. Of course there are hundreds (thousands?) of efforts by Congress to do a myriad of things which the vast majority of Americans remain unaware of; off course the devil is in the details which you conveniently left out.

As for my intelligence or lack thereof, I am astute enough to understand your thread/post is all emotion and devoid of reasoning, hence your reliance on the red herring and ad hominem.
He said the improper registrations did not appear to be part of an orchestrated effort. They were registered with both major parties and were spread across the state, although the largest concentrations were in the most populated counties.
Read more at Ohio finds 17 illegal noncitizen voters - Toledo Blade

Never mind. I found the answer myself. Both parties, spread across the state and those 17 represent .003% of the more than 3 million votes cast in Ohio.

You fucking rethugs will grasp at ANYTHING won't you?

You retards will grasp at anything to try and prove voter fraud doesn't happen. It does as this case shows. It doesn't matter if its 1 person or 1 thousand people. Voter fraud is voter fraud. END OF STORY. Its illegal and it needs to be stopped by making people present an ID I did in Ga and I do in NC and it doesn't bother me one bit.
And more common than fratricide as well.. so I guess that makes fratricide ok as well???

1 instance of voter fraud is 1 instance too many.. it should be illegal.. and with it being illegal, there should be attempts to prevent the occurrences and prosecution of those who do it

It's a none issue dude give it up & find something legit to bitch about . Put a viable candidate up for election next time.:eusa_boohoo

I know. But what would they have to cling to (besides guns and religion) if they didn't have faux outrage. All this would have been fine if they had won.

Nothing at all !!! Maybe get a life ??

President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.

Which begs the question: how much more of these miniscule incidents were going on during election night?

At this rate it may have been 200 nationwide

I can see why Romney is upset

Any voter fraud is bad. Period. If they voted against your guy it means your vote was stolen. I would think all citizens should be concerned about this.
I think Issa needs to start another investigation.

I can hear the cries for Impeachment already!
You retards will grasp at anything to try and prove voter fraud doesn't happen

Strawman. You will not find anyone here who claims voter fraud does not happen. Stop listening to the voices in your head and come out here to reality.

Its illegal and it needs to be stopped by making people present an ID I did in Ga and I do in NC and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Ohio does require Voter ID, dipshit.
In a country that has access to the most technologically advanced systems in the world, we have 47,000 votes being uncounted and an untold real number of fraud happening. Why can't we in today's world issue out a voter ID? If you don't drive you still need identification to get on a plane, buy insurance (which is mandatory now, don't forget), and buy alcohol.

This would end the debate of fraud and allow our citizenry to have all their votes counted. The government can't create a secure web site to cast votes? Really? The capability is there. We already have social security numbers. Why not grant that number a token to use for voting? Such as an ID or a password. We can afford a program like this, and our political process would be much more solid if we implement a secure voting system.
Which begs the question: how much more of these miniscule incidents were going on during election night?

At this rate it may have been 200 nationwide

I can see why Romney is upset

Any voter fraud is bad. Period. If they voted against your guy it means your vote was stolen. I would think all citizens should be concerned about this.

Yes it is

But if you prevent thousands of legitimate voters from voting in an attempt to stop 17 who shouldn't be voting, that is much worse
You retards will grasp at anything to try and prove voter fraud doesn't happen

Strawman. You will not find anyone here who claims voter fraud does not happen. Stop listening to the voices in your head and come out here to reality.

Its illegal and it needs to be stopped by making people present an ID I did in Ga and I do in NC and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Ohio does require Voter ID, dipshit.

Good. Every state should require it and every state should clean up the voter rolls. Why not make a database according to everyone's SS # and when they die it erases them from the voting rolls as well.Course I am of the opinion it doesn't matter who votes it matters who is counting the votes.
Voter fraud is voter fraud. END OF STORY. Its illegal and it needs to be stopped by making people present an ID I did in Ga and I do in NC and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Oh, and did you say Georgia?

12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

So, as I keep saying...Voter ID does virtually NOTHING to prevent or stop fraud.

That whole "stop voter fraud" thing was invented to make you swallow the piss so you would go along with it. The REAL reason for Voter ID is something else entirely.
In a country that has access to the most technologically advanced systems in the world, we have 47,000 votes being uncounted and an untold real number of fraud happening. Why can't we in today's world issue out a voter ID? If you don't drive you still need identification to get on a plane, buy insurance (which is mandatory now, don't forget), and buy alcohol.

This would end the debate of fraud and allow our citizenry to have all their votes counted. The government can't create a secure web site to cast votes? Really? The capability is there. We already have social security numbers. Why not grant that number a token to use for voting? Such as an ID or a password. We can afford a program like this, and our political process would be much more solid if we implement a secure voting system.

I agree

Why don't we issue every citizen a free biometric ID that proves who they are. But until we do, we should not deny people their Constitutional right to vote for not having proper ID

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