Non-whites surging in North Carolina, Nevada and Florida!

I could piss a better argument in the snow after knocking back a six pack than you could using a keyboard....and on the best day you ever had. Watching you try to post is like coming across a dog licking it's makes everyone else disgusted and the only one enjoying it is the dog....
^ so dumb (snicker)
View attachment 93121
Are you saying that acting like a retard is the tactic you used? I'll go ahead and agree with that then.

What I have noticed about the majority of leftards is that they are devoid of facts and deal strictly on emotions because they are so "touchy feely". I blame it on the fact that they suffer from arrested development. They can't debate or discuss an issue without resorting to insults because that is the only thing they have to fall back on. Leftards suffer from cognitive dissonance by a ten to one margin of the neocons because they are so invested in what is spewed to them by the minions that are mouthpieces for their beloved corporate "gubermint"'s so sickening to me.

I will drop truth bombs about the neocons and bust on the Bush crime family and the right wingers never attack me.....but tell the truth about leftards? It's like I attacked the Pope and pissed in their holy water. You can't handle what I post here nor can you refute it because you lack the intellect. Sucks for you.......(snicker)
Ha, the touchy freely peeps are trump defenders.

Ahhh yes!!!! The ol' "I know you are...but what am I?" defense.......I have seen this card played. It was schtick that Pee Wee Herman used. Leftard males are about as imposing as Pee Wee and the bra-less feminazis are the ones protecting their physically unimposing male counterparts. Your kind are a fucking circus of freaks...,...

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What I have noticed about the majority of leftards is that they are devoid of facts and deal strictly on emotions because they are so "touchy feely".


So many weepy conservative delta-males. All they can do now is whine about how awful those liberals are. They no longer even pretend they're capable of discussing facts and issues.

Dale, don't expect us to go easy on you just because you're crying. Quite the opposite, that encourages us, as it demonstrates we're hitting vulnerable spots. And we consider conservative tears to be like a sweet nectar.
What I have noticed about the majority of leftards is that they are devoid of facts and deal strictly on emotions because they are so "touchy feely".


So many weepy conservative delta-males. All they can do now is whine about how awful those liberals are. They no longer even pretend they're capable of discussing facts and issues.

Dale, don't expect us to go easy on you just because you're crying. Quite the opposite, that encourages us, as it demonstrates we're hitting vulnerable spots. And we consider conservative tears to be like a sweet nectar.

By "liberal" you mean Fabian socialists and your kind are disgusting and awful. I will debate you on any topic of your choosing and kick your ass because you don't have facts as your friend. Crying? Hardly...just pointing out some very salient facts. Your kind are nothing but useful idiots for the very ones you claim to be against. The ignorance and stupidity of the leftard clown posse and neocons is staggering to say the least.

So, either "put up" and pick a topic to debate or STFU.....your call.
By "liberal" you mean Fabian socialists

"Fabian" socialists?

You had to have been delicately sipping your heavily-sugared latte as you typed that with one hand, stroking your well-manicured goatee with the other. Remember not to put your sandal-clad feet up on the table. Say hello to everyone at the People's Revolutionary Bookstore and Coffee Klatch for us.

So, either "put up" and pick a topic to debate or STFU.....your call.

Topic: Why do conservative men consistently depend on a display of belligerent ignorance, instead of being rational?

My answer:

As demonstrated by Trump, conservatism is authoritarianism. In authoritarianism, there are the few leaders, and the many followers. The followers have to follow, not lead. That's their job, to absolutely obey their authority figures without question.

Those authority figures constantly keep their authoritarian followers in line with the most insane propaganda imaginable. Thus, the followers are forced to repeat it. After all, they'd be cast out of the conservative cult if they didn't. To a conservative authoritarian herd beast, banishment from the herd would be like a death sentence, so they all instantly obey their authority figures without question.

However, being that what they've been told is fiction, it immediately gets ripped apart and laughed at when they try to pass it off on normal people. Those horrible liberals actual use facts and evidence and logic against them, things that the conservative authoritarian follower has no experience with. Being rendered helpless, the conservative authoritarian follower resorts to a pseudo-tough guy routine to deflect. Bluster, insult, cry, whine, post dumb images, do anything so they don't have to admit to being wrong.

Liberals, quite the opposite. They're reality-based, so they never have a problem with facts and data. If reality contradicts their position, liberals change their position to match reality. And they're independent thinkers, so nobody is ordering them to play the victim or behave badly. And if someone did, the liberals would just laugh at them and continue to do the right thing.
By "liberal" you mean Fabian socialists

"Fabian" socialists?

You had to have been delicately sipping your heavily-sugared latte as you typed that with one hand, stroking your well-manicured goatee with the other. Remember not to put your sandal-clad feet up on the table. Say hello to everyone at the People's Revolutionary Bookstore and Coffee Klatch for us.

So, either "put up" and pick a topic to debate or STFU.....your call.

Topic: Why do conservative men consistently depend on a display of belligerent ignorance, instead of being rational?

My answer:

As demonstrated by Trump, conservatism is authoritarianism. In authoritarianism, there are the few leaders, and the many followers. The followers have to follow, not lead. That's their job, to absolutely obey their authority figures without question.

Those authority figures constantly keep their authoritarian followers in line with the most insane propaganda imaginable. Thus, the followers are forced to repeat it. After all, they'd be cast out of the conservative cult if they didn't. To a conservative authoritarian herd beast, banishment from the herd would be like a death sentence, so they all instantly obey their authority figures without question.

However, being that what they've been told is fiction, it immediately gets ripped apart and laughed at when they try to pass it off on normal people. Those horrible liberals actual use facts and evidence and logic against them, things that the conservative authoritarian follower has no experience with. Being rendered helpless, the conservative authoritarian follower resorts to a pseudo-tough guy routine to deflect. Bluster, insult, cry, whine, post dumb images, do anything so they don't have to admit to being wrong.

Liberals, quite the opposite. They're reality-based, so they never have a problem with facts and data. If reality contradicts their position, liberals change their position to match reality. And they're independent thinkers, so nobody is ordering them to play the victim or behave badly. And if someone did, the liberals would just laugh at them and continue to do the right thing.

That is not a topic, that is an insult and simply YOUR opinion based on nothing b ut your opinion. Everything you claim about conservatives can also be said about liberals and God help you should you stray from the leftard plantation. The DNC was infiltrated by communists and have been the biggest ally of the globalists that they could ever hope for. I had to laugh at your comment that liberals and leftards have the "answers" or that they have cornered the market on what truth is. To the leftard clown posse, they set the narrative and then declare it to be "truth". Let's take Gorebal warming for instance...they claim science proves that the every day actions of the average person is causing climate change and they swear by the science.

Now, when someone like me that actually KNOWS what is causing weird weather by the use of stratospheric aerosol injections of heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere used in conjunction with ionospheric heaters and that soil and water samples shows an unsafe level of aluminum, strontium and barium? The leftard clown posse calls me a "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" even though I am using verifiable scientific proof to make my point. The very banking oligarchs and power elites have used useful idiots such as yourself to push the plan of enslaving humanity even further and that's not an opinion, it's an indisputable fact. You are just a tool of the very people that your kind claim to be against and they have used your kind like a pimp works a crack whore. Hitlery (your latest leftard champion) is thicker than thieves with the banking oligarchs and she really has no use for anyone that cannot advance her status. Get it now???
That is not a topic, that is an insult

But it's okay when you do the same thing as your staple tactic? Didn't recognize that my piece was a parody of you?

The point there was how you're such a hypocrite, down to the core of your being. You constantly cry about insults, and then immediately spin about and fling insults.

Perhaps someday, you'll be able to act like a liberal and not hold such double standards. Yep, I throw insults. I'm good at it, so I don't apologize for it. Difference is, we don't whine when we get it back. We're not hypocrites. Do your worst, loser.

Now, when someone like me that actually KNOWS what is causing weird weather by the use of stratospheric aerosol injections of heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere used in conjunction with ionospheric heaters and that soil and water samples shows an unsafe level of aluminum, strontium and barium?

You know what causes such "nano-particulates" (a fancy word for "fine dust") to be in the atmosphere, dumbass?


Aluminum, barium and strontium are present in soil. Dust from soil gets in the air. Hence, it gets in the rainwater on the way down. No need to invoke idiot conspiracies. It's just dirt.

Now, can you tell us more about the "ionospheric heaters"? I'm sure everyone would love to hear it.

The leftard clown posse calls me a "CONSPIRACY THEORIST"

Actually, everyone labels you as a conspiracy theorist. But as consistency is a concept not even remotely familiar to you, you only cry about liberals. The other conservatives are cringing in embarrassment over you now, but they're not allowed to say so, because your cult forbids any members from criticizing any other cult members.

even though I am using verifiable scientific proof to make my point.

Oh, please please please amuse us by telling us about this "verifiable scientific proof", mister "I always have facts!".

The very banking oligarchs and power elites have used useful idiots such as yourself to push the plan of enslaving humanity even further and that's not an opinion, it's an indisputable fact. You are just a tool of the very people that your kind claim to be against and they have used your kind like a pimp works a crack whore. Hitlery (your latest leftard champion) is thicker than thieves with the banking oligarchs and she really has no use for anyone that cannot advance her status. Get it now???

Yep, we get it. You consumed a lot of leaded paint chips as a child. Fortunately, liberal programs have vastly reduced the amount of lead in the environment.
That is not a topic, that is an insult

But it's okay when you do the same thing as your staple tactic? Didn't recognize that my piece was a parody of you?

The point there was how you're such a hypocrite, down to the core of your being. You constantly cry about insults, and then immediately spin about and fling insults.

Perhaps someday, you'll be able to act like a liberal and not hold such double standards. Yep, I throw insults. I'm good at it, so I don't apologize for it. Difference is, we don't whine when we get it back. We're not hypocrites. Do your worst, loser.

Now, when someone like me that actually KNOWS what is causing weird weather by the use of stratospheric aerosol injections of heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere used in conjunction with ionospheric heaters and that soil and water samples shows an unsafe level of aluminum, strontium and barium?

You know what causes such "nano-particulates" (a fancy word for "fine dust") to be in the atmosphere, dumbass?


Aluminum, barium and strontium are present in soil. Dust from soil gets in the air. Hence, it gets in the rainwater on the way down. No need to invoke idiot conspiracies. It's just dirt.

Now, can you tell us more about the "ionospheric heaters"? I'm sure everyone would love to hear it.

The leftard clown posse calls me a "CONSPIRACY THEORIST"

Actually, everyone labels you as a conspiracy theorist. But as consistency is a concept not even remotely familiar to you, you only cry about liberals. The other conservatives are cringing in embarrassment over you now, but they're not allowed to say so, because your cult forbids any members from criticizing any other cult members.

even though I am using verifiable scientific proof to make my point.

Oh, please please please amuse us by telling us about this "verifiable scientific proof", mister "I always have facts!".

The very banking oligarchs and power elites have used useful idiots such as yourself to push the plan of enslaving humanity even further and that's not an opinion, it's an indisputable fact. You are just a tool of the very people that your kind claim to be against and they have used your kind like a pimp works a crack whore. Hitlery (your latest leftard champion) is thicker than thieves with the banking oligarchs and she really has no use for anyone that cannot advance her status. Get it now???

Yep, we get it. You consumed a lot of leaded paint chips as a child. Fortunately, liberal programs have vastly reduced the amount of lead in the environment.

Insult to your heart's content but aim higher if you want to discuss what is really happening not only in this country but the world as well. The insults are not the's the fact that when I present something like direct quotes from the white papers of the CFR I am met with insults instead of addressing the evidence and usually by the left. Your insults are as lame as your leftard stance so I don't cringe at all.. (snicker)

"Aluminum, barium and strontium are present in soil. Dust from soil gets in the air. Hence, it gets in the rainwater on the way down. No need to invoke idiot conspiracies. It's just dirt"

Indeed it is but the levels of these chemicals are triple the levels of what the EPA has claimed to be safe, moron. People are getting sick from this shit. I have been a weather buff since I was a kid and I know what the skies should look like and I know when they are spraying. Condensation trails dissipate quickly, chem-trails linger for hours and spread out...only an idiot could look at the pictures I have presented and then say "yeah, that looks right" so spare me your bullshit. Water and soil samples do not lie, people that have gotten sick have had their hair and blood checked for heavy metal poisoning has been shown to have unsafe levels of these and other particulates because there are 17 different spraying programs that fall under the D.O.D and under the catch all of "national security" but the fact of the matter is that it is killing the biosphere and with it, our food supply....but don't fret because Monsanto has come up with GMO aluminum resistant seeds. Imagine that?

I don't care what people call me here. I do what I do because OI want people to wake up to the shit that is going don't like it that I target leftards? Tough shit...they are the ones that attack me the most for posting what I do even when they can't refute it. I have been very upfront about my disdain for the neocons and the Bush crime syndicate. Right now we have a globalist controlled POS that is the face of the franchise of USA.INC so he is gonna get busted on. I will hol;d anyone's feet to the fire when I see things that are not right so deal with it.
Indeed it is but the levels of these chemicals are triple the levels of what the EPA has claimed to be safe, moron.

Can you show us the source of that loopy claim?

You know, give us the hard data. Show those EPA limits, then show where these samples were supposedly taken. No conspiracy cult sources, only original sources allowed. If you're not just making it all up, that should be no problem for you.

People are getting sick from this shit.

Please show everyone the scientific data which shows that. Again, no conspiracy cult websites or YouTube videos, original sources only.

I have been a weather buff since I was a kid and I know what the skies should look like and I know when they are spraying. Condensation trails dissipate quickly, chem-trails linger for hours and spread out...only an idiot could look at the pictures I have presented and then say "yeah, that looks right" so spare me your bullshit.

That's right, differing wind, humidity and temperature conditions could never affect how fast chemtrails dissipate.

Notice all the other righties not coming to your defense? Like I said, even they're embarrassed by you.

Water and soil samples do not lie, people that have gotten sick have had their hair and blood checked for heavy metal poisoning has been shown to have unsafe levels of these and other particulates because there are 17 different spraying programs that fall under the D.O.D and under the catch all of "national security" but the fact of the matter is that it is killing the biosphere and with it, our food supply....but don't fret because Monsanto has come up with GMO aluminum resistant seeds. Imagine that?

Cool, you worked a Monsanto conspiracy in! You get bonus points!

I don't care what people call me here. I do what I do because OI want people to wake up to the shit that is going don't like it that I target leftards? Tough shit...they are the ones that attack me the most for posting what I do even when they can't refute it. I have been very upfront about my disdain for the neocons and the Bush crime syndicate. Right now we have a globalist controlled POS that is the face of the franchise of USA.INC so he is gonna get busted on. I will hol;d anyone's feet to the fire when I see things that are not right so deal with it.

No, you do it because it gives you emotional warm fuzzies. You can be a pissguzzling moron, stupid beyond comprehension, and still claim to be brilliant. You can be a lazy goosestepping parrot, and pretend that you're hardworking patriot. You can be an insulting jackass, and still pretend to be the victim. Those are the emotional needs that your cult membership fills.
Indeed it is but the levels of these chemicals are triple the levels of what the EPA has claimed to be safe, moron.

Can you show us the source of that loopy claim?

You know, give us the hard data. Show those EPA limits, then show where these samples were supposedly taken. No conspiracy cult sources, only original sources allowed. If you're not just making it all up, that should be no problem for you.

People are getting sick from this shit.

Please show everyone the scientific data which shows that. Again, no conspiracy cult websites or YouTube videos, original sources only.

I have been a weather buff since I was a kid and I know what the skies should look like and I know when they are spraying. Condensation trails dissipate quickly, chem-trails linger for hours and spread out...only an idiot could look at the pictures I have presented and then say "yeah, that looks right" so spare me your bullshit.

That's right, differing wind, humidity and temperature conditions could never affect how fast chemtrails dissipate.

Notice all the other righties not coming to your defense? Like I said, even they're embarrassed by you.

Water and soil samples do not lie, people that have gotten sick have had their hair and blood checked for heavy metal poisoning has been shown to have unsafe levels of these and other particulates because there are 17 different spraying programs that fall under the D.O.D and under the catch all of "national security" but the fact of the matter is that it is killing the biosphere and with it, our food supply....but don't fret because Monsanto has come up with GMO aluminum resistant seeds. Imagine that?

Cool, you worked a Monsanto conspiracy in! You get bonus points!

I don't care what people call me here. I do what I do because OI want people to wake up to the shit that is going don't like it that I target leftards? Tough shit...they are the ones that attack me the most for posting what I do even when they can't refute it. I have been very upfront about my disdain for the neocons and the Bush crime syndicate. Right now we have a globalist controlled POS that is the face of the franchise of USA.INC so he is gonna get busted on. I will hol;d anyone's feet to the fire when I see things that are not right so deal with it.

No, you do it because it gives you emotional warm fuzzies. You can be a pissguzzling moron, stupid beyond comprehension, and still claim to be brilliant. You can be a lazy goosestepping parrot, and pretend that you're hardworking patriot. You can be an insulting jackass, and still pretend to be the victim. Those are the emotional needs that your cult membership fills.

"Please show everyone the scientific data which shows that. Again, no conspiracy cult websites or YouTube videos, original sources only"

You see, I have made the claims that I stand by...the way this works is that you counter it with proof that I am wrong and THEN I counter it with what I have....get it??

"That's right, differing wind, humidity and temperature conditions could never affect how fast chemtrails dissipate"

Chemtrails do not dissipate...that is the point. Contrails dissipate within seconds. You know, like on a cold day and you can see your breath...can you come back 4 hours later and see where you exhaled? Is it still lingering? The cognitive dissonance of the ignorant masses that can't see what is right in front of their face still amazes me.

"Cool, you worked a Monsanto conspiracy in! You get bonus points!"

You have no clue about Monsanto, GMOs and how they have been allowed to commit out right theft by intentionally infecting farms with cross-pollination? Dude, you are truly clueless....seriously.

As far as your assessment of my posting style goes? I really couldn't give a shit. Don't like what I post? Don't read's really that simple.
You see, I have made the claims that I stand by...the way this works is that you counter it with proof that I am wrong and THEN I counter it with what I have....get it??

So when directly asked for the evidence you swear you have, you pissed yourself and ran, in full view of everyone.

You're a big talker, Dale. You constantly say you can back up everything, but you always back up nothing. You're fundamentally gutless, and everyone has seen that.

Thanks for playing.

North Carolina
- Black registration up 6% since 2012
- Latino registration up 50% since 2012

- 10/3 to 10/9, Dems outnumbered GOP mail ballot requests 2:1

- Latino registration up 24% since 2012

This should be very favorable for Clinton!
The Democrats are going more and more fascist.

Blacks and Latinos are the new Nazi party and Democrats will do anything to keep them.
You see, I have made the claims that I stand by...the way this works is that you counter it with proof that I am wrong and THEN I counter it with what I have....get it??

So when directly asked for the evidence you swear you have, you pissed yourself and ran, in full view of everyone.

You're a big talker, Dale. You constantly say you can back up everything, but you always back up nothing. You're fundamentally gutless, and everyone has seen that.

Thanks for playing.

I don't jump through hoops for someone too fucking lazy to do his own due diligence and expects others to do his research for him. You want to see all the things I have posted about this along with links? Use the search function that USB graciously supplies us. You are just pissed because I bust on leftards such as yourself and because I do not participate in the banana republic election system? I can't be accused of being for ANY candidate or belonging to either political "bought and paid for" parties. So pull up your big girl panties and deal with it.

Because early voting is done electronically or via mail?

Read the thread. It was early voting done by absentee ballot.

Now, are you claiming the hurricane suppressed the US Post Office only for Republicans? Tell us more about that theory.

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