None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

real intelligent asshole

The goal is to raise an additional $400 billion in taxes the next decade by reducing the level of deduction from taxes the income group above $200,000 will be allowed."

Obama's Attempts To Tax The Rich - Forbes
yeah i read it, but that looks like a blog, so pass.

Note mine says Tax on anyone making over a million a YEAR.

Its Forbes you ASSHAT!

Information for the World's Business Leaders -

I'm sure his only credible references would be Huff 'n Puff or other such stellar newsworthiness.
yeah i read it, but that looks like a blog, so pass.

Note mine says Tax on anyone making over a million a YEAR.

Its Forbes you ASSHAT!

Information for the World's Business Leaders -

I'm sure his only credible references would be Huff 'n Puff or other such stellar newsworthiness.

How about his own f******g words?

[ame=]Obama: I Want To Raise Taxes After I'm Reelected - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks mom and dad for not raising me with such a victimized view of the natural order of things.

And Bob's your Uncle.

That's the whole Conservative view in a nutshell. The rich and powerful are rich and powerful because divinity made it so..or it's a "natural" right.

It's the whole theory behind monarchy.

Thanks. :clap2:

Natural order is free of divinity (certainly specfic organized divinity).

The laws of nature will not fail the application to modern technological and social problems.

What "law of nature"?

Society is essentially a human is weatlh. Everything within that construct is essentially governed by a rule set humans make.

I'm sure his only credible references would be Huff 'n Puff or other such stellar newsworthiness.

How about his own f******g words?

[ame=]Obama: I Want To Raise Taxes After I'm Reelected - YouTube[/ame]

He'll then argue that's not what he really meant. You're wasting your time.
And Bob's your Uncle.

That's the whole Conservative view in a nutshell. The rich and powerful are rich and powerful because divinity made it so..or it's a "natural" right.

It's the whole theory behind monarchy.

Thanks. :clap2:

Natural order is free of divinity (certainly specfic organized divinity).

The laws of nature will not fail the application to modern technological and social problems.

What "law of nature"?

Society is essentially a human is weatlh. Everything within that construct is essentially governed by a rule set humans make.

Either way you mischaracterized what he said which is not suprising.
Do you have to be black to be against racism? Do you have to be gay to be for Gay rights? Since when does something have to affect you on a personal level to come out in the sake of fairness?
LOL! When have the rich ever been oppressed?
You want to close loopholes, by all means, go right ahead.
That's not what the Republican party wants.

...I never said they were oppressed. I simply used those examples to show you do not have to be a part of a particular group to not want them singled out and treated unfairly by an ass clown and his party...

...and Boehner said he's all for tax reform in regard to those loopholes back during the debt ceiling debate...but they want them coupled with big time spending cuts and an attempt to balance the budget so stop with that talking point because it's flat out untrue...
Between the wife and I we are in the 6 digits. One day I am sure we will be above the $250K! However, many small business EMPLOYERS and S-Corp OWNER/EMPLOYER fall within the $250K-1 mil range! These are people who Obama wants to raise taxes on and who he is calling "rich!"

I personally would entertain the $1 mil and above level. These people tend not to be the small business owner and rather executives of C-Corps. Raising a C-Corp's income tax WILL NOT effect the business, nor will it effect hiring!

If Obama wants to raise taxes, he will have a stronger argument on actually hitting people $1 mil and above and not call the $250K and above millionaires! It sounds foolish.

The liberal attack will say that the majority of small business are under $250K in income. True! But the MAJORITY of SUCCESSFUL Small Business that employee the MAJORITY of Americans are between the $250K-$1 mil mark!

A raise in income level there will hurt, not help, the economy!

Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.
Natural order is free of divinity (certainly specfic organized divinity).

The laws of nature will not fail the application to modern technological and social problems.

What "law of nature"?

Society is essentially a human is weatlh. Everything within that construct is essentially governed by a rule set humans make.

Either way you mischaracterized what he said which is not suprising.

It's what he does... talks in circles, deflects then hurls bigoted insults and bails.
And Bob's your Uncle.

That's the whole Conservative view in a nutshell. The rich and powerful are rich and powerful because divinity made it so..or it's a "natural" right.

It's the whole theory behind monarchy.

Thanks. :clap2:

Natural order is free of divinity (certainly specfic organized divinity).

The laws of nature will not fail the application to modern technological and social problems.

What "law of nature"?

Society is essentially a human is weatlh. Everything within that construct is essentially governed by a rule set humans make.

There are apex organisims, self-sufficent, often highly effective in pursuit of their existence and propogation.

There a host of organisms that are existing in varying degrees of symbiosis off of the apex organisims' success.

All the punitive legislation, emotional rationalizing and feel-good-ness in the world will not change this.
Last edited:
The liberal attack will say that the majority of small business are under $250K in income. True! But the MAJORITY of SUCCESSFUL Small Business that employee the MAJORITY of Americans are between the $250K-$1 mil mark!

There Plasma.... we are both right :cool:

Natural order is free of divinity (certainly specfic organized divinity).

The laws of nature will not fail the application to modern technological and social problems.

What "law of nature"?

Society is essentially a human is weatlh. Everything within that construct is essentially governed by a rule set humans make.

There are apex organisims, self-sufficent, often highly effective in pursuit of their existence and propogation.

There a host of organisms that existing in varying degrees of symbiosis.

All the punitive legislation, emotional rationalizing and feel-good-ness in the world will not change this.

Natural order is free of divinity (certainly specfic organized divinity).

The laws of nature will not fail the application to modern technological and social problems.

What "law of nature"?

Society is essentially a human is weatlh. Everything within that construct is essentially governed by a rule set humans make.

There are apex organisims, self-sufficent, often highly effective in pursuit of their existence and propogation.

There a host of organisms that are existing in varying degrees of symbiosis off of the apex organisims' success.

All the punitive legislation, emotional rationalizing and feel-good-ness in the world will not change this.



You're off the deep end here.

Why does the left hate rich people?
The same reason the right hates the poor. The illusion that they are coasting along not pulling their own considerable weight while having every imaginable advantage showered upon them.

But we don't hate poor people. We dont divide people into classes. You do.
I was asked a question based on this divide. I did not create the divide, nor the question.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Why are you protecting Warren Buffett, one of the super wealthy, whose company owes back taxes?
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

I'm not sure "give" is the proper term, but when I was an employee I didn't work for poor or middle class people. There was always a high earner making decisions. He or she could usually also do my job but I could not do his.
It's been a while since I read them so I'm not sure if I'm recalling from, Roots, or from, Mandingo, but in one of those books there is a dialogue between an older slave and one newly acquired. While instructing the new slave as to what is expected of him the elder makes it clear that slaves can never be masters and the manner in which that point is made implies a kind of natural superiority of the master class.

I'm mentioning this because it popped into my mind while reading your above comment.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful

Do you think employed people are peasants?
That would depend on what you believe peasants to be. The literal meaning is offensive. But if you are referring mainly to economic status then an increasing percentage of working Americans are indeed peasants in comparison to the emerging neo-aristocracy.
Why does the left hate rich people?
The same reason the right hates the poor. The illusion that they are coasting along not pulling their own considerable weight while having every imaginable advantage showered upon them.

The right does more to help the poor than the left ever dreamed of doing. The right walks their talk on the left just talks. The right gives more to charitable organizations than the left ever did. Check the charitable contributions of Obama as compared to Bush- it's striking, then compare Cheney's to Bidens. There you will find your answer and it most certainly does not support your supposition.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

You're really clueless. You don't raise taxes in a recession. That's Economics 101. Your guy Obama wants to raise them on people making over $200,000. If he got his way this already weak economic recovery would grind to an immediate halt.
You've got it backward.

The correct formula is one does not reduce taxes in tandem with launching a major military engagement, such as the Iraq invasion and occupation, which is what Bush did. By restoring the tax rate of Bush's "base" of super-rich cronies Obama will be correcting what in fact was a deliberate and very bad mistake.

The effect of raising taxes on the rich will be a redistribution of hoarded wealth, via a jobs program, into the hands of those who will re-circulate-- which is what the stagnant U.S. economy desperately needs.

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