None PC gun thread?

I don't agree with the rest of that stuff, but yes, banning assault weapons will do nothing to stop any crime at all. We know that, we've seen it already. It isn't about saving lives with the lefties, gun control is about "control". Fact.

You dont think we should address the problem at it's source?
Everyone knows what? That black people use guns to kill each other in America?

That is not the fucking point of banning assault weapons ( which isn't going to happen anyway) you disingenuous loser.

We know that crazy fuckers will have a desire to kill lots of people. We want to make it more difficult for them to do so. Period. This has nothing to do with murders for money, drugs, passion or revenge. It has to do with NUTJOB MASACRES.

Listen up asswipe! I know who's doing the killing and you know who's doing it.
If you say otherwise you're a lying piece of shit. Maybe you dont read newspapers?
At least I have the guts to say it.
What are you afraid of?

Doing the killing of who?

If the answer is innocent people gathering in places and doing things that innocent people do.....the answer is CRAZY ASS NUTJOBS WITH ASSAULT WEAPONS.

Let's make it more difficult for them to get those weapons....shall we?

Everyone knows what? That black people use guns to kill each other in America?

That is not the fucking point of banning assault weapons ( which isn't going to happen anyway) you disingenuous loser.

We know that crazy fuckers will have a desire to kill lots of people. We want to make it more difficult for them to do so. Period. This has nothing to do with murders for money, drugs, passion or revenge. It has to do with NUTJOB MASACRES.

How many dead people are acceptable in your nutjob massacre scenario?

You are proposing nothing that makes it more difficult for nuts to kill people. You are only attempting to limit the number killed and injured, and your logic behind that endeavor is seriously flawed. A so called "assault" rifle is not the best weapon for mass murder. It is way too awkward for close use in a crowd, a school, or anywhere else where many people are clustered. A semi-automatic handgun would be much more efficient, and much harder to get out of the hands of the shooter.

A semi-automatic in each hand would be even more deadly against close in targets.

High capacity magazines already in society number in the millions, and will be easy to obtain for the next hundred years. A dedicated mass murderer will have no trouble obtaining one or more, or could just opt for several smaller capacity magazines.

Anyone, who seriously believes that the five and six year olds at Sandy Hook elementary school could have disarmed the shooter during the seconds it takes to change magazines, needs a brain transplant.

Oh! Semi automatic handguns are better and easier to use when the objective is to kill lots of people quickly! Better notify the pentagon immediately.

In a confined space with no one fighting back? Why not a pistol?
Listen up asswipe! I know who's doing the killing and you know who's doing it.
If you say otherwise you're a lying piece of shit. Maybe you dont read newspapers?
At least I have the guts to say it.
What are you afraid of?

Doing the killing of who?

If the answer is innocent people gathering in places and doing things that innocent people do.....the answer is CRAZY ASS NUTJOBS WITH ASSAULT WEAPONS.

Let's make it more difficult for them to get those weapons....shall we?


Of course it is. Everyone......including NUTJOBS should be able to have any weapon they want. It says so in the Constitution. Der de der der der.
Is it possible?
We know that banning assault rifles will do next to nothing to bring down murder rates.
So why ban them? Because they're scary?
We know a certain demographic commit most murders and yet this is never brought up.
Why? Political Correctness gone wild?
Lets use the Texas feral hog problem for an example. Do you shoot white tail deer to solve it? Of course not.
This is no different then the TSA frisking old ladies in the name of political correctness.
Seems to me every ones rights are being trampled because of a few.

Not sure what a ‘None PC gun thread’ is.

Otherwise, it has nothing to do with ‘political correctness,’ for the sole reason there is no such thing.

And no one’s rights are being ‘trampled,’ as no legislation has been enacted, nor will it be.

Which is a shame, as it would finally bring resolution to the question as to what legally, constitutionality, manifest an ‘assault weapon.’

This whole thing is PC and the libs are using it without shame.
Confront a certain demographic who are doing all the killing and our murder rates would be the lowest in the world.
And if this means nothing why in the hell is the prez even talking about it?
Is it possible?
We know that banning assault rifles will do next to nothing to bring down murder rates.
So why ban them? Because they're scary?
We know a certain demographic commit most murders and yet this is never brought up.
Why? Political Correctness gone wild?
Lets use the Texas feral hog problem for an example. Do you shoot white tail deer to solve it? Of course not.
This is no different then the TSA frisking old ladies in the name of political correctness.
Seems to me every ones rights are being trampled because of a few.

Not sure what a ‘None PC gun thread’ is.

Otherwise, it has nothing to do with ‘political correctness,’ for the sole reason there is no such thing.

And no one’s rights are being ‘trampled,’ as no legislation has been enacted, nor will it be.

Which is a shame, as it would finally bring resolution to the question as to what legally, constitutionality, manifest an ‘assault weapon.’

This whole thing is PC and the libs are using it without shame.
Confront a certain demographic who are doing all the killing and our murder rates would be the lowest in the world.
And if this means nothing why in the hell is the prez even talking about it?

Have our murder rates gone up or down in the last decade?

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