

I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
The "modern" GOP is made up of mostly assholes and stupid people.

The claim that any revenue increases will prevent the rich from hiring is a bald faced lie.

I challenge anyone to produce any factual data that shows that the Bush tax cuts produced ONE job.

I challenge anyone to produce a list of companies that have pledged to hire x number of employees based on their current tax breaks.

I challenge anyone to produce a list of wealthy people in the USA that have pledged to start new companies with the benefits of their recent tax breaks.

It won't happen...because it is all lies.

Your thoughts....and proof I am wrong if you disagree.
no jobs will be produced by the private sector unless people have the money to buy the service/product the job will produce.

You can cut the top tax rate to zero and that will not change.
The December 2007 recession allowed employers to cut payrolls and maximize profit – there’s no incentive whatsoever for them to hire more workers, particularly with per worker productivity increasing. Any tax breaks employers get will go to shareholders, not new employees.
The December 2007 recession allowed employers to cut payrolls and maximize profit – there’s no incentive whatsoever for them to hire more workers, particularly with per worker productivity increasing. Any tax breaks employers get will go to shareholders, not new employees.

So you do get it.
This reply is an open letter to our stupid president!!!!

Senator Harkin says on C-SPAN reporting from the "Jobs Commission" that business is holding back almost 2 trillion dollars in reserve. They are not interested in hiring. I do not blame them because demand is so low. So how do we break out of this downward spiral?. Simple. Increase demand. That needs to be done as soon and broadly based as humanly possible.

Obama..Listen up you stupid fucking Uncle Tom!! STOP trying to get along with the GOP.


They will NEVER do anything to make this country better for the middle class. If you haven't learned that by now you are too ignorant to be leading the free world and this nation.

Don't concern yourself with re-election. Concern yourself with why and how you got elected in the first place.

Just start creating jobs everywhere you can. Infrastructure.. whatever...

I don't care if you have to start call centers to compete with India...Get what you can from the jobs and subsidize to a decent wage.


Make it illegal by presidential decree to outsource jobs.. Call it in the name of national security.

Screw the Boner and McConnel and all those traitorous delusional Christian Fundamentalists...FUCK EM!!!!

American Business will hire more people if they have demand for their products...


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