Noow heear this!! DeBlasio bureaucrats to fine businesses that fail to use 'correct' gender pronouns

And there were death threats to the Memories Pizza people, but that's probably OK to you because you don't like them.

I would be all for prosecuting whoever instigated those death threats. Oh, wait, that was the Memories Pizza folks themselves by calling up the TV station and saying, "We ain't going to cater no fag weddings!" Like anyone would serve Pizza at a wedding.

The thing is, Klein instigated those death threats by telling everyone the names and address of the people who complained about them. THAT'S why they paid the huge fine.

Ah a quote, but a meaningless one that doesn't back up your whole "husband evil" schtick.

Actually, it's a safe bet. EVERY stupid thing done in this case was done by the husband. He was the one who refused service. He was the one who started screaming bible verses at their mom. He's the one who posted their addresses on Christian websites.

But he personally wasn't fined, the business was. Because businesses aren't people.

The commerce clause doesn't automatically overrule the Bill of Rights, despite the typical prog view of it.

Businesses aren't people. Therefore, the Bill of Rights doesn't apply. If they don't want to be part of transactions they consider immoral, they shouldn't be in that business.

Not wanting to work on a gay wedding isn't homophobia.

Yes, it is.

And if you are a homophobe, you shouldn't invite gay people to use your services and THEN start screaming bible verses at them.

Although, again, I've got a much better idea for the Homophobic Bakers.


They used those exact words? or are you employing hyperbole? From what I recall they were asked the question by some reporter and you progressive twats blew it out of proportion.

And again, your lack of proof on the Kleins shows. Back it up, bitch.

And show me where the bill of rights doesn't apply to "businesses" which of course are made up of people, who the bill of rights applies to. of course, you can't. All you can do is blather "Commerce clause, fuh fuh fuh".

No it isn't.

Still no proof of it.

and you use a picture from a show making fun of ASSHOLES like you, not encouraging you.
Homophobia is an irrational fear of them, not approving of their lifestyle is a judgement, in this case religously based.

Lets review that, shall we.

So let's see, they have a religiously based judgement of them.

because an invisible man in the sky will not only punish for merely having the gay sex, he'll punish you for ALL ETERNITY for doing a business transaction with people having the gay sex.

And you accept this becasue you read it in a 3000 year old book written by people who didn't know where the sun went at night.

Frankly, that sounds like an irrational fear to me.
Homophobia is an irrational fear of them, not approving of their lifestyle is a judgement, in this case religously based.

Lets review that, shall we.

So let's see, they have a religiously based judgement of them.

because an invisible man in the sky will not only punish for merely having the gay sex, he'll punish you for ALL ETERNITY for doing a business transaction with people having the gay sex.

And you accept this becasue you read it in a 3000 year old book written by people who didn't know where the sun went at night.

Frankly, that sounds like an irrational fear to me.

It is not my place to judge them, and unless there is a compelling issue requiring government intervention, it isn't government's issue either.

Hurt feelings of a protected class does not a compelling issue make.

They don't approve of these people's lifestyle, and don't want to participate in a ceremony celebrating it. There is no reason to force them to, or to force them out of business otherwise, short of petty hatred, which you seem to have plenty of.
They used those exact words? or are you employing hyperbole? From what I recall they were asked the question by some reporter and you progressive twats blew it out of proportion.

Then they shouldn't have said that to a reporter.

And again, your lack of proof on the Kleins shows. Back it up, bitch.

The Kleins were fined. Obviously, the people reviwing the case didn't believe them and did believe the Cryer-Bowman family.

And show me where the bill of rights doesn't apply to "businesses" which of course are made up of people, who the bill of rights applies to. of course, you can't. All you can do is blather "Commerce clause, fuh fuh fuh".

What part of the bill of rights was being denied to the business? Did the bakery get up of its foundation and attend Church every sunday? Did the ovens start singing the hallelujah chorus?
It is not my place to judge them, and unless there is a compelling issue requiring government intervention, it isn't government's issue either.

Well, there was a compelling issue. They violated PA laws.

Hurt feelings of a protected class does not a compelling issue make.

"Protected Class", the whine of White Male privilege

They don't approve of these people's lifestyle, and don't want to participate in a ceremony celebrating it. There is no reason to force them to, or to force them out of business otherwise, short of petty hatred, which you seem to have plenty of.

And if they apologized for their actions, they never would have had it go as far as it did.
It is not my place to judge them, and unless there is a compelling issue requiring government intervention, it isn't government's issue either.

Well, there was a compelling issue. They violated PA laws.

Hurt feelings of a protected class does not a compelling issue make.

"Protected Class", the whine of White Male privilege

They don't approve of these people's lifestyle, and don't want to participate in a ceremony celebrating it. There is no reason to force them to, or to force them out of business otherwise, short of petty hatred, which you seem to have plenty of.

And if they apologized for their actions, they never would have had it go as far as it did.

Still supporting freaks, I see.
They used those exact words? or are you employing hyperbole? From what I recall they were asked the question by some reporter and you progressive twats blew it out of proportion.

Then they shouldn't have said that to a reporter.

And again, your lack of proof on the Kleins shows. Back it up, bitch.

The Kleins were fined. Obviously, the people reviwing the case didn't believe them and did believe the Cryer-Bowman family.

And show me where the bill of rights doesn't apply to "businesses" which of course are made up of people, who the bill of rights applies to. of course, you can't. All you can do is blather "Commerce clause, fuh fuh fuh".

What part of the bill of rights was being denied to the business? Did the bakery get up of its foundation and attend Church every sunday? Did the ovens start singing the hallelujah chorus?

Said what? What were their EXACT words, and what question did the reporter ask?

The people reviewing the case have an agenda, pure and simple,same as you, i.e "punish people I don't like"

Free exercise isn't limited to attending Church, or praying behind locked doors. Free exercise is free exercise, unless government can come up with a compelling interest to limit it, and of course they can only apply a limit using the least stringent means necessary.

And your referencing the bill of rights, considering your abject disdain for the document is comical.
It is not my place to judge them, and unless there is a compelling issue requiring government intervention, it isn't government's issue either.

Well, there was a compelling issue. They violated PA laws.

Hurt feelings of a protected class does not a compelling issue make.

"Protected Class", the whine of White Male privilege

They don't approve of these people's lifestyle, and don't want to participate in a ceremony celebrating it. There is no reason to force them to, or to force them out of business otherwise, short of petty hatred, which you seem to have plenty of.

And if they apologized for their actions, they never would have had it go as far as it did.

Applying PA laws to protect the feelings of someone is not a compelling issue.

Keep your self-hatred off the message board, old shriveled white guy.

Said what? What were their EXACT words, and what question did the reporter ask?

Are you really trying to claim what they said wasn't offensive?

The people reviewing the case have an agenda, pure and simple,same as you, i.e "punish people I don't like"

actually, this same agency has fined businesses for not serving Christians, so, no.

Free exercise isn't limited to attending Church, or praying behind locked doors. Free exercise is free exercise, unless government can come up with a compelling interest to limit it, and of course they can only apply a limit using the least stringent means necessary.

And when Cake Ovens start praying to the Oven God, you might have a point.
Said what? What were their EXACT words, and what question did the reporter ask?

Are you really trying to claim what they said wasn't offensive?

The people reviewing the case have an agenda, pure and simple,same as you, i.e "punish people I don't like"

actually, this same agency has fined businesses for not serving Christians, so, no.

Free exercise isn't limited to attending Church, or praying behind locked doors. Free exercise is free exercise, unless government can come up with a compelling interest to limit it, and of course they can only apply a limit using the least stringent means necessary.

And when Cake Ovens start praying to the Oven God, you might have a point.

What were the exact words that were spoken?

Links, and two wrongs does not make a right.

Moronic point noted.
What were the exact words that were spoken?

Links, and two wrongs does not make a right.

Moronic point noted.

Doesn't mater what the exact words were. these dipshits where happy to put their hate on national TV. Then they whined when people vandalized their Yelp page.

yes, it does, if you keep posting your raging snuff fantasies of vile evil Christians spewing hate towards these poor poor protected class victims.

And "hate" is a word that has lost all meaning because of you twats.
yes, it does, if you keep posting your raging snuff fantasies of vile evil Christians spewing hate towards these poor poor protected class victims.

And "hate" is a word that has lost all meaning because of you twats.

You hate on people who who have sex you dont like because an imaginary fairy in the sky told you to.

if that ain't crazy, I don't know what is.
yes, it does, if you keep posting your raging snuff fantasies of vile evil Christians spewing hate towards these poor poor protected class victims.

And "hate" is a word that has lost all meaning because of you twats.

You hate on people who who have sex you dont like because an imaginary fairy in the sky told you to.

if that ain't crazy, I don't know what is.

How is that any different from you 'hating" on people because they don't believe in the same things you do?

Crazy is thinking the best solution to deciding who's feelings matter more is letting government decide.
How is that any different from you 'hating" on people because they don't believe in the same things you do?

Believing in something is an active choice. Believing in something that is demonstrably false is an act of sustained stupidity.

Gay don't choose to be gay any more than Blacks choose to be black.

The homophobes argument against homosexuality usually consists of "God Says its Bad", and "I think it's Icky". That's the whole substance of their argument.

Now, you might not like what I say about the Mormons, but I back it up with critical looks at their beliefs and history... you know, like Joseph Smith was run out of four different states for running various cons before the folks here in IL put him out of his misery. Or that he was having sex with mulitple teenage girls. Or he outright lied about the Book of Abraham being a first hand account of Abraham's time in Egypt.

Crazy is thinking the best solution to deciding who's feelings matter more is letting government decide.

Except we do that all the time. That's why we have a million lawyers and courts and lots of legalize.

So on one side, we have the Cryer-Bowman's, a couple who were seeking to get legally married to protect the interests of two special needs children they had adopted. Who went into a shop after being invited and were subjected to verbal abuse and denial of service based on who they were.


Some Wife-beating asshole who sabotaged his wife's business so he could suck up to Christian nutters across the country.

Pretty easy to decide who the wronged party here is.
How is that any different from you 'hating" on people because they don't believe in the same things you do?

Believing in something is an active choice. Believing in something that is demonstrably false is an act of sustained stupidity.

Gay don't choose to be gay any more than Blacks choose to be black.

The homophobes argument against homosexuality usually consists of "God Says its Bad", and "I think it's Icky". That's the whole substance of their argument.

Now, you might not like what I say about the Mormons, but I back it up with critical looks at their beliefs and history... you know, like Joseph Smith was run out of four different states for running various cons before the folks here in IL put him out of his misery. Or that he was having sex with mulitple teenage girls. Or he outright lied about the Book of Abraham being a first hand account of Abraham's time in Egypt.

Crazy is thinking the best solution to deciding who's feelings matter more is letting government decide.

Except we do that all the time. That's why we have a million lawyers and courts and lots of legalize.

So on one side, we have the Cryer-Bowman's, a couple who were seeking to get legally married to protect the interests of two special needs children they had adopted. Who went into a shop after being invited and were subjected to verbal abuse and denial of service based on who they were.


Some Wife-beating asshole who sabotaged his wife's business so he could suck up to Christian nutters across the country.

Pretty easy to decide who the wronged party here is.

You back it up with your predisposed hateful notions, nothing more, than you backfill it with "facts" to justify your asshole viewpoint.

Government is in the business (or at least used to be) of taking care of things involving actual harm, not hurt feelings.

And unlike you I don't judge either side, I just look to the solution that involves the least harm done in the name of "fairness"

And of course, as always, go fuck yourself you fascist twatwaddle.
You back it up with your predisposed hateful notions, nothing more, than you backfill it with "facts" to justify your asshole viewpoint.

Um, no. I hate the Mormons because they propagate a lie and lure unsuspecting people into their cult. If there was ever an argument to eradicate religion, the Mormon Cult is it.

Government is in the business (or at least used to be) of taking care of things involving actual harm, not hurt feelings.

There was actual harm. About $135K of it.

And unlike you I don't judge either side, I just look to the solution that involves the least harm done in the name of "fairness"

I look at what creates the greatest good. The Kleins are terminal assholes. We'll Mr. Klein is. Poor Mrs. Klein is probably a decent person who got beaten into submission. But anyway, making an example out of them is going to keep the next bunch of religious assholes from thinking bakeries and florist shops are the next line of defense for their bigotry...
You back it up with your predisposed hateful notions, nothing more, than you backfill it with "facts" to justify your asshole viewpoint.

Um, no. I hate the Mormons because they propagate a lie and lure unsuspecting people into their cult. If there was ever an argument to eradicate religion, the Mormon Cult is it.

Government is in the business (or at least used to be) of taking care of things involving actual harm, not hurt feelings.

There was actual harm. About $135K of it.

And unlike you I don't judge either side, I just look to the solution that involves the least harm done in the name of "fairness"

I look at what creates the greatest good. The Kleins are terminal assholes. We'll Mr. Klein is. Poor Mrs. Klein is probably a decent person who got beaten into submission. But anyway, making an example out of them is going to keep the next bunch of religious assholes from thinking bakeries and florist shops are the next line of defense for their bigotry...


Hurt feelings are not harm, and are certainly not $135k of harm.

Its not up to you and not up to government to make those choices. and you keep assuming this whole wife beating thing without a shred of evidence. Projecting maybe?
Hurt feelings are not harm, and are certainly not $135k of harm.

Its not up to you and not up to government to make those choices. and you keep assuming this whole wife beating thing without a shred of evidence. Projecting maybe?

Again, he totally destroyed the business she spent years building up. That she didn't drag him into divorce court and scream loudly, "Not me" tells me that's a dog that been beaten into submission.

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