Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion

The Russian men are not leaving because they think they will be nuked by the US. They are leaving because they don’t want to fight in a war where there’s no threat to Russia.

Russia is poor and the war is unpopular. They don't want to fight for Putin's ambition.
Sure he is. You mean to say anyone who refuses to spout the state controlled narrative of Putin is Hitler, must be a Putin supporter.

This occurs in every war, yet dummies don’t see the pattern. The State demands complete support and dummies gladly give it.
Bah! He's as bad as the Dixie Chicks!

Okay, first off, how has Russia made Ukraine better by invading it?

Second, when we bought Alaska, it was part of Russia. Trump wanted to buy Greenland, which happens to be it's own country. Nope, not gonna make fun of the US buying Alaska from Russia, but I WILL continue to make fun of Trump thinking he could buy a country, because that shows how clueless he's always been.
If Denmark wanted to sell it to us, they could. It is only nominally its own nation. It is not sovereign. It only has domestic political autonomy, it is not independent.

What ever the foreign policy of Denmark, that is the foreign policy of Greenland.

Do you know why the Russian people are leaving? Because they know the American government is being run by psychopaths who are liable to nuke them at any moment.

To real liberals and progressives, this knowledge used to be axiomatic. It was a given for most Americans before Reagan came along and saw the movie, "The Day After," and decided we needed to do something about the insane situation. It would seem we have collectively forgotten, and the psychopaths are back in charge.

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