North America Before Global Warming


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

Any questions?
Yeah none of that warming was caused by man either, crazy! But Global Warming Alarmists will have some sort of excuse to support their claims because they think it matters one way or the other.
Without Global Warming


With Global Warming


Do you see why this is important?
Without Global Warming


With Global Warming


Do you see why this is important?

Yes, because Morons believe anything you tell them.

You must then believe whatever CrusaderFrank says.

But in THIS instance, he has not told you what to believe. He asked a question.

Since YOU are obviously of no help, let me take a crack at this one.

Let's see. Long before any industrial revolution or "man made greenhouse gas house production," massive naturally occurring Ice Sheets came down all the way into the Northern portions of what is now the lower 48 States. And they receded. (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!), before humans produced any appreciable alleged "greenhouse gasses." And then the Ice sheets RETURNED. But then (again WELL beore human kind industrialization) they receded again (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!)

This suggests that JUST MAYBE, human kind doesn't cause Ice Sheets to spread southward NOR does human kind cause the Ice Sheets to recede (GLOBAL WARMING!!!)

MAYBE we should be considering causes for this NATURALLY OCCURRING PROCESS OTHER THAN "human industrial greenhouse gas production."
Without Global Warming


With Global Warming


Do you see why this is important?

Yes, because Morons believe anything you tell them.

You must then believe whatever CrusaderFrank says.

But in THIS instance, he has not told you what to believe. He asked a question.

Since YOU are obviously of no help, let me take a crack at this one.

Let's see. Long before any industrial revolution or "man made greenhouse gas house production," massive naturally occurring Ice Sheets came down all the way into the Northern portions of what is now the lower 48 States. And they receded. (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!), before humans produced any appreciable alleged "greenhouse gasses." And then the Ice sheets RETURNED. But then (again WELL beore human kind industrialization) they receded again (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!)

This suggests that JUST MAYBE, human kind doesn't cause Ice Sheets to spread southward NOR does human kind cause the Ice Sheets to recede (GLOBAL WARMING!!!)

MAYBE we should be considering causes for this NATURALLY OCCURRING PROCESS OTHER THAN "human industrial greenhouse gas production."

My point is valid and more useful than yours, you think you change the mind of a moron? You think your post is going to educate and change someones mind.

Do you actually believe your responding to a serious post.

People need to realize some people will never understand and are easily manipulated by newspaper headlines.

They are morons.
Without Global Warming


With Global Warming


Do you see why this is important?

Yes, because Morons believe anything you tell them.

You must then believe whatever CrusaderFrank says.

But in THIS instance, he has not told you what to believe. He asked a question.

Since YOU are obviously of no help, let me take a crack at this one.

Let's see. Long before any industrial revolution or "man made greenhouse gas house production," massive naturally occurring Ice Sheets came down all the way into the Northern portions of what is now the lower 48 States. And they receded. (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!), before humans produced any appreciable alleged "greenhouse gasses." And then the Ice sheets RETURNED. But then (again WELL beore human kind industrialization) they receded again (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!)

This suggests that JUST MAYBE, human kind doesn't cause Ice Sheets to spread southward NOR does human kind cause the Ice Sheets to recede (GLOBAL WARMING!!!)

MAYBE we should be considering causes for this NATURALLY OCCURRING PROCESS OTHER THAN "human industrial greenhouse gas production."

All this really shows is Man is not the Sole cause. It does not rule out that our contributions speed up the process.
Yes, folks we all know that there are natural changes in the earth's temperature over time - usually in periods ranging from between one thousand to ten thousand years. Giving time for primitives to migrate.

One probable cause for the 10 thousand year cycles in the natural undulation of earth's orbit.

We also know that a moderate amount of global warming is more likely to have a positive effect on the environment - more arable land. Furthermore, we know that even small global cooling has caused extreme negative effects on civilizations - see the history channel documentary on 'The little Ice Age'.

However, 'Global Warming' caused by carbon emmissions is a very different thing:

First - It is measurable, predictable and if it weren't for the idiots that deny it, it would be controllable.

Second - As it is measureable and predictable, it is known that it will avalanche into a very rapid and beyond critical environmental disaster - meaning that millions of people are likely to die and that civilzation will not be able to respond fast enough.

Look, global warming does not just mean a rise in the sea levels. As the atmosphere warms it's capacity to hold water will increase. That means more frequent and more intense violent storms - we'll see catagory 6,7 and 8 hurricanes. They'll be hellatious in-land flooding. Lush tropical and sub-tropical lands will turn to deserts.

Of course there is a bright side - the Canadians and Russians are already talking about the new economic trade zone that will open up where the Arctic ice once was.

But, come on, tell me the truth - this is all a vast right wing conspiracy to accelerate global warming while ya all buy up Arctic front land up in Canada, right?
Yes, folks we all know that there are natural changes in the earth's temperature over time - usually in periods ranging from between one thousand to ten thousand years. Giving time for primitives to migrate.

One probable cause for the 10 thousand year cycles in the natural undulation of earth's orbit.

We also know that a moderate amount of global warming is more likely to have a positive effect on the environment - more arable land. Furthermore, we know that even small global cooling has caused extreme negative effects on civilizations - see the history channel documentary on 'The little Ice Age'.

However, 'Global Warming' caused by carbon emmissions is a very different thing:

First - It is measurable, predictable and if it weren't for the idiots that deny it, it would be controllable.

Second - As it is measureable and predictable, it is known that it will avalanche into a very rapid and beyond critical environmental disaster - meaning that millions of people are likely to die and that civilzation will not be able to respond fast enough.

Look, global warming does not just mean a rise in the sea levels. As the atmosphere warms it's capacity to hold water will increase. That means more frequent and more intense violent storms - we'll see catagory 6,7 and 8 hurricanes. They'll be hellatious in-land flooding. Lush tropical and sub-tropical lands will turn to deserts.

Of course there is a bright side - the Canadians and Russians are already talking about the new economic trade zone that will open up where the Arctic ice once was.

But, come on, tell me the truth - this is all a vast right wing conspiracy to accelerate global warming while ya all buy up Arctic front land up in Canada, right?
no such thing
Yes, because Morons believe anything you tell them.

You must then believe whatever CrusaderFrank says.

But in THIS instance, he has not told you what to believe. He asked a question.

Since YOU are obviously of no help, let me take a crack at this one.

Let's see. Long before any industrial revolution or "man made greenhouse gas house production," massive naturally occurring Ice Sheets came down all the way into the Northern portions of what is now the lower 48 States. And they receded. (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!), before humans produced any appreciable alleged "greenhouse gasses." And then the Ice sheets RETURNED. But then (again WELL beore human kind industrialization) they receded again (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!)

This suggests that JUST MAYBE, human kind doesn't cause Ice Sheets to spread southward NOR does human kind cause the Ice Sheets to recede (GLOBAL WARMING!!!)

MAYBE we should be considering causes for this NATURALLY OCCURRING PROCESS OTHER THAN "human industrial greenhouse gas production."

All this really shows is Man is not the Sole cause. It does not rule out that our contributions speed up the process.

THAT is true. The fact that there might be "other" causes, standing alone, certainly does not rule out additional causation including man-made causes.

However, the scientific "evidence" that MIGHT show that there is some diabolical connection between the increase in carbon emissions in our atmosphere and ANY change in our global climate is virtually non-existent. The science has been undermined by poor data, poor data collection, deliberate distortions in HOW data is gathered, piss-poor application of scientific method, deliberately altered data, bad math, etc., etc., etc.
You must then believe whatever CrusaderFrank says.

But in THIS instance, he has not told you what to believe. He asked a question.

Since YOU are obviously of no help, let me take a crack at this one.

Let's see. Long before any industrial revolution or "man made greenhouse gas house production," massive naturally occurring Ice Sheets came down all the way into the Northern portions of what is now the lower 48 States. And they receded. (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!), before humans produced any appreciable alleged "greenhouse gasses." And then the Ice sheets RETURNED. But then (again WELL beore human kind industrialization) they receded again (GLOBAL WARMING!!!!)

This suggests that JUST MAYBE, human kind doesn't cause Ice Sheets to spread southward NOR does human kind cause the Ice Sheets to recede (GLOBAL WARMING!!!)

MAYBE we should be considering causes for this NATURALLY OCCURRING PROCESS OTHER THAN "human industrial greenhouse gas production."

All this really shows is Man is not the Sole cause. It does not rule out that our contributions speed up the process.

THAT is true. The fact that there might be "other" causes, standing alone, certainly does not rule out additional causation including man-made causes.

However, the scientific "evidence" that MIGHT show that there is some diabolical connection between the increase in carbon emissions in our atmosphere and ANY change in our global climate is virtually non-existent. The science has been undermined by poor data, poor data collection, deliberate distortions in HOW data is gathered, piss-poor application of scientific method, deliberately altered data, bad math, etc., etc., etc.

No. That's pretty much a myth perpetrated by the wingnuts. Global Warming and it's relation to carbon emissions has been studied for over a hundred years, by thousands of scientists. It has been supported by every major scientific institution throughout the world for quite some time - including NASA.

Not only has the empirical data shown that there is a direct relationship between carbon emmissions and the rate of global warming, but to anyone who is at all educated in the topic could tell you that increased carbon content in the atmosphere causing an increase in the heat held by the atmosphere is exactly what would be expected.

The 'bad' math that is alluded to by the wingnuts was just one memo refering to a mathematical trick - which was just a mathematic shortcut - still a totally valid mathematical method.

Denying Global Warming is just plain silly. It's only being attacked becuase a bunch of industrialists don't want to be forced into replacing their power plants with the industrial equivalent of 'Energy Star' efficient power plants.

I really wish that all you wingnuts would stop allowing yourselves to be lead around by the nose by anyone that has a few bucks in their pockets.

Any questions?

Actually Frank, that image is incorrect. It doesn't show the two mile thick slab of ice over the Rockies or the one mile thick slab over the Siearra Nevada Maountains.
Yes, folks we all know that there are natural changes in the earth's temperature over time - usually in periods ranging from between one thousand to ten thousand years. Giving time for primitives to migrate.

One probable cause for the 10 thousand year cycles in the natural undulation of earth's orbit.

We also know that a moderate amount of global warming is more likely to have a positive effect on the environment - more arable land. Furthermore, we know that even small global cooling has caused extreme negative effects on civilizations - see the history channel documentary on 'The little Ice Age'.

However, 'Global Warming' caused by carbon emmissions is a very different thing:

First - It is measurable, predictable and if it weren't for the idiots that deny it, it would be controllable.

Second - As it is measureable and predictable, it is known that it will avalanche into a very rapid and beyond critical environmental disaster - meaning that millions of people are likely to die and that civilzation will not be able to respond fast enough.

Look, global warming does not just mean a rise in the sea levels. As the atmosphere warms it's capacity to hold water will increase. That means more frequent and more intense violent storms - we'll see catagory 6,7 and 8 hurricanes. They'll be hellatious in-land flooding. Lush tropical and sub-tropical lands will turn to deserts.

Of course there is a bright side - the Canadians and Russians are already talking about the new economic trade zone that will open up where the Arctic ice once was.

But, come on, tell me the truth - this is all a vast right wing conspiracy to accelerate global warming while ya all buy up Arctic front land up in Canada, right?

Really? Measurable? Predictable? Please show the class examples of what you just posted.
All this really shows is Man is not the Sole cause. It does not rule out that our contributions speed up the process.

THAT is true. The fact that there might be "other" causes, standing alone, certainly does not rule out additional causation including man-made causes.

However, the scientific "evidence" that MIGHT show that there is some diabolical connection between the increase in carbon emissions in our atmosphere and ANY change in our global climate is virtually non-existent. The science has been undermined by poor data, poor data collection, deliberate distortions in HOW data is gathered, piss-poor application of scientific method, deliberately altered data, bad math, etc., etc., etc.

No. That's pretty much a myth perpetrated by the wingnuts. Global Warming and it's relation to carbon emissions has been studied for over a hundred years, by thousands of scientists. It has been supported by every major scientific institution throughout the world for quite some time - including NASA.

Not only has the empirical data shown that there is a direct relationship between carbon emmissions and the rate of global warming, but to anyone who is at all educated in the topic could tell you that increased carbon content in the atmosphere causing an increase in the heat held by the atmosphere is exactly what would be expected.

The 'bad' math that is alluded to by the wingnuts was just one memo refering to a mathematical trick - which was just a mathematic shortcut - still a totally valid mathematical method.

Denying Global Warming is just plain silly. It's only being attacked becuase a bunch of industrialists don't want to be forced into replacing their power plants with the industrial equivalent of 'Energy Star' efficient power plants.

I really wish that all you wingnuts would stop allowing yourselves to be lead around by the nose by anyone that has a few bucks in their pockets.

No, the bad math refers to a simple calculation thet the Royal Society made that gives a incorrect residence time for CO2. The only problem is they did it wrong. You might want to look at some other sources than the lefty wingnut sites that perpetually posit the exact same thing with no evidence to support it.

As far as the money goes I suggest you look at the "green" money being invested that will only come to fruition if the governements pass onerous laws that cripple the econmies of the free world.
Then again you may just wish to keep your head in the sand, the choice is yours.
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Yes, folks we all know that there are natural changes in the earth's temperature over time - usually in periods ranging from between one thousand to ten thousand years. Giving time for primitives to migrate.

One probable cause for the 10 thousand year cycles in the natural undulation of earth's orbit.

We also know that a moderate amount of global warming is more likely to have a positive effect on the environment - more arable land. Furthermore, we know that even small global cooling has caused extreme negative effects on civilizations - see the history channel documentary on 'The little Ice Age'.

However, 'Global Warming' caused by carbon emmissions is a very different thing:

First - It is measurable, predictable and if it weren't for the idiots that deny it, it would be controllable.

Second - As it is measureable and predictable, it is known that it will avalanche into a very rapid and beyond critical environmental disaster - meaning that millions of people are likely to die and that civilzation will not be able to respond fast enough.

Look, global warming does not just mean a rise in the sea levels. As the atmosphere warms it's capacity to hold water will increase. That means more frequent and more intense violent storms - we'll see catagory 6,7 and 8 hurricanes. They'll be hellatious in-land flooding. Lush tropical and sub-tropical lands will turn to deserts.

Of course there is a bright side - the Canadians and Russians are already talking about the new economic trade zone that will open up where the Arctic ice once was.

But, come on, tell me the truth - this is all a vast right wing conspiracy to accelerate global warming while ya all buy up Arctic front land up in Canada, right?

Really? Measurable? Predictable? Please show the class examples of what you just posted.

Exactly which part of a thermometer is it that you don't understand?

Look moron (and I mean that quite sincerely), it really isn't rocket science. Thousands of people all over the world measure something called the T-E-M-P-E-R-A-T-U-R-E every day. That means 'how hot it is outside'.

These people use a mystical process called A-V-E-R-A-G-I-N-G that tell them how hot the entire world is.

Other people take something called A-I-R S-A-M-P-L-E-S from all over the world everyday.

The people that take the air samples have magic ways of measuring the carbon content in the air samples.

All of these people have been doing this everyday for over a hundred years.

Then the people who measure the temperature and the people who measure the carbon content get together and compare their D-A-T-A (That means numbers).

And guess what they've found?

There's a direct relationship between the amount of carbon in the air and the rate of increase in the heat contained in the atmosphere. No kidding!

Then they use more magic called M-A-T-H-E-M-A-T-I-C-S and a process called E-X-T-R-A-P-O-L-A-T-I-O-N predict the heat contained in the atmosphere in the future.

These are the same people that have accurately predicted things like how much wieght the bridges you drive over will hold, or the fact that when you turn your key in your ignition and press the accelerator you engine will go varoom-varoom.

These are the same people that can predict whether your refrigerator will keep your food cold or that when you follow their rules you can actually type messages to other people over something called the I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T.

Just about everything you depend on for your very survival is based on their ability to predict. You believe them each and everyday in everything you do. Why suddenly stop when they predict global warming?

Because there are some wealthy industrialists paying to brainwash you into believing otherwise?

Look, you can google 'Global Warming', you can research it on wikipedia, you can turn off your stupid reality T.V. shows and watch discovery channel. The evidence is there, but you'll have to take your head out of your ass first to see it.

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